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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Had one done at 8 no negative issues apart from a longer recovery time compared to a juvenile, but even then within 5 to 7 days he was as normal.
  2. I'm Baacckk!!!! Well we did good ;) Lewis got a CCD pass and 1st Place. He also got Reserve challenge dog. He coped really well and while he didn't work to his normal standard in obedience he had a big weekend in really windy and cold conditions so I am really pleased. He showed his socks off. The first day was a learning curve for both of us as I have never showed him, day two we got it sorted and he was trying so hard to please and showed like a trooper Rommi got a second and a pass in CD - just her heeling was no where near her normal standard. This was not helped when the first instruction the judge gave I missed then rushed the turn and tripped over her. She took a bit to recover but all other exercises for good with a bit of a wiggle in the SFE. She also got Reserve Challenge bitch and Statebred in group. She showed really well as well and although she was a little unhappy to begin with due to very flappy noise tents in the wind, she recovered really well showed like she had done it forever and baited really well. I am ever so pleased with my little guys. My friends who went to their first ever trial both got passes in CCD and second and third. I am very proud of them both they have been working hard and it showed. One of the little guys is deaf and no-one guessed so that makes us extra happy ;)
  3. He may have a urinary tract infection especially if he is going frequently. It may be completely unrelated to the vacc, although he may have picked up a virus from going into a virus hot zone - ie vets car park etc.
  4. Protech is made by Fort Dodge, Canvac is made by CSL. They both do Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus Same sort of deal although I think Protech claim immunity sooner or something to that effect. How come he had 2 vacc's 2 weeks apart?
  5. SOunds like it may be the best, then you don't have as much of a grooming issue and it will be a little more uniform.
  6. Ah righto. I guess the only thing you could do is trim the hair around the bald spot to stop it matting as much but I am not sure if taking scissors to a wheaten is a smackable offence?????? Or extra brushing?? I am guessing treatball is going to disappear really soon! Goodluck and lots of no mat vibes to you
  7. Now that looks a whole bunch better No new head shots?
  8. If her skin is not irritated then I wouldn't panic it will grow back. What sort of dog is she and I am a little puzzled as to how the treat ball has pulled out her coat. A groomer won't be able to help you as they cannot stick coat back on! Having a bald patch won't annoy her but if the skin is irritated you can put a local anasesthetic or cortisone cream on the irritated patch. I think you need to take a deep breath it really is not that bad.
  9. Yep I should have been a boy scout! I think the dogs have a bigger bag than me! I am hoping the drizzle holds off, I will let you know possibly not until monday, depends on how late I get back.
  10. Okay make that three each - can't decide, waterproof, double polar fleece, light coat??????? So I will take them all, good thing I am the super packer
  11. OSoSwift


    I agree Kirislin, Rommi naturally carries her tail tucked under quite a way and isn't a real tail wagger. You are more likely to get a mouth full of whoo whoo's and cheek before she turns into a waggy tail dog. Lewis doesn't carry his tail as low and is naturally a waggy dog. Just saying his name gets a tail wag, give him a good chat and a scratch and it's going flat out.
  12. That price is very good compared to what we get down here. All the dogs I have know of have eaten it, but most of them were good eaters anyway.
  13. Great news The worst injury I had was when our cat nearly escaped out the door(they were indoor only cats) and I garbbed him just as he was about to break free. I scared the poor little thing half to death and I ended up with one claw going into a knuckly and another going through the webbing between fingers. The one into the knuckle actually damaged my tendon adn I ended up with and infection in the tendon. I washed it for ages, got a syringe and cleaned out the holes and by the next morning my hand was three times normal size and oozing green gunk. TWo lots of antibiotic later and it was all better
  14. Are you going to take their jackets/pj's just in case? Most certainly! Infact I have two each Their cool coats double quite well as a good lightweight coat when they are not wet and it is not too cold. I also have their double polar fleece extended neck ones that I can roll the necks down on. I am hoping for warm overcast and no drizzle - not liking my chances though! When I rang their was around 225 with a couple more on the sunday.
  15. Worst I ever saw in the peeing dog stakes was a dog peeing on a baby's bassinet, with the baby in it! As for the bitches in season threads, like other common topics they usually go the same way - to the point that when I saw this one come up I thought to myself that I could write a summary of the thread before it got going!! Some people will say it's rude, others will say the objectors' dogs need better training. Neither side will agree. I think some manners goes a long way, as well as some perspective about what a day away from a show ultimately means (ie, not a lot unless you're missing a once in ten years specialist God of your breed). It can mean a lot if you have booked accommodation, made travel arrangements not to mention entry fees wasted especially if it's a cluster show. Or if you don't show very often for whatever reason. I know when I do 'away' shows, I have to take everybody with me. Could always scratch the bitch in season but she would still be there in the tent or whatever and I certainly wouldn't be leaving her unattended! So it's not always a case of 'omg I can't miss a show for a single reason'. I definitely agree with you about manners though, let people know what's happening and be considerate. I agree, for me it is a rare occurence and there is a lot of roganisation and money involved in accomodation etc. Not to mention that I quite often have people coming with me and don't want to let them down. Having said all that I am quite lucky my bitches seasons are quite predictable and consistant so I don't try to organise anything really close to a season anyway. Travelling with an entire female and male without a trailer would be a recipe for disaster I think anyway! At this point in time my only planned shows and trials for the year are two shows and they are 475kms away(the closest shows to me) so if I drop "just one show" it could be 8 months before I get to another!
  16. hahaha I will only report if I have good things to report! With all the drizzle I am not confident that Whippets will wanting to put their chests on the wet grass, but we will see I am going to channel positive thoughts only today and tomorrow! My dogs now seem to go quite a few months between Bowen and in the last few weeks I start to notice little things that prompt me to book an appointment.
  17. In the heat of the moment he wouldn't have known it was your hand. It is very stressful living with dogs who will fight and injure each other, I had two the same. And yes you are right don't put your hand in vetween but when you have seen what they are capable of you are doing whatever you can to get them apart before one of them is seriously injured. Hope your hand feels better very soon, and yes your doctor was right you are very naughty for not going straight to the doctor! Fingers crossed for no broken bones.
  18. I just looked at the WA breeders of Staffords, so many I have never heard of and so many Blue! I have been out of it for a while, but goodness me!! Hope I helped Willow
  19. Yep agreed it is shitful stuff to treat with a vet at your disposal, you can get them thourgh it but it can be hard with all the equipment
  20. If they do try placing a tube they will need to wedge something hard in between the teeth and bandage the muzzle shut so that the tube cannot be bitten off. Intubating can be difficult especially in a concious dog who is fighting for breathe.
  21. Is the dog going rigid at all??? Potential access to snail pellets????? one of them causes very awful diahhorea and muscle twitching etc DO you have a fire place??? charcoal from that would be okay if you could maybe stick it in a coffe grinder or smash it evry small. Over what period of time has the dog gone down? If it is ratsack and the dog is going blue then it will be due to a major bleed etc so will need vit K an dpossibly a bllod transfusion, also take a little time to show up.
  22. OSoSwift


    It's not unheard of but its not what the breed standard calls for and I'd not call it 'common'. I think socialisation plays a big part of this and genetics does the rest. Most of the Whippets I know are quite outgoing. My Whippet boy is confident and outgoing. However Whippets don't do well with owners who throw tantrums, heavy handed training and stressful households. Can't say I blame them. I agree. My whippets are clicker trained and have great recalls as well. They are not timid but they don't like it if I raise my voice to the kids at all. My Whippets love people and if anything are a little too enthuiastic with their greeting.
  23. Mine love it, I got them done last week then Rommi ran into a jarrah outdoor chair! Oh well we will be beack next week Are you getting 3 done all sort of within a week?? I found that works well int he beginning then as required. I love getting it done as well and at times nearly go to sleep. 2 sleeps to go until we are off trialing and showing !!!
  24. I bought a "few things" yesterday at Coles and walked out $70 lighter! ;) My house and car insurance is due in April, bugger! Getting a new house and new car at the same time was not the most thought out plan Congrats!!!!! New puppy here you come Yes we will be getting the new pup, I am excited but also a bit scared, I dont want my relationship with Mason to change but at the same time I also want to make the newbie feel welcome and not left out I have had 2 dogs before but I got them at the same time so I did not really bond with one more than the other. I know how you feel and I felt the same going from just Rommi to Rommi and Lewis. But it was great, they are both different enough they enjoy different things, they get along well and i have one tha really loves training, the other one not as much so it easy to fit both in. I would happily add a third WhIppet and not be worried about that now. When I had the Dobes having two was difficult but I think a lot of that had to do with their personalities and the fact after time they ended up hating each other and jealousy was a huge issue. Whippets do not care about that - oh and you can easily fit two at a time on your lap for a cuddle
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