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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Bugger, I had that with Rommi with her Gracillis (sp?) muscle. She is 100% sound now. I think it was 6 weeks crate rest, and I used DMSO on the area, then lead walks only and it took a while to work back up to normal.
  2. I would also contact the breeder. Even if they do not ask for a secind opinion I would get one myself. They may say the same thing and you may feel you didn't need to pend the extra to be told the same thing, but at least that is definately the issue. ETA I do not think they are trying to buck pass at all, just probably very upset and confused and trying to figure out what is seen as the norm, and what they should do. Not everyone is dog and breeder savy
  3. Yep I clicker train and love it and is really the only way I would do it now unless someone could show me a way that worked better Thanks for the compliment Luv Lottie. I know I have heaps to learn and improve on, but we are all happy so that goes a loongg way
  4. Zenith very helpful and interesting. I did something similar but increased it to a longer distance more quickly as my dog was still running around like a loonie after we had gone the 2 to 3 kms. We are now doing 7km bike ride and a 3 to 4 km walk at least every second day, and sometimes two days in a row, but the bike riding bit on the second day is generally 3 to 4 kms. So out of 7 days we would have 4 days of bike rides and 5 to 6 of walks of 3 to 7kms. We also live on acerage so eveytime they are outside they are trotting, running and zooming around in 5 acres. A Pap doing the ET would be the definition of cute! RS I think of it as fit for purpose. If I only did ET type of training I wouldn't expect them to hold their frame easily and for any length of time doing obedience as those muscles would not be fit to be used in that way. Once they are trained up and fitter they do it quite easily, same with your girls and the distance thing.
  5. That is fantastic. And who wanted pork steaks anyway!
  6. Murve that would work if the paddocks were not so large, and with creeks and bush etc. I hope they find who owns the dogs and gets them charged with allowing a dog to roam and making them pay for the stock losses. At around $120 per lamb it will add up rather quickly! What annoys me about off leash dogs etc is there are rules, they are not hard to understand - Just do it for goodness sake. As for the morons who have no idea what a dog is saying, they only want a play, they will sort it out etc. A lovely strong wooden plank over the head should work!
  7. Poor Spartan, pregnant ladies do get a little testy towards the end.....in the beginning........well you know whenever they feel like it! Good to hear about your boy Emery, hopefully he stays that way or even better still, gets even more mobile!
  8. Henrietta due to your last thread I bought a book and have read it throughlya nd will again. It was facinating. I was sitting there going oh yeh that makes ense, oh wow yep I can see why my dog did that etc etc. I may have to chase down some more by the sounds of it. This stuff really interests me! Wish I could get to a seminar!
  9. Thank you Pax and Teebs it is wonderful to know there are people like you all helping out when people really need it.
  10. So glad nothing happened to Zac, you do have to wonder Bedazzled. I not only worry about those sorts of interactions, but also the fact Whippets tear easily and one decent nip acan mean off to the vets for a stitch up. I am VERY thankful I live on acerage and rarely have to deal with this issue. I feel for those of you who do. RS OH and I were talking about this very thing this afternoon. They obviously cannot care too much if their dog lives or dies. A neighbour has had some lambs killed over the last few days. He has tried to catch them but no luck, he has had to resort to laying baits as the damage to his flock is increasing. If people actually cared if their dog lived or died there is no way they would take a risk that their dog is not contained correctly.
  11. You are never desensitised to the loss of an animal. You do learn to cope a little more as time goes on as when an owner is falling apart the last thing they need is a vet or nurse falling apart with them. Having said that I have shed more than a few tears with people as I have be privilidge to help them when their beloved pet has gone on it's final journey. I have lost 5 of my animals in the last 3 and a half years, all of them at the end of their lives. I still cry and I still am very upset but I have young children I cannot get depressed and cry for days and not function, I also have other pets and a farm to run. I lost 3 calves this year, one born dead, one had to be pulled and was dead and the other was hiplocked and still alive but the cow was down in the paddock. I did everything I could to get that calf out alive, everything, I even pulled all the muscles in my hands and feet trying to help the cow. I did eventually manage to help her but I lost the calf, even after cardiac massage and mouth to nose. I didn't cry or scream but I was extremely upset for quite a few days. Not everyone carry's their emotions on their sleeve. Some people that have, especially when younger, learn over time to carry them a little closer to their heart. I do not believe that a vet or anyone that works at a vet hospital EVER gets desensitised to animals dying or being euthanased. They just change the way they resond to the emotion. 15 years never cured me of being extremely saddened by euthing pound dogs or thinking what an absolute bloody waste of a good dog, or dissapointed in the humans that where the ones who put them there. However euthanasia to me is preferable to them being abused starved etc. If these dogs can be taken to a uni, loved and cuddled then GA for a non-recovery surgery then I hate the fact they are euthed at all, but I would prefer they are used to help train our vets.
  12. Sorry must be a Whippet with all those wonderful flowing lines :D
  13. My Dobe was called Angel and I was told more than once I was tempting fate. She was however a great dog to live with and definately deserved her name. at the porn star!!!!!
  14. Poor Wandy, Rommi has done four seperate toes, a couple of them twice - so I definately feel your pain there - and hers! Do you do night shift or early morning shift?? hopefully you get to sleep
  15. Just thinking, Lewis's rego'd name is Urban Legend and he does think he is a legend in his own lunch box. Rommi is Lil Sea Urchin and she is little and cute and a bit of an imp, so that works as well
  16. If it is my dog for me to train etc then I can have what I like. If the dog is emant to be more of a family dog then we compromise a little more - I provide a list he says yes interesting or no. OH likes Braccy dogs, I think they are gorgeous but I have different reasons for wanting a dog to him so I don't get braccy breeds. If he wanted one though we would get one as a second, third or fourth dog. I end up doing everything for all of them anyway, but I like most dogs so it's all good
  17. Oh - I wish mine were named after someone/something! Although the OH called his dog Brutus - the whole name Brutus Boofhead beefcake. And he is as thick as two short planks and slow moving although loveable
  18. Two to three is normal here. They get Black Hawk once daily and either a small bone or chew of some sort.
  19. I don't think you should be looking at the test as a 20k event. It is broken up into three sections of 8k, 6k, and 6k again. It sounds like his fitness is at a good level to complete the test. Try taking him out for 8 ks and then resting him for 15 minutes, then go again. It is amazing how quickly the dogs can recover from their exercise and want to go again. M Yes Abbistar you are right, I was considering doing that so will give it a go. He seems to be just as energetic at he beginning as he is when we have been for a run. Murve, sounds like Orlando is enjoying the extra exercise, well done in the obedience training as well - go Orlando (very cool Whippet name by the way!) It will be great to have some more titles by the end of the year. Hopefully we can get two more passes so Lewis will have his CCD and Rommi her CD. We only have 2 trials planned for this year though so Murphy's Law will state it doesn't happen quite that way!
  20. Yep because they have no poodle in them what so ever. Are not bred for monetary gain, are from health and temperment tested parents and have hybrid vigour. Oh my why on earth wouldn't you want one of those instead of a registered poodle who is from an ethical breeder that health tests and breeds only from stable dogs ???????????????????
  21. I am a little worried if I start doing 10+ kms next to the bike in my training sessions I will be overdoing it. But being a Whippet I am very concious of the fact they are not a breed naturally inclined towards endurance. Not sure what to do at the moment. I don't want to over do it and have a sore dog who can't go at all. I do 7kms on the bike and then a walk as well and he is just about pulling to go for the walk and never lags, then comes comes and runs Whippet zoomies around the 5 acres so I think his fitness is up there. Hmmm what to do???
  22. Great to hear Kathq - it is great when it does work. Gotta love a happy waggy tail I think I must have been channeling Ptolomy last night to some degree. Sat down with the dogs and watched an Agility training DVD while eating Doritos!! Didn't have a Cider though just Cooldrink! Hopefully some of your fantastic training skills get channeled my way as well :D
  23. Can't find anything in particular for our shire. I have always thought 2 was the limit but I know they do not enforce that on rural properties or semi rural with no hassles. I pretty much have had three out here (2 only in town though)and they wouldn't know or care as they never cause an issue. I know one farmer who had 10 dogs from very young pups to aged retirees. I don't event hink they were rego's with the council?? Most have a sheep tag on them if they are from a property with sheep so many have been tracked down that way. Personally here I would have what I wanted, but out of curiosity I am going to ring and find out!
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