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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I have two boys nearly 6 and nearly 4 and trust me they are not quiet!!! I wish! The kids throw balls for ever and play chase - as in the dog runs around with the ball in their mouth and the kid chases! The dogs and myself were news one day and the dogs were in the classroom for around 4 hours in total, some of it in their crate (there was the odd child that needed to be told to leave them alone) and also being patted doing obedience etc. Never batted an eyelid. They can be stand offish with people they don't know (Rommi certainly isn't she will literally throw herself at anyone for a pat) but should not be timid - oh and the tail between the back legs is not because they are timid
  2. Let's hope she controls and contains her dog from now on. Shite some dog owners make me cranky. I don't give a damn how small and old the dog is. It can still bite. I definately agree
  3. I had always had bigger dogs and guardian breeds, Rotti's and Dobes. A friend had a litter of Staffords and after much thought, we got Brutus who really has had some rather large and ongoing issues and while still going at 14 we would not have another. When My last Dobe died, quite suddenly and young, I decided that another Dobe was not for me. I now had a young child and was pregnant again and I did not have the time to devote to a Dobe. I had been through a couple of Dobe puppies and knew just how much training and work they required to shape them into a well adjusted and trained adults. I wanted a smaller dog, a dog that didn't guard, I wanted a mainly inside dog (the Dobes were mainly outside) and a breed that was generally known to be good around kids. I had a short list and struck them off over time for various reasons. I wanted an athletic dog, low shedding could do some training and agility and quite biddable, oh and liked to be close to it's humans. I ended up deciding a Whippet was the best choice, they had everything I wanted and I had always loved they way they looked. I had my name down for a litter at least 12 months in the future when the kids were more grown up, but Rommi became available. She came to live with us and to say they are the perfect fit (and we now have 2!) would be an understatement. Although I did grump at them to leave me alone when I tried to go to the toilet by myself the other day!!! OH likes chunky monster, squishy faces so would like a French Bulldog or a Pug. He also likes the look of the Bully. We will see what the future brings
  4. You need to meet more Whippets. A well bred Whippet should not be timid. I know Howie isn't and he loves kids. Agreed PF mine live with two young kids and you couldn't get a more perfect dog to have around kids.
  5. Congratulations Ella and Sieta - very well done
  6. Well I must be a PUppy farmer as well. Ease of cleaning and hygiene, low chance of being chewed up and longevity obviously don't come into it. No we need fancy bowls that are more easily destroyed or if cheap possibly crack and harbour bacteria or leach harmful substances - what a load of crap. For me personally 84 dogs is a lot of dogs,and I guess since it really doesn't happen often then most people would find it a little unusual. I would be more concerned about all the things mentioned before, as in correct care etc than the actual number, but I guess unless you know more then you can't really form an opinion. For me that many dogs would not be doable, but if you you choose your staff/carers carefully, then it can be done and well
  7. Very well done Biscuit I felt a bit the same when my Whippet did it easily. Very proud of our sprinting dogs :D
  8. Wondering if anyone knows where I could find some course maps for novice agility courses please
  9. And mine have? Because they mix with strange dogs? They get traumatised? My previous dog got traumatised walking up her own driveway. There was no controlling that interaction. Recently a dog tried to traumatise the boys when they were walking on leash with me down the street. There was no controlling that interaction, either. I didnt read OSS's comment as criticising you- in fact the beginning of the post reads quite the opposite. Seems to me she was merely relating her experience. Personally, I don't have too much of an issue with my dog playing with other dogs at the park. I will only prevent it if I have observed undesirable behaviour from a distance. No I wasn't critising. It was mearly my take on it. Also it comes from have a very dominant Dobe bitch or two, I was quite careful there as well as they could be turds when they wanted to be, or ignore everyone as they were beneath them. I live on large acerage and rarely walk my dogs in town, I do occassionaly when we all go into together and while they were on lead a dog ran up to us as we were getting kids and bikes and dogs organised, jumped on one of the kids, jumped on the car and then growled at the dogs. They were not too worried but I know it can happen even when they are on lead. Last time an off-lead JRT lunged and snapped at them, they were not to worried as it didn't contact and was just out of boot range. They have played a few times with friends dogs and Rommi got T-boned by the Stafford who was mearly going from a to B and ended up limping, Lewis got shoved by a very friendly Goldie and ended up sommersaulting through the air. So even with friendly dogs I know they can get hurt when nobody has done anything wrong. The difference is I know these people, I know their dogs and I know they will intervene if there is a problem. To be honest, I am WAY more cautious with my Whippets than I ever was with my Dobes or Rottis as the Whippets tear and rip much more easily and do not handle body slamming or T-boning very well. They tend to go around each other here and while there have been some injuries, they are going pretty hard to get them. Whippets tend to run - fast and in circles, dogs try to chase them and then Lewis in particular gets really worried about being hunted down. They do not have any issues being around other dogs so to me they are adequately socialised, we have dogs come out here to train and very occasionaly stay a night or two, they have no issues with that either.
  10. MAybe mine is broken????, he doesn't go off his food, doesn't whinge, just gets a bit of a sad look occassionaly and is slightly more velcro than normal, but I think that is more the fact they can't snuggle on the lounge together than anything. He still trains and trials and has actually got an ET pass, a CCD pass and a Novice Club trial pass.
  11. Yep I love watching dogs talk as well it totally intruiges me. I don't my dog being injured or frightened by another dog who's owner doesn't have a clue and thinks it's all fine. Mien do mix with otehr dogs, my own pack and a few other trusted ones, so they do get to talk dog, what they don't get is injured , bullied or frightened.
  12. A pet RV, her owner would just like to make sure she has good manners and is well trained to go walking etc and to have around the house. She is a sweet little girl only around 15 weeks - and injured as of the afternoon! she broke her tail- but she would like to start correctly
  13. Thank you for that Nek, I will pass that on. At the moment the little girl has a very sore broken tail (as of this afternoon) so it will be a little way off, but the owner was not happy with the other trainer that visited.
  14. Mine are very well socialised. They do not worry about dogs of any size working near them, or kids, or cows, sheep, cats, birds or a nosey Alpaca! They will work down town when work is finished for the day. They love people of all sizes and types. Lewis will interact with other Whippets, but really couldn't care about any dogs that much. Rommi does like other dogs and played with heaps at PPS and to be honest to then take her to dog club was a pain in the butt. She was far more interested in the other dogs than me. We did get there but after that my dogs will be well socialised but will rarely if ever actually play with dogs outside our pack or dogs very close to us. We do have multiple dogs if a dog is an only dog that is different.
  15. Okay my wonderful WA friends, I need your help I am looking for a rewards based trainer for one on one training sessions for a young Whippet. The lady has had a trainer in, but his idea of training sit was to push the pups bottom on the ground. The Lady and her Whippet are in Noranda. At this point in time it is very difficult for her to get to a club so therefore needs private lessons. Pretty please can you help us find a wonderful trainer for a very smart, but soft little Whippy girl
  16. Okay my wonderful WA friends, I need your help I am looking for a rewards based trainer for one on one training sessions for a young Whippet. The lady has had a trainer in, but his idea of training sit was to push the pups bottom on the ground. The Lady and her Whippet are in Noranda. At this point in time it is very difficult for her to get to a club so therefore needs private lessons. Pretty please can you help us find a wonderful trainer for a very smart, but soft little Whippy girl Thank you all :D
  17. I have dog runs, side by side as they don't stress that way, very small mesh and it's all good. I wouldn't crate all day, send him for a holiday would be safest and the least stress I think.
  18. Mine get their last at 12 weeks this includes a C4 plus the BB up the nose. Very well done Wazzat - Naca looked fantastic, so healthy and fit and looking a million dollars. You guys definately deserved your wins. Emery, I can sympathise I went a week over and was carrying a rather large little munchkin. Good luck with your "whelping" and hope goes as smoothly as it can for you
  19. http://www.2houndsdesign.com/ :D
  20. IT will work if you train for it and wish it to. I got a puppy when I had a 2yo and a 5month old. I now have a 5, 3 yo and 3 dogs. We will have another puppy within 12 months. When I had just one child I walked three dogs and pushed a pram, they all had their spots where they walked.
  21. Plastic container with a lid that clips on from Red dot. Not air tight but it only holds around 8 or so kgs of food so is used reasonably quickly.
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