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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I have a question I am wondering if anyone has a copy of the 2 X 2 weaving DVD I could borrow please?? I know this is a really big ask and I will not be at all offended if no-one wishes to lend, but I thought I would put it out there. Thank you
  2. I think a GSP, Weim, or Pointer may be more up your alley. A friend of mine breeds GSP's and I have never noticed doggy smell on her dogs. They are ebergetic and can handle similar exercise to a Dobe, if not more.
  3. To be honest most of the general Joe Public think this way. When I got Lewis I knew there would be one person in particular that would ask to use him over their unrego'd bitch. I said no as she was not registered and I didn't want to breed BYB puppies and he was not available to public stud etc etc. I then got asked 6 months later, I know you said no, but my Other Whippet is sick and I really want a puppy so would you consider it. Answer again - no, as for before reasons and also the fact that I would lose my Canine rego if I did and I was definately not going to, They found someone else willing, who had rego'd dogs, but the Whippet is not - and wahla 5 puppies and a 1 am Caesar. Now these people look after their dogs well, all puppies are vaccinated etc they don't go until 8 weeks of age, but being rego'd isn't important to them. You just cannot change peoples minds about it when they see little benefit to doing it. Now with this person - and most others- they fact the bitch isn't rego'd means absolutely nothing and saying to them no because they are not rego'd etc, the person just does not consider it of much importance. They did say at one stage that they could just call past when she was in season and chuck her in with my dogs and how would I know the difference - now they were joking as I know them well, but it did get me thinking about the possibity that people may actually stoop so low as to do it. They were told, do that and you will know what getting blasted by a shotgun feels like
  4. Yep a Whippet sounds like it would fit that. They shed little and if they are going through a coat change i just give mine a good going over with a Zoom groom. No doggy smell, like a good walk/run but can cope a day if they don't get one here and there. Bitches around 11kgs, dogs around 14 to 15 kgs.
  5. Sorry to hear about his diagnosis. I guess you do at least have an answer now, but not a nice one. Hope all goes well for you both.
  6. Mine are going great on it. I have also noticed that Lewis's tendency to occassionaly try to eat some of Rommi's poo has stopped - hopefully forever! They also have smaller firmer poops - gotta love that Mine will stay on this
  7. Hmmm I do not see my name anywhere??????
  8. Have you considered trying Black Hawk dog food?? Maybe look at those ingredients. I have never fed Royal Canin and it is not available down here.
  9. That is why my dogs are ALWAYS put away if we have BBQ's or people over for tea. Then I know what they have eaten etc and they won't get fed cooked bones or something stupid. Good on the dog for biting, good the dog was released and no charges were layed. Moron who got bitten should have been charged with animal cruelty. I have also heard of a dog that a guest had picked up and was holding her around the chest and swinging her between his legs. His grip slipped he dropped the pup and damaged it's cruciate and it could never be shown and it's leg was never quite right. Personally I have roared at people doing stupid things to dogs and if it was my house they would be escorted off the property. But that is why I lock mine up
  10. I think there are some branches of the RSPCA and some people who do have the bests interests of the animals at heart and try very very hard to help them out. However I do not donate to them because they are always crying poor, yet I remember reading somewhere are worth some stupid amount of money - 56million rings a bell - not sure. They pay their top people insane amounts of money, if they were really that short of money, then pay your top fat cats less! The people on the ground trying to do the right thing at the bottom of the food chain get very little while the fat cats get fatter. They are against purebred dogs and breeders. There are some cases which I believe have been handled extremely poorly and they have been trying to make examples of some people - usually those in a very poor position to defend themselves. They are answerable to no-one - if I have an issue with the way they have treated me or my case for example there is no-one you can complain to, no ombudseman of any sort. A private not-for profit(supposedly) business should not have that much power - ever. I think the RSPCA needs a major overhaul and until that happens and the organistaion become more transparent I will not be helping them.
  11. Um nope, would never happen here. Anyway who needs a special chair when they can just counter surf what it is they want from the table!
  12. Hi freundhund, My main prob is my boy has sliped his flat leather collar a few times when he was younger, so we use a martingale, I will have a go with your sujestion of 2 collars & see how Orlando goes. Being a whippet they have a smaller head than neck. I am going to buy and will use a proper leather Whippet collar. They are wide and can be done up firmly so they cannot slide over the head, but are also gentle on the neck. It would be good if you could use a martingale or limited slip, but other than that I am going with a correctly fitted Whippet collar
  13. They won't be able to bust out of roll top mesh, it is used to contain livestock and is very strong, much stronger than any type of fencing wire or chain mesh. You would be able to buy some for the top as well or maybe use a piece of chainmesh for the roof unless theya re likely to chew through it at roof height?? Cant remember the heights though.
  14. We did around 3 and a half kms today (will double check the distance shortly), Lewis was fine I was once again puffing flat out after going up the hill! Yesterday we walked 10kms with a bit of a break in the middle. I feel fitter already, but a long way to go! Lewis came home then proceeded to run around madly chasing Rommi and playing ball. I managed a decent wander!
  15. I have mine either crated or in their dog yeard depending on where I am training. Yes they can see and hear what is going on. I use clicker training, mainly with treats. They are quiet as a general rule although Lewis will whinge and whine when I am training Rommi at dog club sometimes, but he does that just because he is locked up and she isn't - doesn't matter wether I am training or not!!! Them watching seems to make them want to train more and they have more enthusiasm. If I am training and they are a little flat I put them away, bring out the otehr dog and train them for a bit then swap back. Usually that works, if not I stop training the unenthused one and try and figure out why they are training as they are.
  16. Hmmm well PETA have just shown us they definately are idiots - although we knew that anyway! Paying for porn to help animals - yep I can see a connection there.....we actually no I can't. They are just trying to grab attention as per usual and as mentioned they are running out of arguments for their cause and ideas so going with the shock factor. The sooner they are exterminated the better. Hopefully PETA supporters follow their own drivel and don't breed because then they will die out and leave us in peace.
  17. Roll top Mesh is very good for making temporary areas for dogs. Not cheap but very sturdy, comes in a range of heights, very decent thickness. You only need upright poles then attatch the mesh to that. Available from Ag type plases I would think.
  18. I really hope your puppy pulls through for you. I have nursed parvo dogs/puppies and whilst some haven't made it, many have. Do not give up on your little girl just yet. Goodluck Zoey.
  19. We I have just come back from getting the car looked at. The dogs and I have walked 10kms, they also had a short trip to the beach chasing an I-squeak, and we got stopped by heaps of people that wanted to ask Whippet questions and wanted pats, one lovely man wanted an older rescue so has been put onto WA Whippet Rescue. Love those public relations The dogs are flat on their sides snoozing and todays bike riding session has been cancelled!
  20. Maybe he can RS Thank you for you thoughts regarding Boris, it's thi first time since I was 19 I have only one cat! Feels a little weird
  21. Breeding them once a year every year?? Poor bitch, wonder how long she plans on doing that for!
  22. RIP Boris, bad boy in blue! 3.10.98 - 29.03.11 You were an unusual cat, couldn't catch mice, fell off any ledge under 3 inches wide. This meant you fell in the bath often! You always hoped out and looked rather embarressed while waiting to get dried off. You couldn't jump much and got stuck behind the baby gates quite often. You only liked pats and cuddles on your terms. You shed like no tomorrow and loved chasing doona mice at ungodly hours of the morning. You came with the woosiest pedigree name ever. We named you Boris and the "other" name was barely, if ever uttered! I wouldn't have changed you for the world. I am better for you having been in my life. RIP my boof head, say hi to Arnie, Dennis and Chevy who are waiting for you at the bridge I would love for you to take photos of mine CC, but am too far away - quite normal for where I live!!! If you ever take a holiday, swing past
  23. Got my British's blood results back, He is in complete kidney shutdown so we will be euthing him this afternoon.
  24. Thanks Ptolomy I make my dogs their coats as well, but haven't had the sewing machine out for a little while I confess, need to get onto that! Its a Dogz website and is very easy to use for someone like me who has very little knowledge of such things :D I have checked out your red kids site before and I love looking at them, not sure I could live with a Toller, but I think they are great We are calving at the moment and I have had a few hectic days but all in all it's pretty good. Hardest thing is getting up early to get the eldest kid on the school bus - none of us like early mornings here!
  25. Yep I have I already need to put up some more photos etc but still haven't quite gotten around to it! My Whippets I agree with the call names on the tabs Emery and the background was a little hard on my eyes as well, also possibly have the font a little bigger(this may be because I am half blind though!) - not much though :D
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