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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. One for me and it's overcast and drizzling
  2. I wonder why we don't have a vaccination against snake bites? Apparently they do in the US against Rattle Snakes - or is someone just having a lend of me We've had three dogs bitten in the past 18 months, sadly losing one of them who was only 15 months old. We have done absolutely everything possible to eradicate the snakes' need to come into our dog yards and we are stumped as to what to do next. My lovely neighbour on the adjoining property just came and told me that he saw a brown go across our driveway this morning and into the paddock towards the dog shed/yards. I'm on tender hooks already and it's not even summer time! No they do have a vaccine against Rattle snakes in the US there was quite a discussion about it and some links posted on another forum I go on as I was very interested myself. I do wonder why we do not have something similar as yes they would still need to get veterinary treatment but they would not be as severly affected. Maybe it has something to do with the actual make up of the venom of different types of snakes??? I am very interested to find out. Wish I could collar Vaccine reps like I used to be able to do
  3. SO very sorry to hear, all the best and quickest get better vibes for Mindy
  4. All fingers and paws crossed for a quick recovery for Mindy.
  5. I have been in the ring when the judge had shuffled dogs to the position they wanted and asked for only those 4 (or whatever) to be run as a group. Not much difference really, except for you get to sit down or grab your next dog with a little more time
  6. And the answers to this show exactly why no matter how hard you try, someone will get offended somewhere along the line.
  7. That is very interesting thank you. It's something I would have been very interested in having. One question though, how do you stop the dog bitting the tube off potentially and maybe a antiseptic pad to scrub the area the needle is to be inserted in might be a good addition to the pack so as to reduce the potential for introducing bacteria via the needle.
  8. Thank you, very interesting, and definately something I would have had on hand. The first time my dogs bloated we could tube her until she was GA'd and opened up. One thing though, how would you stop them biting off the tube?
  9. YOu are joking - that is downright ridiculous. So these poor people cannot even go and see anyone in person and get an answer to their questions - what a joke.
  10. It sounds like the OP is hell bent on using the Advance, no matter what others say about it I would like to ask the OP, why she/he has chosen Advance , just out of interest Does it matter?? Or does it just cheese you off that they haven't jumped on the BH bandwagon. Not sure that Sheena said "bloody idiots not buying BH"???? Or maybe I read it wrong????????
  11. Good to hear, Nutro is a very good food. And yes less smelly poops is definately an advantage
  12. What is in a bloat kit?? I am guessing it wouldn't be much help when they have tortioned as my girl tried to drink some water and it basically fell out of her mouth as she had already tortioned high up. She had very minor bloating - looked liked she had had a bit of a drink of water which she hadn't had as she was in her crate. She was restless and pacing once she was let out of her crate, and had woken me up as she was howling and barking and never did that normally. This happened at 5 in the morning and she had been feed some Advance tinned food and then crated at around 9.30pm the night before
  13. I wouldn't feed Advance or Hills. We have basically those as our choice down here, so I brought in Black Hawk and am very pleased with the results. Also the fact there is no wheat or soy in the adult ( 2% wheat in the puppy) and meat meal is the first ingredient. I won some Nutro once and that had good ingredients as did the Canidae from memory. I have no idea about RC or Eagle Pack as we don't have them readily available. From the hills website Thats a whole lot of grain and why on earth would they need chicken liver flavour??? Black Hawk Can't seem to find an ingredients list for RC - can find all the other info though CAnidae Red meat will not reduce the life span of your dog - sorry but that is a ridiculous statement.
  14. I wish all people looking for a dog was a sensible as you. YOu have loads of great information and I am sure you will find the perfect dog
  15. Thank you for that. I am sorry that all those things have happened to you. I do agree that instruction in person would be best and I would love to do that but due to my location it is very difficult. An instructional video for people like myself would be extremely helpful so I can learn the footwork properly without a 1500km round trip and having to organise a farm and young kids. I asked becasue I do realise that the rule book only gets you so far. I guess I am just going to have to make do and learn along the way and take advantage of any advice I can gain from entering and getting it wrong. Hopefully they see the error of their ways and give you the support you need.
  16. Trim often, even if it is just a slither off the nail to get the quick to go back. She may have one very long mail if she has sprained the toe and it does quite sit as tight as it did before. IT won't wear the same so it grows longer and the quick grows longer. If nail trimmers are squishing a bit then I would think you need new ones as they should slice straight throught the nail, they don't like it if it squishes.
  17. Will be very interested as to what they find SC.
  18. Yep they work really well for that
  19. have a break, then get it too perfection then go in for three in a row and title :D - You can do it!!!!
  20. I use mine while I am training, but no for runs etc, I leave those until it is cooler. They would be fine for walking though
  21. Send me an email and I will send you the ANKC (draft) rule book. This should give you a good start. I have the draft rule book, I am guessing this is the same?? I was thinking along the lines of diagrams showing say with arrows or something which way the person goes/turns and where the dog needs to go/turn? Is there anything like that available?
  22. I was pleasantly suprised at how well they fit the Whippets as well. Yep a hand under the coat shows them it is cool, but geez can people go off! I would have thought the fact the dog was not panting may have shown the dog was not in anyway distressed, but obviously not
  23. TW - glad you had a much better time this time and although she did make a couple of mistakes, she was much much better Next time should be better again Very well done to everyone and Scoota - very cute
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