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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Went on a walk trail today and realised that there was a rather large very fat and healthy dugite around 8 inches from my foot!!!! My kids had just walked past it as they were infront of me . He moved - rather casually back into the bush. Was a rather impressive specimen.
  2. Do you think they may mean tri-coloured?
  3. That just makes my heart sing reading that Gayle. She is somewhere where she is really appreciated with her just being her. Great news about the title and I am sure they were very very proud of you both. Give her another 12 months and I am sure she will be even more settled and have an even lovelier coat - if that is possible she is very impressive now!
  4. hmmmmm that is interesting because to me that in possibly on the higher end for my dogs. Both my dogs RHR are around 40 and during my boy's endurance trial his heart rate was around 80. At the vets it is always below 80 and Rommi gets excited because she wants to kiss everyone and Lewis gets a bit stressed, so that is higher than normal. If they both were not like that then I would be worried but they are both around the same and I just always get the comment - oh these dogs must be pretty fit. They are but not super athletes or anything. I am told being sighthounds means they are a bit different but pretty much all the other Whippet owners who have checked their dogs for me are around 55 to 60. Oh the RHR I have take is when they are laying on the lounge next to me REALLY relaxed :D Have you had any issues with her as far as exercise tolerance or heat sensitivity?
  5. Glad to hear he is feeling a little better. The spray should help a lot. I find the boy sighthounds are .....welll............girls blouses!!!! Clipper rash is a bugger, hopefully the neocort applied to that but not on the wound will also help him feel a lot better. Goodluck!
  6. :rofl: :rofl: I just about can't breathe!!!!! These are the funniest photos ever!!!
  7. Sounds very interesting. What is her resting HR Scarlett Dog ???
  8. I am sure her breeders are beyond pleased that she has gone to live with you
  9. Rusky your day I think is best sloted away to gather dust!!!! I am so paranoid about my entries going missing I always ring now, sometimes people think I am over paranoid but due to the distance I ahve to travel I like to be sure. What normally happens then?? Are you normally allowed to run?? I know Albany said they would let me even if my entries did go astray.
  10. What a great little dog!!!! He was flying. I have seen some great agility vids from CC's in the past. Great little agility dogs.
  11. Has there been any studies on puppies bought from puppy farm and then raised as a family pet? I am interested to see what long term effects that has on a dog and their ability to fit into a normal family life.
  12. I have turned up at the vets at 5.30am with my dog in my purple and green spotted PJ's and ugg boots!!!! Now that was a site to behold!!! Glad she was okay, hopefully she is just sore and nothing is broken. Roo's can be oh so dangerous.
  13. I said that......once........and now I have ummmmmmm three!!!!! I think breed and personalities play a huge aprt. Two Dobe bitches was very hard work ( and would NEVER do that again!), two Whippets pretty cruisy and I could happily have a third
  14. The article I read was in a book called Dobermanns Today I believe. I can find it (it is in the storage room) and may scan that article for you to read??? It may be too old to be of use not sure??
  15. It wasn't me ...........the Smurfs did it!!!!!!!
  16. Thanks Aussielover, I have thought of that too, and intend to ask next time we go in. I ducked in to return something at the vets at the end of last week and one of the other vets cornered me and suggested that we sedate him and inject the antibiotics straight into the anal sacs, as a treatment option. I am really hoping that I can achieve some relief for him through the dietary angle. :D I had a dog with the same issue. We went down the path of emptying the anal glands and instilling Baytril(The only drug the bug was sensitive too after culture etc) directly into the glands as well as him recieving it orally. We did the empty and instill daily for around 6 days from memory and I think the antibiotics was for 6 weeks (we had tried 2 week treatments previously). Fixed it never to return :)Thank goodness!!!!
  17. The only one I have read about was in a Dobe many years ago and the dog ended up dying from bone cancer at an old age. She was fine after the pacemaker, normal dog I think.
  18. She is a stunning girl, very well done and congratulations on the title
  19. Was thinking the same thing!!! At least he thought he was very clever :D
  20. Yep personally I see the only benefit from TL is an inability for them to produce puppies. I also would not have a bitch with a TL and not desex her once mature due to other inconviences - seasons, and potential illnesses - pyometra. Myself I will not desex a bitch until mature, but once she is mature or will no longer be used for breeding she will be desexed.
  21. HOpe it all works out for you. I don't have close neighbours and quiet dogs so not much help I guess, but have you considered the very thick shadecloth as a visual barrier??? Easy to attach with cable ties and allows some breeze through. Hope the collar works quickly
  22. RIP Sienna - my worst nightmare!!! We have seen a few, but none around the house thankfully
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