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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. well done and huge congratulations and yep I think you are going to have to get a pass or never live it down!!! Goodluck!
  2. well really a meat only diet is totally not suitable regardless. Yes there certainly needs to be regulations but this was exposed years ago and obviously nothing has done to regulate it.
  3. There are certain colours and shades of that I am drawn to across all different sorts of breed Interestingly I had four cats a grey tabby, a white and grey, A Blue British and a grey and white..........and yes I do like blue dogs but tend to stay away fromt hem due to dilution issues etc. I have had a brown Dobe and chose to wait for a black next time around. I didn't want a dog that I had to be worried about bleaching and sunburn. When I put an order in for my first Whippet I asked for a female(now I really don't care less but we had always had girls)Fairly solid in colour so less chance of sunburn and didn't care what colour except for solid White which doesn't happen real often anyway. I got a brindle and white trim girl - perfect A Whippet colour I have always like is a blue brindle parti colour. When Lewis came up as looking for a home he was offered to me and temperment was much higher up there, just so happens he is a blue brindle parti colour - perfect As for my next one temperment and conformation both highly important, must have correct sound construction, but I also want a dog sports dog so am after a particular temperment. colour is next as I don't want a white dog or one lacking pigment around eyes, testicles etc and the sex is last. I don't care what sex my next puppy is. I do understand that some people have colour prefrences but if they would take the right colour when the temperment just wouldn't suit then I don't like that. Nothing comes to oder and I think flexability from a buyer is needed. As for Whippets well any colour or markings are permissible. While I know I wouldn't say get a black, I could get a real mix of colours in a litter, kind like a lottery of colours and markings :D
  4. Gorgeous photos of the boy. HAve been watching this thread and Im glad he is now home and I am sure is resting. I have seen this in a few young dogs and they all seemed to heal up well. One ended up with a permanently thickened leg that didn't fully extend but didn't seemed to be caused any pain and I don't think he was as strictly confined as he should have been. I am sure he will be back to 100% in no time. Give that gorgeous face kisses from us
  5. Have a look at this site http://australianpettreatcompany.com.au/ They have drid tendons etc that are quite hard. I stay well away from the dried bones as to me they are as bad as cooked bones. But have used the dried Roo Flaps and tendons, beef tendons and Whizzers among others. I have a dog that can have bones, but cannot handle much fat at all so we get him beef ribs that have very little meat on them and he can handle those just fine. He can't handle turkey necks (I don't feed chicken necks due to the size)and chicken frames or lamb flaps. He can handle lamb shanks that are well trimmed of fat but they are VERY expensive. I mix up the rib bones with the dried treats and it seems to work well.
  6. Welllll I have rather a few! A soft one inside in the laundry as it really doesn't fit anywhere else - it is 115cms or something like that. It is also the one I collapse and take training, trialling etc. They go in that (or one) does to eat and also at night when it's cold. I have an extra large Vari kennel in one dog run and a even bigger mesh one in the other. I have another 115 cm crate that is at my SIL's housing her new rescued 6 month old kitten and the 90cm on is stacked ontop of the other in the dog run as is the small soft crate that is only one Whippet big
  7. Our old dog is no longer vaccinated (but was yearly for 8 years) due to a bad vaccine reaction adn the recommendation to longer vaccinate him. I would never not vaccinate if possible hence the three year schedule on my young dogs. I have ssen dogs die from Parvo and it is horrendous.
  8. Mum and dads dog died ata round 16 got vaccinated probably 2 maybe 3 times in her life. Their other dogs much the same and died at 12. One of mine yearly died at 12, yearly died at 8 from a hereditary diesease. Current oldy 14 and hasn't been vaccinated since he was 8 maybe???? he has crap skin, allergies to all sorts, multiple sites of arthritis and a bad heart. Youngsters, puppy course, booster at 12 months then three yearly.
  9. Well these days I try to ge them flown down as it is much shorter. In the past either on the lap, or in the footwell (no near the driver of course) lined with blankets. Take towels and baby wipes Just in case. Or the last one a cat crate with toilet stops down quiet tracks and roads. When I have had to travel with pups I go down a quiet looking gravel road and let them toilet there, never get the out at servo's or rest stops. Longest trip 750kms.
  10. Oh AlexF what a divine puppy. I am in love Oh and when I read you name I read it as Axel F!!!! Kids have been humming that on and off all day!
  11. Agreed. A good dog is not a bad colour, but plenty of nice colours are badly conformed dogs. Concentrate on conformation and forget about colour and you will be part of the way there.
  12. Rubbish, except for you can tell the ones who have paddock bashed and who haven't. As long as he is proofed with distractions it will make no difference if most of his training is at home, in the middle of town or at a club. Keep doing your thing, train him and make sure he will work around distractions and you will be fine. I go to Dog Club but have never trained in a full class as yet. Sometimes I will pop in for the stays, or do a bit of heeling close by but that is it. No and I would wonder wy since I think it brings more people to trialling
  13. My next trial are in the middle of November so a much longer wait. Hopefully I will have sorted some little niggles by then and we will be all good and get some passes. Pitty you are not down here RS those pavers you were looking for, had some to sell locally that someone had pulled up - in very good cond for $3 each! Well must stop procratinating and go hang out the washing and wash the muddy dogs!
  14. I would imagine it is as a result of a totally inappropriate diet. Feed them a good quality puppy food and lots of raw bones and I am quite sure you will see an improvement quickly. Oh and exercise on grass and grippy surfaces. They may have either been locked in a very small area or confined to say very flat cement floor??? Have you got photos?
  15. I may be missing something but no one is saying we should fight dogs or hunt slaves or that we should take dogs out in droves to kill things. Guide dogs, sniffer dogs, assistance dogs,bomb detection dogs are all working, do it becaue they love it. You cannot force a dog to sniff out contraband. IT does it because it enjoys it and likes the reward it recieves. My dogs are my companions, but as I ask them to do obedience should I also stop doing that after all it is working them is it not?? I can guarentee you as I work my dogs with no leads there is no way I could make them do anything they didn't want to! I think it is time YOU got real!
  16. To be honest nothing suprises me, expecially when money is involved!
  17. Steve I really hope you are right, but I am afraid it has been proven often that there are always loop holes people can go through and money always talks, even if only to a degree, so I am as always cynical that everything is totally above board. And yep I understand regarding the papers and didn't know that some places would accept dogs onto their registry without proper paperwork, afterall the dogs could be a totally different breeding from what it's "papers" show so therefore the resultant "registered " puppies would most likely not even be from the parents they are documented as being from. Totally shonky!
  18. Could you build a ramp on one side of the steps but put rails down each side of the ramp so it appears more solid and stable for her to walk up and down. Ie the top of the rail nearly her wither height, then maybe another half way down?? She may not like to walk down a ramp that she feels is too skinny or that she may fall off potentially.
  19. I had similar with my cat, came down with a chest infection, 5 days later he was euthed. Until we had the bloods the vets thought he was off his food because of his chest Kidney disease is such a quiet killer and so incidious. Hugs to you and your family.
  20. Out of interest, one of my dogs papers states not for export. Could you do this for all your pups, but then take that stipulation off if you decide to export a puppy to a legitimate buyer down the track, or is it with the pup for life?
  21. Looks much like the cattle dog JRT crosses we have running aorund down here.
  22. Well Mine wasn't my first preference but it has grown on me. I have Whippets, one day we were all down the front paddock in the sand hole and they start do flat out zoomies. I thought to myself in awe ( I LOVE watching them at full speed)my god they are fast, hence OSoSwift. If I was ever to breed Bassets or something it wouldn't work - but it workes for Whippets. My orininal choices included Sea as we have vast ocean views and Rommi is Lil Sea Urchin, but alas it wasn't to be.
  23. I take both and crate whoever is not working. Lewis was a woose and did used to whinge and carry on, but he is getting better over time thank goodness. I don't go into a formal class so I swap and change quiet often so they get regular breaks.
  24. RIP Cordelia No more pain
  25. So very vry sorry to hear you have lost Benson. RIP big man, no more pain and forever young
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