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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Oh really, should I ring them then?? Entries don't close until the 6th and they didn't ask for the info in their ad in the canine news.
  2. The ones in the pet shop down here are left in their cages overnight, they are not glass and not in the window, but anyway.......
  3. Sorry to hear about your Nonno RV. RIP. RS I would be VERY interested in wheat bags, especially with channels!! what sort of dimensions are they??? I have worn out a couple and could do with some more. A cool mat coming into summer as well, but not just yet I am "trying" to budget!
  4. YOu need to specify??? I didn't and didn't for the last one I did either??? Hi NME hope to see you there. I will have a Whippet
  5. I rehomed my inlaws JRT. He came to us as we live onthe same farm and he knew us. It really wasn't working an we believed he would be happier in thr right home. We found the perfect home for him as an only dog instead of one of three. We still se his new owner, he has a great life and is adored and I believe he has a better life than he would have here. Not to mention he decided to hunt down my cats and had to wear a basket muzzle when running around to ensure their safety, although he did still chase and stress them. In his situation re-homing was the best thing for him. It would have been selfish and not in his best interests to stay with us
  6. Ummm yes!! CC brought over 2 dogs and one cat. Making the decision to rehome the other dogs and cats. So CC has seen exactly what quarantine involves.
  7. Well mine like roo and tolerate it quite well. My Dobe could not stomach it at all. They have never had rabbit I don't think??? might be time to go hunting I think
  8. Wow nice ribbon there Murve, We only got our certificate when we did it many moons ago. He looks like he is nice and relaxed tonight I am starting to get rather excited
  9. I think most times people ask for a few undred dollars so as to put off the people who only want a free dog or cannot afford to pay a few hundred dollars - as they are less likley to be able to afford the actual cost of owning a dog.
  10. How soon before do you find out if you are balloted out???? I have rather a large organisaiton feat to pull off to get to mine and I wouldhate to put all that into place to ahve to cancel it all, but the worst bit would be (at this stage at least) having to wait 12 months to try again.
  11. I 100% agree with this. The what ifs, thinkg about doing it etc put you under much more duresss. Afterwards yes youa re upset and yes it hurts, but it is nowhere near as distressing. And yes many of us have unfortunately had to make the decision and each and every time it hurts like hell, but afterwards you know you have done the right thing and you know they are suffering no more.
  12. Oh definately LOVE those vets bills!! Hate it that I have come down with a cold - doesn't it know it is interefering with my training schedule!!!
  13. DING DING DING we have a winner *click* treat I think that deserves a jackpot myself Um nope not really clearer, but I will go back and read it again, it's been a long day Have you got a linky for the stats on that? Every person has some things they can live with and some things they can't. What those lists are varies greatly from person to person. For me there are some instances when I need my dog to do it and do it now or their life will be in danger. Them choosing not listen just cannot happen. Therefore I cannot train soley with the principal if they don't do it , oh well I will train it more tomorrow because well, they may not make it until tomorrow. They have a consequence. With mine yelling at them in a grumpy voice is more than enough of a consequense so if they don't listen I roar, they snap to attention. Do I like to do it, no most certainly not. However If I wish to avoid a snake bite they must listen when they are told leave it. Three times this summer it worked.
  14. Sunnyflower I can pretty much assure you that no-one here is thinking of you as horrible, completely the opposite in fact. Personally If you came on here and said tomorrow that your decision was one to put him to sleep, I would think your decision was a valid one. There would be no-one that would think ill of you or think you had done the wrong thing, or rushed into anything. It is a very hard road you are travelling. It is not something you will do to him, it is something you will do for him.
  15. Absolutely fantastic news, I am so pleased for both of you.
  16. Sounds like dog to me and probably one. Alpaca don't guard that well against dogs and if they do usually end up being badly damaged as dogs hunt very differently to foxes and are usually no where near as afraid. Hope you get it sorted CAS, it is just awful to lose stock in this way.
  17. You are not being selfish SF, It is really hard anyway, but the extra hormones when pregnant make it harder. I had to make the decision to euth my 8 and a half year old Dobe who had dilated cardio myopathy 7 weeks before the birth of my second child. It does put a whole different spin on things. He may becoming "timid" or appearing to as while he would love the interaction, when you pat him it hurts, so he is probably shying away from the contact a little to avoid discomfort or pain. I wouldn't think he is just being a sook, if he has only started to show these signs recently I wouldn't just say he is being a sook. It might be exaserbated by him picking up on your stress at his situation.
  18. I agree with PF. If he is showing signs of pain and he cannot be fixed or controlled then for me that is the line. Him being so young will be making this extremely difficult for you, it is bad enough when they are old, but having to make the decision with a young dog is much harder. Is he eating well, does he still seem to enjoy life as in playing, wanting to explore, go for short walks etc?? If not to me that would also be a sign. Quality not quantity is important. Also I personally would prefer to do it before I get to thinking I have left a day (or more) later than I should have. At the end of the day only you can draw your line. You will make the right decision for you and your dog because you love him and want the best for him. It is not an easy decision I have also had to make a decision to euthanase a 3 yo old dog and it was a terrible time. Lots of hugs from us
  19. Wheres that like button when I need it!
  20. Oh really, can you keep us updated Wazzat - These guys have really caught my eye
  21. Oh and yes as said before Raw is great as long as you make sure you include everyhting so it is balanced over time. Dry dog food does not "make them grow" a balanced diet ( of either sort) enables them to grow to their full potential.
  22. They can take until 2 to 3 years to fill out, depending on the individual and the bloodlines - your breeder can fill you in on that. He looks healthy and has a shiney coat and is not overweight. Am Staff's are not supposed to be muscles bound huge individuals, they are supposed to be athletic. This is ths standard And this Height and weight should be in proportion. Interestingly my Whippet bitch is 18 inches and my Male Whippet 20 so an Am Staff on the scheme of things should not be overly tall. Speak to his breeders and they will let you know what the go is. Also the average lay person off the street has always had/seen a bigger, better, fast, smaller, solider dog (depending on which breed you have on your leash) than you have got, don't know why it it, but that is the way it is
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