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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. The effective whilst dry and in direct sun interests me also
  2. Do you have the casual cut or the sport cut?
  3. Mine are very smooth coats and I like them :)
  4. I have read lots of what she and many others have written and don't remember seeing it but will go and check through my stuff again.
  5. I have never seen or heard of a Dobe born with a natural Bob tail. Interesting done a bit of quick reading and it appears the odd bob turns up as do kinked tails - seemingly mainly in the US. I haven't hear of one in Australia and considering my mnay years and hours reading and researching I hadn't come across it so I would say the chances of it occuring in Australia are extremely slim. However in the name of more effective research I will ask those in the know :) I wish I could get a NBT Dobe :)
  6. About no chance! Occasionally I saw a natural bob in odd crosses. One was a multi mutt cross, the other a Boxer ridge. His was definitely natural. They do turn up in crosses you would be surprised at BUT it's exceedingly rare for two long tails to produce a dock. I remember years ago a Rotti owner was told her pup was a natural bob. In about 5 seconds I found a scar and it was a blunt square tail not a tapering bone as you find in a natural bob
  7. IN WA you say Dogswest member and they stare blankly at you. No reduced rates here
  8. This sickens me. Only truely revolting disturbed people would not give an animal basic comforts regardless of their ability of being rehomed or not. The fast that epopel who are supposed to care about animals can treat vunerable dogs and cats in their care inhumanely is beyond comprehension. And I agree, I hope they suffer terribly forever more for what they have done.
  9. I have cool champions for my Whippets and really like them. I do have to admit I have never tried any other brands :)
  10. The elastic collar starts at 30cm, the semi-check starts at 40cm's. My guys are around 30 to 35cms. I make my own limited slips so that is no issue but the safety collars look interesting
  11. The elastic collar does look good, but I wonder, would the elastic snap if the collar twisted around? Collars can be loose and normally slip over the heaqd, but due to twisting and a panicing dog can kill them. Might have to send them an email Mine don't wear collars as they play a lot and a lot of that play is mouthing, bitey face/neck play
  12. I know of another case in a GSD/Belgian sheep x. Did she do a skin scraping or assume the hairless was due to demodectic mange mite?
  13. Here http://mobile.philly.com/blogs/?wss=/philly/blogs/phillypets/&id=268308912 A pup down here recently started with mucky eyes and some pimples. Over time he got quiter, skin got worse, went off his food etc etc
  14. Hmmm the mucky eyes, the pustules, I am thinking strangles............. Will have to google to find the correct term.......
  15. Their webpage says they are not intersted from what I can see. Wonder what these little guys would be like at dog sports?
  16. The comment from his last round, where he hit the turbo charge button and I was calling out, over, shit!!! - to which the judge cracked up laughing - was geez he is quick! Even with missing two jumps adn having to come back he came in waaayyyy under time
  17. Excellent thank you, I will go and check them out. They are pretty good with turns etc until they get a bit excited so more work will definitely help
  18. This is an old one brought up to the top again :) I do have my boarding kennels, this is for day boarding, so set up a little differently to my long term boarding. I have many small and you breeds with no issues what so ever.
  19. Lewis is very fast and can turn very sharply, but yep occassionally he lengthens and oops, over shoots :)
  20. what sort of commitment are we talking? Thats what concerns me. BEtween kids, kennels, dogs and horses some weeks are just not possible to train.
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