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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Bloody interfering neighbours, why do people think a dog needs to be fed becasue it looks at the or looks hungry!!! I am glad I don't have nieghbours as I would be on speaking terms for long if they did things like that. I do remember one dog coming into work who was VERY overweight and everythign was calculated and the dog barely lost any weight. He honestly was down to just about nothing. Eventually it came out the neighbour was feeding him pies, up to two a day among other crap!!! I would have gone on the complete war path
  2. Agreed RS - click ALWAYS means treat even if you accidentally click. If she is food motivated she should train with the clicker easily. All the click is is a marker of what you want and it gives you a short amount of time to deliver the treat. So it is also a bridge. When you are first doing the clicker the gap between click and treat needs to be very brief so they learn click means treat. Once that is very well understood, you can stretch it a little. As in she does something you want that is away from you and you click, then she can run back to you for a treat. The book I mentioned is Dog Tricks by Mary Ray and Justine Harding and is published by Hamlyn. It is a great book and gives you heaps of things to do, how to use the clicker to do it and what to do if it isn't quite going to plan. She will really enjoy shaping from the sounds of it
  3. Definately a toy, wonder if she happens to think they are a terrier by chance??
  4. Agreed, I have the rabbits..............
  5. Sounds good but.........Whippets don't do water so will ahve to say have fun :D
  6. There is a book by Mary Ray and Justine someone. It is a book of tricks (and obedience stuff) that you can teach and how to use the clicker. I find things like that really mentally stimulate them and get them quite tired because they have to think so hard. It is also easy to do at nights in the house or if your bub is having a sleep. I also found it relaxing down time and still do. Can get the exact name if you would like, wasn't very expensive either
  7. Go the rescue route and choose one when you find the right one.
  8. I have never heard of it either but will see if my friend knows about it. I would be very reluctant to give something like this to a pregnant bitch.
  9. If someone threw anything to my dogs there would be a fight alright and it would involve me and the neighbour!!!
  10. Nope they are not and if they did I would stop it immediately. I don't like being licked at all so would not allow it to happen at all - ever!
  11. I can fully understand why they don't like it, cloves are revolting, but if it helps that is great
  12. thank you very much for that, will get the camp stove out I think!! Cloves are on the shopping list!!!
  13. carrot oil, two drops a day in their food
  14. We are going to get Guinea Fowl as well. I have found though the go all over and are not around the house area a lot. My MIL's Guneas cover a range that is a few kms wide and long
  15. What is in these??? I have used Shoo snake and it smells like cloves, but is very expensive.
  16. Thanks Snake Catcher Typed a reply and it went *poof* So here goes again!!!! On really hot days I put a sprinkler on for a few minutes at a time for the birds so I would understand if they were there. No the snakes were not aware I was there. When they did the moved off and around the back. I pull everything out of the dogs runs reasonably often and clean everything out and disinfect and spray for Redbacks and have not seen any evidence of mouse droppings or urine. The dogs are fed inside so no dropped food in the dog runs Two occasions the dogs were in the dogs runs, twice they were not and I was going to put them in there. There are water troughs in paddocks that are around the house so there are multiple water sources away from the house. We have trees and mowed grass/weeds on the 5 acres around the house. No woodpiles, no junk heaps - I am VERY concious of having nothing a snake might like to live in!!! I was wondering if they may be seeking the coolness of the concrete??? Although sometimes it was hot and other times overcast and warm. The snakes I have seen around the farm in the last few weeks have actually been out when it was jumper weatehr and drizzling so not sure what the go there is????
  17. I think for someone coming into showing it can be extremely hard to be able to get a dog on mains to show.
  18. We have many water points away from the house(other side of the fence) that snakes can access that would have more cover than going across the mowed area. There is also a bucket of water not a huge distance from the dog runs that they can access. They seemed very determined to get in.
  19. From what I can see the plane was delayed, yep no worries. Someone who was paid to go and collect puppy didn't as it was to far from the airport to their place of business even though they had been paid to do it. And there were lies and very rude customer service. I would not be happy either. Not to mention I would be VERY stressed if my puppy did not arrive and I was told they didn't know where it was. I would also be complaining in this instance. I would also wait until the plane had left to amke sure my puppy was on the flight.
  20. Snake catcher - Out of interest, why would a snake be trying to actively be trying to get into a dog run with dogs in it, that is snakemeshed and then shade clothed??? (By active I mean going backwards and forwards and tapping the barrier higher and lower over and over) They had to cover a large area of mowed ground with no cover, and take the birds harassing them. It was not a one off, it happened 4 times in a week, 4 different snakes. There are no mice or birds, the only attractant I could think of was water. The Whippets just stand there and look at them, my Dobes used to go off and thunder around barking so they were more likely to move away I suppose. I am trying to figure out what they would be attracted to and why they would cover a vast amount of open space to get there.
  21. Out of interest snake peoples, why would a snake be trying to actively be trying to get into a dog run with dogs in it, that is snakemeshed and then shade clothed??? They had to cover a large area of mowed ground with no cover, and take the birds harassing them. It was not a one off, it happened 4 times in a week, 4 different snakes. There are no mice or birds, the only attractant I could think of was water. The Whippets just stand there and look at them, my Dobes used to go off and thunder around barking so they were more likely to move away I suppose. I am trying to figure out what they would be attracted to and why they would cover a vast amount of open space to get there.
  22. I generally recommend if you find your dog/s with a snake and you would want to treat them, get them to a vet, on a drip and there are some blood tests you can run which can help to let you know if they have potentially been bitten. I have seen dogs walk through the door as normal as it can be, as the owner found the dog near a snake but it looks okay. Said dog has then collapsed and gone into repiratory distress within moments. If they are at the vets when they collapse you have a much better chance of being able to save them. We had two come through the door looking normal, one sat their for about 30 seconds then vomited so we rushed them trhough, got them on the table and the other one collapsed, then the first one collapsed and it was a flurry of activity to get them tubed, on a drip and AV started. Ended up one survived with intensive around the clock care for two days, the other had a system shut down at around 4 in the morning and died. I always threaten to move to New Zealand!!
  23. I have to slightly disagree there. I have a VERY well maintained and thought out barrier - or so I thought until I walked underneath a tiger snake that was over my head. I did not realise until I shut the door and there was something in it cause it to not shut properly. Just happened to be a Tiger Snakes head. Now that gave me the heebee jeebees for weeks, still does! I have been told that you can snake proof all you like but the chances are a snake will still be able to get in somewhere, gates being weak points. I try my hardest and like to think my dogs area is as snakeproof as I can make it, but I am also aware that nothing is 100% Shade cloth is very effective, especially if it is buried in the ground as is the snake and mouse mesh if all potential gaps are properly addressed.
  24. If you lift knots and try to cut them the skin pulls up in the middle and if you use scissors inevitably you cut a chunk of skin out. Much safe to use clippers. Poor dogs report him I have no patience for such people
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