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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I lay it up the front of the paw and go down towards the nails, then up the back of the pads, then fold over to begin wrapping up and down the leg. So you cover over the end of the paw, then wrap around the leg. Helps reduce how mush sand etc gets in and helps make sure the toes all stay together. DMSO is an anti-inflammatory roll on thing. It pulls swelling out really fast. I have Flucort DSMO which is prescription but I have been told there is a DMSO(roll on) you can get from horse shops??? that isn't prescription. Makes their breath smell like they have been eating garlic!
  2. Well there you go, learn't something new! Co-flex and vetwrap are pretty much the same stuff. You can use some thin padding underneath, I don't tend to bother too much with that as I don't do it firm, firm enough to stay on, but no so much that I have to be worried about compramising circulation. The padding helps to make sure it is not to tight. She does have some very fat toes there poor little poppet. Seems to be the outside that are the most affected. The other thing I have used is DMSO as I have it from Rommi's Gracilis muscle injury and that can help pull the fluid out quite quickly . Not sure if you have ever had a fairly swollen foot or hand but they feel really weird to walk on so somtimes just getting the fluid down helps and they walk much better. Even some cold packs on their from time to time will help. It's okay Trixie we are not looking at your fat toes any more!!!
  3. CWEW - tell them to rack off although I do love your response! As long as the name is not a swear word or offensive I couldn't care less. *******casts her mind back to the poor pup that came into work called Syph - yep after the STD!!********* Anyway I personally quite like human sounding names, although OH doesn't and generally has more dog sounding names. Mine have been Arizona, Angel (that was my dog name contribution), Natasha - came already named and I really didn't like it much at all, Rommi and Lewis - who came named but I love it. OH's names - Zeus and Brutus. Cats - Oscar, Arnie, Dennis, Chevy, Boris, Boo I have found most animals name themselves to a degree, you look at them and some suit and some just don't no matter how much you like them. I have a dog called Lewis and a son called Toby!!! Toby has become quite popular lately for a kids name, but I still know more dogs called Toby than kids!
  4. Own a Whippet and you get used to sprained toes etc quite quickly! How many toes are swollen on each foot Amypie? Oh and naughty Dad for Mira!!!
  5. THe spot ons don't need to be on the skin for a month to work. They are absorbed(worm and heartworm component) in around 24 hours. IF you have a flea issue then you don't want your dog to swim everyday as the flea part of the product is not absorbed into the dog so therefore needs to sit on the dog. They can swim a few times a week or get washed weekly and the flea stuff will still work. I have used Advocate with no issus.
  6. I agree, no news is good news. Bloody ratsack, bloody pestie!
  7. Hope Trixie is better soon. This is something I have a reasonable amount of experience with! Rommi is always doing her toes! Last time she properly dislocated one. I wrap them with co-flex to help support them for a week to two depending on if just a sprain or a dislocation. The once the wrap is off and she is not limping I walk her only on lead ( as having 5 acres and two Whippets zoomies at break neck speed are a fairly normal occurance!) After 2 weeks for a sprain and 3 to 4 for a dislocation they go back to normal programming. I only give pain killer in the beginning when they are really sore, as soon as they stop limping I stop them as it can make them feel really good and then they are more likely to do a really good job. Goodluck Hope everyone elses dogs and ponies are getting better and they stop being silly and eating things they shouldn't or hurting themselves.
  8. I do talk to my dogs and yes I humanise because I have no idea what their emotions are called in dog, I only know human so that is the words I use. Mine get presents and birthday icecream - kids love organising that. But I do not truely believe they are even remotely human. I spend a lot of time reading and researching to try and enable myself to understand dog a little better. To many I may humanise them too much but they are well trained, well behaved and easy to have around BECAUSE I treat them like dogs. Using mum or dad, talking to them or using human words to describe a particular emotional state they are in is not an issue as far as I am concerned. I am sure more people would be worried if I started barking when decsribing how I believed they felt. Oh and I like human names for dogs and I never re-use a name as I like each one to have their own name for me, not becaue they give two hoots buts because when I say or here the name I know exactly who they are and all the mental pictures are there. When I am talking to someone they know instantly who I mean, not "oh you remember when Dog did whatever? You know my 5th dog, no not the BC the Wolfhound, yeh that's the one, well remember when...............
  9. We have a new breeder of the Rare Blue Staffy down here, and their prefix has blue in it..................... I know I am going to be seeing the consequences down the track, non-health tested parents, one dog has had skin issues since around 4 months.......... AARRGGHHHHHH!
  10. I haven't shown one that is standing and I am not sure I would, but luckily I haven't come across that problem just yet! They have been just in or well on the way out.
  11. I have shown mine, when it is as hard to get to shows as it is for me I go. It takes quite a few months of planning and if they happen to come in early or late and come into season I am not cancelling. Having said that I toilet them well away and don't line them up under any dogs noses. I have in the past been asked if I minded someone walking their male a little closer (not really close though) as he was a bit flat. Perked him up and he showed really well and got reserve challenge
  12. If they don't want to hear it say okay no worries. If they get an oodle cross that ends up with problems, I told you so!! YEs it is bitchy but you will have every right. Tell them you don't know of any oodle breeders as I wouldn't have the foggiest who any where or where to find them. Leave it to them, they may be people who need to learn for themselves.
  13. I agree, then also this line Well are they or aren't they hazardous to the health???? Sounds like scare mongering to me.
  14. My dogs are dogs and treated as such. However I also enjoy getting them christmas presents, have a small birthday party etc. Sometimes I tell the dogs to go jump on their dad! Because we do have young kids it is probably habit more than anything. The dogs couldn't care less they just know sometimes they get an extra special treat and sometimes they get toys. I don't worry about the feeling left out, they don't sleep on the bed, they are dogs and get disiplined etc as dogs, but if I want to do things -like a small birthday party- that I enjoy, then I will.
  15. There is 1 Qld Breeder out of three who advertise on the DogsQld website. So what? Maybe other breeders dont wish to be part of the scheme because they dont wish to pay yet another fee when they already have good breeding practices and care about the Code of Ethics and minimum breeding ages of bitches. But not everyone is squeaky clean though. See you stand your ground on your decission not to join and pay more fees but then you STATE but not everyone is squeeky clean though!!! Well wont this system help solve that statement???? No because as already mentioned, there are some less than ethical breeders that are already part of the scheme.
  16. I made that ribbon into a collar for a friend - it was for a pretty little girl Whippet though He will look very ahem ** manly in that
  17. Being a vet nurse can break your heart. Holding someones animal to have it euthed will they are clinging to you crying is very hard and to be honest with people I knew well I occasionally joined in. I had one couple who requested me as the person to hold their very old and sick dog for euthanasia as I was the only person she didn't bite and always seemed happy to see me. Those things reallyt ouch your heart. For someone to request that you are a part of something so emotional and raw for them. They trust you enough to include you There are some days I have gone home and sobbed and sobbed. However there are many days that have been great like the Jack Russell who was rushed through the door going purple and not breathing after being bitten by a snake, he went home a week later and was fine. Or the Dane in the same position who when I went to work the next day was bouncing around in his run demanding breakfast. I don't think you ever "get used to it" you just gain the ability to control your emotions better as you have more practice. I have had to put a few of mine down now and I cry like there is no tomorrow. The nicest thing my vets has said to me??? If I come back as an animal I would like to live here. This was the day he came out to euth my beautiful Clyde mare.
  18. I am very collar addicted so I can find pretty much any excuse for a new collar
  19. He could wear purple, but I personally think a lovely dark green looks fantastic on a Golden. When Lewis arrived he was wearing a purple collar. It lasted all of 15 minutes before the OH had removed it. He said it looked poofy. To be quite honest Lewis is the sookiest, most mummies girls blouse ever - but I still don't dress him in purple. There are so many other colours that would suit a golden, even a lovely rich burgundy.
  20. I think it would be a bit of trial and error. If he will only eat so much I guess the challenge is finding a food that delivers all the calories he needs in a lesser amount. I have only trialled it, but can let you know more in a few weeks. As a general rule mine get a bit under. What they get at the moment says 1 to 2 cups. One gets 3/4 of a cupo, the other 1 1/4 cups. This is changed also depending on the exercise for the day. Today it was that hot we have done very little so they will get the base amount, if we had of got to the beach then they would get 1/4 to half a cup more.
  21. Wowsers RnR hope she is ok. I suppose when i go i got three to five rottis i get avoided like the plague rofl. Mind you have had a few close encounters with zeus why the hell do they take on the biggest thankfully zeus is such a mummies boy he will stand his ground but come to me immediately and i can then keep the other dog at bay. i always go right up to the horse part of the beach though as to avoid people. With any luck she can go back to the beach minus dogs and find the person responsible. I reccomend she make a report anyway might get the ranger down to ensure rules are being follwed. My biggest gripe at the dog beach is it states dogs must be on lead to you hit the beach and those that let them out of car or to run from beach to car etc. gets mine all excited etc or they run through the kids grrrrr cc glad daisy is looking up how scary. my girl is now a woman as of today she is growing up Hope the Rotti is okay. My Rotti girl was so placid she had to be protected. Poor Daisy, glad she is home and on the mend now. It's alright emery Are you going to Albany in Feb?
  22. OUr stay on their bed if they don't they are put outside. They know this and iut is a very rare occurance that they have to be told to go to their bed. They never get fed from that table if someone tried I would smack their hand. If there are some scraps that they can eat they get put onto one bowl or plate and then it is shared bewtween them at tea time, which is after ours and of no fixed time. We have a sedan so the dogs are harnessed and clipped in. Lewis sits between the kids and Rommi sit in the front with me, if we are all in there, or on the front passenger seat when there is three of us. The kids can eat snakcs and icecreams in their seats and he will not try to take them, if he so much as sniffs he gets growled at, btu he rarely tries to these days. They are never fed snack from what we are eating in the car either. If we have people over they stay on their beds or get put in the dog yard.
  23. I crate my dogs because people are stupid and allow their dogs to come up to mine. My dogs a re friendly but I do not trust other people have a clue so therefore there is no play or socialising we are at dog club to wirk. The amount of people that walk their dogs over to mine in the crate and let them press their nose right up to it is amazing. For some reason even the very soft Rommi barks like mad when they do so I yell at them and they move away. I am constantly ahving to be aware of otehr people allowing their dogs to get right im my dogs faces if I am waiting to do something or just giving them a small break. People are stupid, laziness and complacency are not reasons or excuses. My dogs are friendly to epople and other dogs and I still don't want other peoples dog to get in their face. I tell them firmly first then if required, I yell, I reserve swear words for the truely stupid!
  24. I am recieving my bags of Black hawk tomorrow :D Wendy is great to deal with and very prompt with any enquires etc and very helpful.
  25. Yep I have noticed and I thought the same thing! Hot here today as well, 40 at the moment and really humid!
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