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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Jules so very very sorry to hear about Brock. I am far to far away to be of any help, but wanted you to know we are thinking of you. It really suxs to lose a dog at any time, but when they are young and it is such a shock it is even harder. Sneding lots of hugs to you. If you need an online ear, feel free to PM me.
  2. Well, yes I would do what was needed for my dogs, but there is a line for me and while I am happy to go without, I don't think my kids should have to for my desire to have dogs. Now that does not mean that the dogs would not get what they needed because Junior wanted all the latest Gizmos, BUt if I was on the bones of my backside and barely ahd enough to feed us, then my kids would come first, if I half starve so be it. Also I would not take on a dog (or three) unless I was reasonably stable. Yep things can go to poo, but I would not take on animals of any sort if their basic medical and feeding needs could not be met without having to tighten purse strings. I would not like to keep my dogs in a situation where there may just have to be hard decisions made because I just was not financial enough. This is a big part of the reason I have pet insurance, I don't have it for the old dog and I wish I did!! The younger two will always have it, and any others that happen to come to live.
  3. Good luck to everyone doing the ET tomorrow I hope the weather is kind to you all and you all have a lovely and all pass easily :D
  4. SHe basically used a clicker and treats and c/t after she got her excited and she wagged her tail. In the beginning Lucy wasn't sure exactly what she was clicking but one day she very slowy wagged her tail from side to side just like tic.....tic...tic. She got clicked and treated, down the track then had a cue added and that was it they were off. So basically it was caught and taught outside show stacking or training then once on cue was incorporated so she would walk into a free stack, then start wiggling her tail, then drop her nose just a little. Was great to watch :D
  5. I have trial a few dogs over the years and neve had my dog stood over - as yet. WIth my DObe it would ahve been an issue of it was aggresive in nature as she would have happily finished a fight - but would never start one. Most are dogs wanting to play. All the judges I ahve seen have been onto it.
  6. Another update for anyone that is interested. We are 11 months post implant. Rommi is in season again - she went 10 and a half months from her last one. He showed no interest in her until she was standing, then yep going for it so even though I am slacker than I would be if he was not implanted they cannot be left together as he would mate or at least attempt to - his aim isn't that flash! So they still have to be seperated. His weight or demeaner has not changed in the 11 months since his implant. I did look at the size of his testicles the other night and maybe they are slightly bigger - but might be my imagination as well. I am still a little freaked out about the 12 month implant lasting 2 years potentially. I can still feel a bit of the implant in the implant site, I know he is a Whippet so these things are felt quite easily but has anyone else noticed that???? He has been trained and gained an ET title easily since he had it implanted I do not believe his weight or muscle composition has changed at all. He really is much the same as when he didn't have the implant! Oh well that's us.....for now at least
  7. Nala is very cute I had something a little similar with one of my Whippets. She was suddenly lame whislt staying at her breeders. She has a small deep puncture hole in the middle of one of her toe pads. They flushed the puncture thoroughly and put her on antibiotics. A week later it broke out between the toe and the main pad, so it was opened up and flushed thoroughly again, some foreign matter that looked a bit like wood came out. It was presumed to be the thorn. SHe had more antibiotics Around 2 weeks after that I noticed a lump in the webbing between her toes. She had a GA and the foreign body was removed which once again looked like wood and looked like the tip of a thorn. I thought it was all finished, but no! A while later - cannot remember the exact time frame) she started becoming lame again, the vet couldn't find a particular spot, neither could I. We elected to leave it and monitor to see if it came to "a head" anywhere. The only thing that I could see was the mark in her pad where the pad was growing out from her injury. She became very very lame and I took her back. We put her on antibiotics again as they were worried about potential bone infection as we just couldn't find exactly what was going on, she had a fat toe but that was it. A couple of days later I was once again checking out her pad and noticed it looked a bit moist and there almost seemed to be a small hole appearing. I squeezed the pad which caused some serum like fluid to come out, then a pop and a grain of what looked liked large river sand popped out. The vet said to keep her on the antibiotics and monitor it. Within 7 days she was sound, the toe was no longer swollen and the mark on her pad disappeared. She has been fine ever since. We essentially got 3 foreign bodies from a puncture mark most likely caused by a thorn from a climbing Rose. I would never have though a foreign body that was a grain of sand could have caused so much pain and been such a drawn out thing! Hope your cute girl is better very soon :D
  8. A friend of mine trained her dog to wag her tail on command. The bitch hated being shown, but with time decided it wasn't bad but still her tail was down and it affected her outline. So she taught her to wag her tail on command. Worked well, the bitch looked happier and I think it helped to change her attitude to showing all together.
  9. Aww great photos. The only photos I got of the day were the ones that Rommi's breeder took for me - I would ahve had none otherwise so I am really glad she came down to cheer us on and take some pictures for me
  10. Call the person who you get it from and they can tell you if and when they shipped it, if it should have been there already then you can get onto the freight company.
  11. I hope you reported it Murve. Dogs like that have no place at an obedience trial. Your friened should also have reported it. I am quite sure a dog over here would be reported for the same behavior. I would most certainly report it.
  12. Ptolomy, I ma not sure. I think that with good timing and a clicker you can get really good sits, I am not sure I would use something like that as it would be another thing you have to "get rid of". Will look some more
  13. Any dog registered with their state control, so dogs on the mains, limited, associate or Sporting register are elidgable to compete. If they are not registered on any of those then no they can't. And sorry RS I still don't know :D
  14. Aww nice photo anyway and she is a stunning looking girl, and either way she got out of a house fire and her babies were saved in a way, so good on her smart girl. And who can resist a Dobermann kiss :D
  15. I hear where youa re coming from regarding doing the group exercises. I have one in the CD ring and the other in the CCD ring as I didn't want to put them in the position of having to have an unknown (to them) handler take one in for stays if they were both on a Quali and very new to trialing Having said that Rommi was in season for our last trial so Lewis is one pass away from the CD ring, so she had better get her skates on! It does go through my head when they are in the stays, and I hope like hell no-one moves. SO far only on dog has gone from a sit to a down. Last trial the dog next door - a lovely sheltie - was staring at Lewis and sniffing and looked like he really wanted to go over and say hello - I wasn't worried about aggression. Lewis looked at him, leaned slightly away then refused to look at him, I think if Lewis had of been more inviting the little fella would ahve moved! My concern was that Lewis is a little breedist and really only likes to talk to otehr Whippets. He happily works around any dog, but reserves play for Whippets so if the dog had of come over, he may well have moved to avoid having to talk to him. That day the lowest score I think was 89 or 90 and the highest was 97 and the dogs all worked very well and no-one looked like choofing off at any point
  16. I never add it up and with an old dog with that health issues that require daily medication - I don't want to My dogs give far more than any material toy ever could and I can't put a price on that. I agree if you worry about the cost, don't get a dog. However it is good for people who cannot 'afford' to buy a dog for a few hundred dollars. If they can't afford the purchase price of a dog, they don't have much hope of being able to afford upkeep and medical care.
  17. And this. Cat Act I may be wrong but this to me reads like you can only own two entire cats (3) Each cat to be included in a permit under subsection (1)(b) must be desexed at the time of making the application. (4) A local government may issue a permit for a period calculated from the date of first issue or fix a day on which all permits expire and a subsequent day by which an expired permit must be renewed. (5) The maximum period for which a permit may be issued under subsection (4) is 18 months, and not less than 14 days must elapse between the date on which all permits expire and the date by which an expired permit must be renewed. (6) A permit is issued subject to the condition that the owner will surrender a permit during its currency if the cat dies, or there is a substantive change in the circumstances for which the permit was issued.
  18. I did find somewhere else - have to get the link again - where breeding cats could get an exemption, however gaining that could be dependent on the general impact of cats on the area - ummm well the breeders cats will make no impact (or cat owners) if they are approriately contained! Will go hunting more tomorrow
  19. Nope haven't ever heard of CD sweepstakes, you can choose to start in CCD or CD. You cannot go back to CCD once you have a pass in the CD ring though, but can go back to CCD if you have failed CD trials.
  20. I think we definately need to do something about cats over here, there are heaps and heaps of them. I do wonder though will we in the future only be able to buy from rego'd breeders - knowing of course there will always be some people who won't abide by the law. I wonder if this is a sign of things to come with dogs?? I am very glad that at last there will be legislation to deal with cats as so far there has been non. I really hope this makes people think before they get a kitten, and I hope it reduces the numbers that are roaming, feral and breeding at a disturbing rate.
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