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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Is CCD and CD exercises the same except one is off lead and one is on? Kind of!! Both have heeling, one is obviously on lead, the other off. Stnad for exam is on lead in CCD and off in CD, the recall in CCD is slightly shorter and they do not have to return to heel. In CD it is longer and they have to do a finish/ return to heel on the command of the judge/ Do you have to do CCD first before you can do CD?No And do you think age matters when trialling, ie: is it better to wait until they are more mentally mature. He is 13 months old. Yes I think it does and I think work to a higher level but only enter them when they are more mentally mature. My personal opinion though. I generally recommend that people do at least theri first trial at CCD level as they generally under estimate how much the atmosphere and ring nerves will affect theirs and their dogs performance. One of my friends did this as her first trial was the first trial she had even seen. She had done club trials but never been to a sanctioned trial. SHe then went into CD no worries and pulled off two passes in one day. The otehr friend did a CCD trial for the same reason then decided she would do CD and it all came apart and the dog is now working through some security issues and will go back into CCD so she has the safety net of the lead. The main difference being the second dog is deaf and had never been on a car trip longer than 40 kms prior to be loaded in a car and travelling 470 to 750kms to a trial. She needs the time to adjust
  2. We are Whippets, Need we say more?????? **All 8 paw prints!**
  3. COuld you add mine please EI - Thanks
  4. WHat a handsome lad!! LOve his coat, do you keep him out of the sun at all or he just cruises around?? If you don't his coat is awesome!
  5. They get Frosty paws dog icecream for their birthday The can sit in the back seat of the car between the car seats and not even try for a lick of one of the kids icecreams!! I like that fact so they never get icecream from a cone. My dogs in the past did though, summer, trip to the beach and an icecream after - perfect!
  6. You do have to sometimes sit on your hands and bite your tongue VERY hard. Poor little mite. Hope he ends up having a good life and away from these morons
  7. Nope from me. I got a puppy with a 5 month old and a two year old, totally different breed and a laid back puppy, but it still took work and juggling time. You really need to be totally focused and not drop the ball and Sibes are a breed that can be hard to live with if their needs are not fully met. I don't think I could live with one on an average day, never mind in a situation like your friends.
  8. Nope not ever. Each puppy has many hours put into thinking up their name and making sure it suits them. Each dog has such powerful memories connected to it. Now having said that as kids we had Snoopy one and snoopy two. Snoopy one was run over an dSnoopy two from totally different parents was eerily similar in markings and personality. We were young kids, the name stuck, she lived until she was 16. My OH got a cross breed Brindle puppy who got ran over only a week after we got him, one thought the other was watching him etc and he died. A few years down the track we got another puppy, same colour different breed, same sex. My OH really liked the name and agonised over re-using it. HIs puppy so his choice. He did and we really only ever thing of the second dog unless the first is specifically brought up as Brutus is well and truely still with us. I seriously doubt if that name will be used again though. I love the name of my first ever "own" dog, she was euthed at 3 years of age, I would love to use that name again, but can't as she was far too special to me. There will only ever be one of her. For me the name never gets repeated, each one is a new start
  9. I see marching lessons in your future.........................................
  10. Yep we use Pred and Tramal as the NSAID's don't go anywhere near reducing pain! Although when he is on Pred it is a rare occassion we need to dose him with tramal.
  11. I do CD and some open exercises and we are trialling in ccd
  12. I invite him to see my registered pedigree dogs and see my awful puppy farm conditions I am breeding them in. Might have to get them off the lounge for him to have a seat though, and I sometimes cannot shut my mouth because arrogence really gives me the pip....ssooooo, Nah lets just ignore the ignorant, ill informed, know it all, dip stick and lets promote all our wonderful breeders that ARE doing the right thing
  13. hahahaha Murve-talk about pressure. I would be chuffed if my OH showed an interest. But I am not sure I would like him to be THAT interested!
  14. Training him to work for longer periods for treats that are in containers etc that are away from you and to work for a few minutes for one treat. Training with distractions before you trial is quite important. Being around heaps of other dogs and people is very distracting for them. Training at the club is a good idea, even if you do not go in their class, having everything going on will be good for proofing. There is now CCD where the majority is on lead. CD is now all off lead
  15. PF needs to pull her finger out and get her own CD title.. on Howie! Um Yes PF - come on, you can do it If I can with two Whippets you can with Howie, Howie will be great How cool More Whippets with obedience titles
  16. I find puppies very easy and because they are little sponges they catch on really quickly
  17. Great to hear MonElite. Now you know you can do it, think of PF and go out there and get that CD title Congratulations!
  18. Also remember to click lots and lots of things. When she is sitting, standing, looking. When you are sitting, standing. Inside. Outside. In the car etc. This is so that there is no pattern other than "click = treat". Too many people only charge the clicker when their dog is sitting and the dog thinks "sit = click = treat". Very good point!
  19. My old STafford is on 20mg every second day and has been so for 4 years. Without it he would be euthanased. We tried NSAID's with virtually no effect. He has spinal arthiritis and consequent nerve damage. He has moth eaten looking coat and is bald all under his belly etc, and his coat is dry but to be honest he has never had a good coat so I am not sure exactly how much is the pred and how much is just him. He also is on heart medication. He was recently unwell and had a full blood panel and his kidneys and liver were better than average for a dog his age that wasn't on Pred which I was really shocked but excited about. When we started him on it we thought well if he gets bad side effects and he has to be euthed in 6 months at least those 6 months were a quality 6 months. 4 years down the track he is still tonking along. He will eat anything in sight and does drink more and subsequently pee's more but all in all he has a very goos quality of life and we take it day to week at a time
  20. Our only petshop sells animals I buy mainly online and Feed Black Hawk which wasn't available down here so I became a distributor Other than that I get stuff from the horse supplies shop like hay etc for the Guinea Pigs.
  21. MonElite, I would happily trial your girl if I was closer, got a CDX with my Dobe bitch Um be really short on sleep, not care about the outcome. I am normally super nervous, badly so. Last weekend I did an ET with Lewis and had a trial the next day. I really didn't care if he passed the trial the next day, the ET was my main focus. He passed quite well and even though he was tired and did miss a few things we did alright. I was that tired after 750kms travel, next day a 5.30am start and an ET trial, a late night that night then a 6am start for the trial that I didn't have the energy to care! I also now trial two dogs and if one fails it is not necessarily a wasted trip so that helps as my closest trials are 475kms away, so always a lot of time and money involved before we even hit the trial ring. My next weekend away I am showing two dogs, trialing two, have double agility and jumping trials with two Me thinks we need to get some more biking happening! I'll be too tired to care much there as well so that will help!
  22. Yes you are lucky she is little, try doing it with a 60 kg Rottie, I have, he only did it once after he put me on my rear ended me, he was more carefull not to knock me for a sixa A friend of mine recently had her GSD running at the beach and she leapt and slammed into her back putting her face first onto a firm beach. Ended up with a broken shoulder and the ball of the shoulder ina round 6 pieces and looking like a full shoulder replacement. - Very OUCH!
  23. Because I am a dog nerd and like being able to "tAlk dog" without people thinking I am weird. Also been a great source of info in many areas
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