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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. If that was at my place they would not be going home!
  2. I go to two shows a year at this point in my life, around 6 to 8 weekends previously. These shows are held in the closest location for me - 480kms and are held twice yearly. What happens if I travel nearly 500kms and my bitch comes in in the car on the way over??? I should just pull her???? My dog is never repremanded for taking an interest in or mounting a bitch in season, he is also extremely soft and I would never ever reprimand a stud dog. He does know however when we are out and about, we have the obedience lead on or show lead he is to focus on me and me only. It is training.
  3. I have shown my bitch in season, but not when standing, only in the first week. I have an entire male and have no issues with bitches in season being shown. He is trained and part of his distraction training is working around bitches in season. He will train happily when my bitch is standing. I would prefer that people do not take bitches in season into areas that dogs are about to do obediecne in as much of their work involves using scent detection and discrimination. I trial at country shows where you have the show rings and maybe 20 metres away you have the obedience. So while there are no inseason bitches allowed in the trial ring they will most certainly be able to smell them and know they are there. I train so it hopefully won't distract him. So I guess I don't even think about it except for making sure he does not get close enough to an in season bitch to try and jump on her ( I keep mine well away from any unknown dogs anyway). From memory I have seen the odd in season bitch or have heard the odd person say their bitch was in season, but have found they are normally closely watched by their owners/handlers.
  4. I have been told the same about Whippets and it is rubbish. If a dog gets used to wearing a collar and taught to walk correctly on a collar, then there will be no pressure on anything. However I also believe genes not collars cause collapsing trachea.
  5. If it is Salmonella(certain types) then yes I think it is. Usually though they are not transmissable. I would maybe check that your fridge freezer is operating at the correct temperature and that your food has not been contaminated in anyway while stored int he fridge/freezer just incase say the dog meat was off and the packaging has leaked.
  6. I have had entire animals of both sexes and different breeds and all were managed so there were no issues. OH nearly caused one, but after the shredding recieved he won't be doing that again! For most people they just can't be bothered putting up with it, so desex the dogs. Whilst yes gene pools are depleted by the practice I prefer it to regularly occuring accidenatl litters. I believe any animal that has a health issue that renders it unable to be bred from or a genetic issue should be desexed.
  7. Had the same with Lewis, thought he was getting better then back again. He had a bacterial gut infection. Yup vet not 100% sure what it is but he is on antibiotics. Gibbs' cleared up on his own With Lewis's the vet did a slide of a swab from his bottom. Within days he was 100%
  8. Wouldn't there be skin swelling/ swollen lymph nodes .. visually obvious stuff? Not always in the initial stages
  9. The King should look after his rabbits a bit better then Do you remember what country? One of the Scandinavian countries, but cannot remember exactly which one.........it was mentioned on a forum which is no longer running unfortunately or I would look it up for you
  10. Had the same with Lewis, thought he was getting better then back again. He had a bacterial gut infection.
  11. MIne are in a yard with 2 metre high fences and mesh buried into the ground. They don't dig, barge or climb. We are on 2000 acres and while they could go to the neighbours 2 kms away it is more probable they would hang around if they did get out. They are reasonably unique around here and well known as they are in the local paper a fair bit and often seen around with me. If I lived in town I would probably use breakaway collars but out here, definately naked for me
  12. as above generally I desex my bitches when they no longer require their bits. This may be they are what I consider too old to have a litter, finished their Ch title, not at a,level where they are good enough to breed from. All my bitches are desexed eventually but the earliest one will be desexed is after maturity. My male dogs are not desexed unless there is a medical reason. They do not roam or exhibit undesirable behaviour. I would not buy a puppy that required early desexing or was done as a baby
  13. Black Hawk, previously Optimum. On the old dog Bonnie working dog which worked really well when it was just roo, but then they added Beef and that wrecked that!! They are all on BH and doing VERY well.
  14. It has been mentioned somewhere but I can't remember where. A working dog in this instance was a Gundog and you could only have one if you were a registered hunter and held a current license. People couldn't just go out and think, I would like a Weimaraner and get one. Also in one of the European countries it is illegal to hunt rabbits. A group of people did with thier Whippets. Officials saw the footage, found the poeple invloved and seized the dogs and euthed them from memory. The rabbits are considered property of the King in that country.
  15. hehehe she meant a picture of your pup you are getting. Can't talk about a cute pup and not put a photo up
  16. Wantsapuppy, I know I have them and could be biased, but have you considered a Whippet??? Quiet, non-smelling, low shedding, trainable??? Some are more full on than others, but I have found even the more full on ones are nothing compared to my Dobes I have had. A decent walk, or training session or off lead run as an adult and then they sleep the rest oft he day away on the lounge. If you want something bigger maybe a GAP Greyhound?
  17. What a great story. I ahve a good one about our new head ranger as well. There has been some lovely dogs impounded for weeks. No new homes and the ranger did not want to euth them as they were young, healthy and sound of mind. So she got in a car and drove over 400kms to hand them over to SAFE. I am guessing it was possibly in her own time as well.
  18. MIne are naked also. Mine are together in their yard and dog runs when I am out. I also worry about them playing and one dog catching it jaw in another dogs collar. Happened to a friend of mine and she was right there and only just saved her bitch, who's air had been cut off by a very paniced dog who's lower jaw was trapped in her collar. It had gotten trapped then he had started freaked out and had twisted the collar tighter trapping his jaw more tightly and cutting the bitches air off more completely.
  19. Troy is good but sometimes one will slip past and that is where we come in, a quick email and he is onto it
  20. Yes but to sell the puppies on here they must be registered and go with an ANKC registration certificate - unless they are in WA then you can sell without papers still. So if they are not selling as you believe they should be email Troy and if it contravenes the sites rules the ad will be removed
  21. To sell puppies on DOL they need to be registered breeders and abiding by the rules and regs regarding registering puppies and issuing their papers etc
  22. I have seen some very serious and life threatening injuries to Dogs from annoying roo's. They can and will drown dogs and my BIL nearly lost two that way, they survived because he waded into the creek with a very large branch and managed to get the roo to let go. They were very lucky as was he. I never allow my dogs to go after or chase roos. It is not worth my dog being badly damaged or killed. I also keep my kids away from them.
  23. HOw could she not know the window was down??????? Something strange going on there
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