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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I havn't done anything wrong, I still have the dog but now I can't keep her; there is going to be alot more worse things happen in life!!...You speak like I have killed someone I sincerely hope I never have a puppy buyer like you. If it was mine I would give you back most of your money just to get my dog back safely. You have a young high drive dog who gets 3 free runs a week and a walk every other day. If you could not commit a good few hours per day for training and exercise then you shouldn't have bought a high drive dog. I run my own business and have two young kids and my two far lower drive dogs get more than that daily. Interestingly they are very easy to have around, do not bark all day and do not destroy their yard - maybe there is something int hat for you?
  2. That is a little odd, it would have taken time and cost more than you booked him in for so I would think it rather strange that she would spend the time stripping out his undercoat then washing and drying him without a phone call first? Not that is has ever happened down here, but if someone presented me with a show dog I would make sure I double checked EVERYTHING before touching one hair on their head!
  3. I worked in a vet hospital, so the owners we called and told that the dog had a problem and needed to see a vet, none argued, or if they did they kinda got told. The RSPCA branch that coveres our area is 485kms away and doesn't have enough funds and well basically rarely gets here if ever.
  4. Shadow handling is practicing your moves withouth the dog( a lot of people confuse it with flatwork) so things like front cross footwork, lead out pivot footwork, serpentine footwork/arms, etc. Flatwork is running/moving with your dog 'on the flat' with no obstacles, so things like circle running, running to a motivator on the ground, lead out pivots with no jumps, etc. In fact all the moves that you teach in foundation before getting on equipment. Now this makes sense to me, can you point me in the direction of somewhere to find exercises to practice etc.
  5. this vid helped me understand it a bit better! That kind of helped, but the dog is only ever on her left, I am assuming becasue she says outside circle and inside cirle both ways she means to have them on the left and the right side. If not, doing it only on the left makes no sense to me what so ever.
  6. OH yeh its enough to give you nightmares isn't it. Oh yes of course they are an inside dog - man I couldn't even be near a dog that is crawling like that, never mind even have it inside, but sleep with it - nope never!
  7. ahhh very good, I need to get some more D Rings and I got those from Ebay as well
  8. Lovely RS very well done :)I was thinking of doing one like that but only have D-rings not round ones. Where abouts did you source yours from??
  9. PM me your email address I have an oversized Stafford and have quite a few photos you could use.
  10. PUt it on my Facebook as I have FB friends in Vic. Any pictures would be good also. Your worst nightmare, hope they are found and home safe very very soon
  11. HeyCC Sunday October 2nd place to be confirmed
  12. I have seen a Grey that got attacked by around 4 other ( maybe more) muzzled Greys when they were out in a large yard and in the end he had to be euthed. The damage they inflicted on that dog was amazing. They had been at it a while and in the end he was euthed due to muscle and spinal issues that never resolved, but he had more wounds than skin.
  13. Could someone please point me in the direction of finding out what shadow handling is?
  14. Or their Long Haired Whippets! I had someone down here say the same thing, the dog when fully grown didn't look at all like a Goldie except for its coat type. It was solid black with a small white patch. She then went on to buy a black Flatcoat and now he is a Flatcoat!!!! His mum was a Goldie - not disputing that - we guess his dad was a BC from down the road. After two black litters from two Goldie parents you would think they would investigate more, but no, they ran them together in a yard (with no roof) and although they had seen him hump her they had never seen them mate, but they were rare Black Goldies!!
  15. Sounds too early to me You lazy bum Although Louis did really well at yours the other day, I don't think either of mine really qualify as friendly adults so they will be staying at home So cute, good effort RV I wouldn't even attempt something like that, I am not naturally arty or crafty ST, you should rightly be proud....they are growing up into the most gorgeous dogs OMG way too adorable :love: I love 'pointy dogs' :D A question for you, and OSO as well....are there any Whippet meets around Perth? does anyone hold any fun race days, as I'd love to go along and try to take some pics if there are Yes there are. There is a Perth Whippet club which is a social club and they meet around about once a month. Last time was at Whitman park, it has also been at "peace park" down Kwinana kind of way. They have a facebook page so if you pop on there and like it and introduce yourself they will love it - oh and the details of the meets are on there as well. How jealous will I be, never been to one and you will have and don't even have a Whippet :D
  16. Ah yep Jules me too, set up a business and pay someone else to come in and groom!
  17. Just horrific, dogs disposed of like a bag of rubbish. Very very worrying times ahead for all dogs................
  18. I wouldn't soak it the night before. If I neede to soak it would be warm water around 20 minutes half an hour before feeding. Too much chance of bacteria happening to soak it the night before I would think.
  19. Yep Andisa done many many like that of all breeds and as I worked in a Vet hospital also many many cats like that and worse.
  20. Is Midland north or south?? anyway BedazzledX2 has one in Midland :D
  21. Gorgeous babies there, you should be very proud
  22. AH yep Jules I can fully undestand that feeling. I stopped because I was pregnant and leaving anyway, but if I was able I would have stopped earlier for the same reason. I once had a tourist dog visit and went over exactly what they wanted, did the dog as was requested - well so I thought. Their reaction when I brought him out?? OH my god you have made him ugly, oh he is so ugly now. My response well don't worry if you ahte it that much give it a few weeks and it will have grown out! Maybe it wasn't exactly as they had invisaged, but really to go on like that?? And they ahd young kids with them as well, not a really good role model I would have thought? I had also spent a quite long time going over exactly what they wanted and they were VERY picky and tried my absolute hardest to get it that way and it ahd taken me a longer time than a dog of that size normally took.
  23. Matted stinking dogs (and cats) are not unusual after winter heading into the warmer months. Some people seem to think leaving extra coat on keeps the dog warm, but then they get wet and matted because no-one brushes them, the get infected skin and fly blown if left until the correct time of the year. There is nothing quite like washing a dog totally infested with fleas and seeing the flea bodies falling off like large grains of dirt and coveing the bottom of the bath and seeing the water turn red and looking like it is blood. Usually three or so washes and water changes later they look clean and decent and I have found quite often fall into a very deep sleep while waiting for owners as they are exhausted from all the itching and scratching they have been doing. Grooming is not all clean fluffy poodles groomed to perfection - if only!
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