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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. My old Dobe bitch was on it for around 3 or 4 years from memory and in the last year of her life was on two a week. I took those odds and never had an issue. It pays to be informed so you can look for signs of a problem but I honestly don't think I have ever seen a dog with a concerning side effect from stilboesterol in the 15 years I worked in veterinary hospitals.
  2. Try the Happy Paws training treats. They are an advertiser on here, just clicker on the "see all advertisers" bit on the banner up the top of the page. Dogs love them
  3. Shelley is looking better, I am assuming that she is still on a diet? I am not sure what an adult female Goldie would normally weight as a very general rule. Shelley will be thanking you for carrying less weight :rolleyes:
  4. What we ate, Roast, lasagne-yes with onion! Sometimes raw whole herring that we caught on holidays and then froze. The odd raw bone, the odd bit of chocolate, fruit. Our dog didn't eat dog food canned, dry or otherwise. Whenever mum made tea there was always a bowl with the dogs tea made up as well.
  5. I was watching a beagle at our club yesterday, seriously over size height wize, but carrying far too much weight as well. I LOVE to see fit lean dogs of any breed, one of my pet hates is iverweight dogs. Having Whippets I get it all the time from all sorts of people. The only people I don't get it from are my vets!! One in particular loves seeing my dogs as they are fit and lean. Your dog will be far sounder for longer and is less likley to get arthritis and the many other issues that come with ebing obeses or over weight. I actually had to put some weight on mine when I showed them last week - not a lot but put some on them, and most of the other Whippets were still carrying more weight than mine, except for one. I just my dogs they do obedience adn various other things I cannot and will not risk injuries due to excess weight. Ignore the ignorant people and keep doing what you are doing as your dog is supposed to be a fit lean working dog.
  6. Okay that sounds good. Will give that a go. I have an a-frame set up at home and about to get the dog walk to do the same but will have limited access to a seesaw unless I can convince OH to make one.
  7. Thank you. When you say you hold the seesaw a small distance off the ground and get them to jump on and bang, they obviously are doing that on the low end just above the ground, but do you get them to put two feet on or jump all four feet on?? Both mine will happily put the two front feet on firmly and wait to be told to go but I am not sure they would jump on as I have always taught two front feet then go.
  8. Can you wonderful DOLers please share with me the way you train the seesaw. I know of one method but want to make sure that it is the best way for the dogs we are training at the moment. I have the two Whippets, there is a little Stafford and a Goldie. Many thanks
  9. OH just told me I can't understand people not wanting contact cause I am a weird dog person!!! He told me the average Joe Public buys a puppy and that's it that is all the relationship they expect. Most wouldn't think to contact the breeder if it goes pear shape becasue to them they own the dog adn the breeder is long forgotten. To a degree I think he has a point but there are obviously people out there like me! He then went on to tell me that a "breeder - using the term very loosely" sold a person he works with a pup. They bought a male, turns out it is a bitch!!!! Hope it wasn't called Roger or something! I asked if he returned it to get the sex he wanted. Apparently they didn't because they liked it regardless of sex. Worries me someone like that can call himself a breeder of any sort!!!
  10. I would double bag it in ziplock bags to make sure it doesn't leak then bubble wrap it. Not to much chance of a potential problem then!
  11. I always encourage my dogs to toilet on lead. We recently went away for the weekend. My dogs toileted no issues all good. My friends dog had always been taught not to toilet on lead. we ended up having to drive down a really quiet gravel road on the way home,so we could let her off lead and it still took half an hour. She had refused to toilet for two days apart from one pee and ended up quite distressed. She is now going to buy an extenda lead and see if she can teach her to toilet on that.
  12. SOunds like a good plan. I am still shocked that sending an email to someone when their pup was 12 months old can be classed as stalking and an owner going right off. Some strange people in the world!
  13. I don't care if they cock their leg outside, they are just going to the toilet. Inside yes they would be sternly growled at. My entire male who is 2 years old still squats most of the time, if he has been inside for example and needs to go becaue his bladder is full he squats. If he wants to mark he cocks his leg.
  14. Suprelorin is the implant. Origionally designed to use in male dogs to chemically casterate them. I know of someone who is trialling it but not sure how it is going hasn't been in long.
  15. Done my three. The old fella is very different to the Whippets - our favourite saying around him - Not the sharpest tool mate, not the sharpest tool! I only put contact details on one though not sure if that matters?? He always has to be told everything at least twice because that is how the OH trained him!
  16. I have two Whippets with cats and they are fine. I wouldn't leave them locked up together just incase, but they are fine outside offlead and inside. Sometimes when they are doing zoomies they cut it fine and do fly-byes over the cat, sometimes she flattens out and sometimes she runs but they don't chase her. They have always been watched around the cats and any sign of prey drive towards them was stopped immediately. I have also had the Whippets out with a mum and baby Guinea pigs who were bolting around(by accident) they were told to leave it and they did, Lewis sniffed one it's bum and it bolted and I thought uhoh it's gone, but when I yelled leave it he did and removed himself to stand next to Rommi while watching me dive around like a loonie catching escapee piggies! I think our little cat likes the dogs more than us and has one favourite in particular. The British tolerates them if they stay a few feet away, it is beneath him to mingle with dogs!
  17. I think it is over the top myself, but I have never thought that moving or picking a dog up by a scruff or handful of skin has ever been acceptable. I would also have told them to stop I would do it. Sometimes though we don't or are a little frozen until it is too late. Don't beat yourself up if he was really worried by it he would have yelped or shown discomfort. I would go elsewhere if you are no longer comfortable
  18. Ahh fair enuff! I personally cannot understand someone not wanting to pester their breeder with photos and emails about one of their pups! I warn mine before I buy them as well. I do not expect a reply all the time but I love sending photos and telling them how wonderful the dogs are. To me it shows the breeder does care about their babies. I hope any babies I may breed in the future go to people who love to send me photos and emails
  19. I can see your point Raz, but what if it was your puppy's first birthday? If you get no contact after that then I wouldnt do it again as it might been seen as pushy or creepy. But I wouldn't have thought so for the first birthday. I guess I am seeing it from the point of view of a person who would have contact and someone who would not see it as creepy
  20. I have walked two Dobes and a Stafford in the past. Then it was a Dobe a Stafford and a Jack Russell while pushing a pram. Now it is two Whippets and pram, the Stafford is too old I have tried coup0ling leads but don't like them I prefer seperate leads as Rommi like to trot along next to youa nd Lewis generally goes out to the end of the lead. As I don't generally walk in town roaming dogs are not an issue. Two excitable Whippets and either a kangeroo, fox or rabbit can make for an interesting few moments though!
  21. Great job, If that was my dog I would be exceeding gratefull. I hope if mine ever do take themselves for a walk that someone as wonderful as Jadesamar finds them adn makes sure they get home safe.
  22. I personally would love it, but I would be probably annoying you with never ending emails and photos anyway I would do it for their first birthday but as mentioned before if you hear nothing back then I would not send it next year. Sure you don't want to breed Whippets????
  23. Not really sure. Our old Stafford had two removed a few years ago and has never had any more. There were a couple of Cockers I groomed who had new ones in different spots every single time I groomed them. Sometimes two or three at a time. They were litter siblings and I wondered wether or not they had a genetic predisposition to them.
  24. I have seen a dog that is aparently a Pug X Beagle but it is brindle and has short legs and a longer body???? Goodness knows what it actually is? I have never seen a brindle poodle but have seen and clipped a Phantom.
  25. Dogs require up to 60% more food while they are growing than when they are fully grown. As PF says it sounds like your girl is about there. She doesn't need food to graze on "for something else to do" get her lots of toys etc and rotate them. Eating food for the sake of it is never a good thing.
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