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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I was always told the shoulder was the bestplace to get it. Unfortunately my dog had it in her elbows.
  2. If she is getting the chicken necks and the kibble I would say she is getting enough. I would keep an eye on her and if she is the same in a week or there abouts I would be concerned. She may also be coming down with a virus. Hopefully she is back to normal soon
  3. Unforunately you cannot control everything. You sound like you have a great plan organised and it is one of those things. Can he be seperated especially while youa re gone so it can't happen again? Hope you are not too stressed for the rest of your holiday
  4. Good luck RS all fingers and paws crossed for Ruby
  5. Hi OsoSwift, Yes, you can talk to your dog. Remember, it is NOT an obedience trial. Verbal encouragement and correction is fine. Have you entered a test? M Ours is the 18th of June, so am about to send entries off Hopefully I don't forget myself and sing too loudly under my breathe Oh and Murve I think that 1km at 10.5kms is fantastic for a little Pap, that is a long way for those little legs!
  6. Oh and Murve - well done to your little Pappy, can't wait to see the vid one day - Ultra ccuuttee!
  7. Quick question. Can you talk to your dog while gaiting?? E.g asking them to stready if they are getting ahead, or just talking to them to keep them happy, or if they are looking a bit puffed???? I know you cannot tighten their lead to get them to drop back but is using steady okay?
  8. Pretty much surgery, or treat symptoms until they are too severe.
  9. I would be thinking there may be an absorbtion issue. Either from an intolerance of an ingredient in the food or another issue causing Malabsorbtion. I would be inclined to get her looked at by a vet and they may suggest getting a feacal sample tested.
  10. RS any news yet?? I am nervous waiting for you to post, have no idea how you are coping!
  11. Wouldn't worry about crying RS - I have um done that once or 10 times! If I was closer I would hold your hand and cry with you!
  12. Have known a few good vets like that Ptolomy!! But as you say as long as they are very good at what they do, the rest we can live with!
  13. Sorry, I didn't word it quite right. I meant none of them have been a challenge to own or train. I have found them to be very biddable and super affectionate and almost needy at times (which would drive some people crazy but I like it ) Acheron is always near me if he can be and if possible he likes to be touching me, even if it's just my foot resting against him while he is lying on the floor. Not for everyone I know but I really like that about them. See the males I knew (mostly from the same breeder, but not all) we all very independant and were not at all needy which is what I love in a dog. The Whippets do it prefectly but my Dobe Bitches followed me everywhere and were vlecro dogs.
  14. When the elbow is xrayed RS it does need to be fully straightened and it will most likely be painful for her. Hope there is no fracture! Ness, what a bummer - but yep dogs do do that quite often. Hopefully the crate rest works, all fingers and paws crossed!
  15. He never challenged me, he just didn't care if I was there or not, or any other people really. The bitches were always only a few steps behind and actually cared if I was there or not. The male Dobe wasn't interested in food much either. He was too busy running around tearing up my back yard!
  16. Yep if she is generally a fit dog I would say go for it!
  17. I don't have enough time either really. I do obedience and am about to start 2 X 2 weavers and doing other agility or rather jumping training. I am also training my male for the ET and I have one young child at home, one at school. We have only recently stopped calving, but soon have to do more cattle work as well as get organised for meals etc for a OH that does shift work. I have also been busy making dogs coats. Really at the moment I have dropped the ball a bit and need to get more organised but I too find it difficult.
  18. How far away is the trial?? Years ago a friend of mine had a rather energetic Dobe that she decided to start trainin around 3 weeks before the actual trial- or maybe two, not sure- anyway she passed easily as she got quite a bit of exercise normally. Oh and she'd had a litter around 12 weeks before the ET.
  19. Acheron is most certainly NOT skinny, he looks great. Many people think big dogs need to be "big" dogs when they don't.
  20. KG - I know from experience that Male Dobes can be rather trying until they are older. My personality doesn't go with male Dobes. Had a couple of bitches and we got along famously, but the males were always too full of their own self inportance and I like a dog that actually cares that I exist!
  21. I would think the rescue area is probably the best place to ask those questions Julzjc. I can imagine you would have been worried when the vet phone numebr came up!!! Still got all paws and finegrs firmly crossed for you
  22. You must have a land owners permisson to discharge a firearm on their property. It is a good idea to move them as if his dogs have done it once they will do it again. Sorry for your losses. Some Rangers have larger traps you can use for dogs that do not harm them. Maybe consider some LLama as flock guardians. Alpaca will try and protect their sheep but due to how dogs hunt especially in packs, the Alpaca usually get injured quite severly trying to defend their stock. A Llama or three may be more of a deterant.
  23. That is wonderful wonderful news, I was almost too scared to open this up and look!
  24. Oh no, how awful. I hope you are geting better, try some zinc it can help you get rid of a virus more quickly. Poor diva, I am not sure on dog dosing but magnesium can help with sore muscles, maybe see if you can find a vet experienced in the use of natural therapies. Thank goodness you were not severly injuerd in the car accident how horrendous, bloody moron. We are sending you lots of get well vies and also to poor Diva. Goodluck.
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