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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Way to go Bedazzledx2 big congrates to you Very well done Bedazzled. Have to say I had the pleasure of Bedazzled judging my dogs and while one had a great pass the other got retired as she was a bit overwhelmed. It was a pleasure to have a judge who had great communication and also gave me the chance to finish my girls heel round with encouragment for her after she fell apart in her heeling so we could end on a positive note.
  2. A friend of mine with Twins basically didn't get out of her Pj's or did not have a baby feeding for a period of two days when they had a growth spurt. My Dobe died 7 weeks before my secong sone was born. As much as I wanted another dog I held off as I had no idea what my baby would be like. Would he be laid back, a screamer etc. Turns out I did have complications that meant I barely had the energy to get out of bed for the first few weeks. Not to mention as I had been on fluids and ended up a bit obver hydrated I had very fluidy puffy legs that by the end of the day were huge and very painful for a good week or so. Turns out my son was very laid back and when he was 5 months old we did welcome a new puppy. I admit I agonised over the decision as I wanted to make sure the puppy didn't miss out. While it worked some days were a trial and it seemed children and puppy were conspiring to make as much trouble as possible!!!! And I agree with the hormonal rush and wanting to mother something. We have welcomed a new kitten, a rescue via the vets. We are his second home and have had him since around 9 weeks. The reason??? It was harder than they thought looking after a kitten and a newborn - they got the kitten just before their baby was born. On the scheme of things kitten are MUCH easier to look after than puppies, especially large breed ones.
  3. I have used the tablets, opened the capsule and put it onto the food.
  4. Weelllll I had a 5mo and a 2yo and one puppy and it worked well. But two babies and two puppies is a whole nother ball game!!! One puppy yeh maybe if you have the support to enable you to spend good quality one on one time with the puppy. I have a few close friends with twins and some days you would feed one, get them changed settled etc just in time for number two to wake up for a feed change etc. Quite often just after that number one would be awake again. Babies can feed every 2 hours in the beginning and while many people are very adept at twin feeding sometimes the babies have their own schedule and well they don't leave a lot of time for much elese, especially in the beginning. If she was getting one puppy then I would say a cautious okay, but wanting two puppies hmmmmmmm nope. I would personally be rather cautious about the average dog owner getting two puppies at once without the twins in on the bargain
  5. I don't go to work so none really but they do have to spend time alone when I am say shopping/doing town jobs, or when I work in the cattle yards all day. They have a toy box and each other. Sometimes the toys are not touched, sometimes they are
  6. I can fully empathise with you on that front. Not to mention you get soo bloody jumpy!
  7. I have not ignored any of the advice given. I have done what most people consider a lot towards making my area not snake friendly and snake resistant. The only other thing I could consider is too move! I am assuming you haven't seen Iditadog's fencing????? They are still getting snakes and have had a dog bitten very recently. Snake bites on humans do not have to end in death to be traumatic. A young boy (same age as one of my sons) who lives just down the road was bitten a few weeks ago playing in his backyard and hadn't seen a small snake. It was very traumatising for him and his parents when he was rushed to hospital and having to be hospitalised etc. He was fine now, but they didn't know he would be at the time. I have shadecloth around my dog yard and snakemesh, but it is a little difficult and expensive to shadecloth around my housyard which is on a farm and doesn't have fencing like you do in town it has livestock fencing. Yes I am saving to fence a smaller backyard, but at this point in time am trying to finish building my house. I have very nearly trod on many snakes as I have been going about my business on the farm, one right outside my house door and it was that close as it put its tongue out to see what was going on it "licked" my ankle. Another I nearly trod in the middle of as I opened my door to step out with a basket of washing. Luckily my 2yo son was behind me instead of going out first. This happens often. I open the door, scan THEN step out. I am quite sure if you lived with the number I do all the time the novelty would wear off pretty quickly.
  8. Once you have had 20+ in very close proximity to your house, children and pets, then let me know how you feel. I don't have a problem with snakes, I think they are magnificent animals, but I do get tired of being on a knifes edge all the time. I would like my kids to be able to go outside and not have to be stressed the whole time and watching everything and looking out for anything that may be a snake. I would like to be able to step out the garage door - where I was not 2 minutes before and not have to yell at my dogs to get them away from a rather large venomous snake that wasn't there 2 minutes before. I get super jumpy and to be honest it really isn't a nice feeling to be on edge for months at a time. I will not risk my children or pets lives. If that makes me a bad person to you then so be it. I have seen MANY animals with snake bite, I have breathed down a tube for a dog on and off for over 2 hours to keep it alive for someone who dearly loved that little dog, I have stayed up all night to monitor dogs with snake bite that have then crashed and couldn't be resusitated, I have watched them fight hard to stay and die, I have seen them struggle for breathe that isn't coming. I know what a dog goes through when it gets bitten by a snake and even though you may not agree I do not want that for my dogs. I do not go out and randomly kill snakes for the sake of it, quite the contrary actually but I will kill a snake that is trying to enter my dogs small area or is trying to get into my house or garage. I have gone over what is allowed and what isn't my friend works for DEC, and I am allowed and entitled to do so.
  9. Best of luck for his surgery. You do need to try and keep calm for his sake though. If you are totally strung out you will not be helping him at all. I can fully understand you not wanting to leave him at the vets but he will be topped up on pain killers and resting. If you were with him he would probably be picking up on your level of anxiety and would not be able to rest properly. Keep us posted as to how he is going. Poor little man. And I am sure your son is feeling terrible so hugs for him as well.
  10. Once a day in the dog yard, sometimes twice. Any around the house as I see them. As the dogs are alway outside with me I see most of them. I don't want dog poo around the house as the kids play and I don't want them to step in it etc.
  11. Just terrible, Rip Dharma and Trek. My sympathies to their owners. Terrible that they have not contacted the owners and have now lost their car??? What is wrong with them? and yes there should be an investigation.
  12. Thanks for that - so it is the containing of the sheep that is the problem, not the sheep themselves. Can assure you that they weren't doing that in Oz in 1827 Cant say that it didn't happen in the long winters of Saxony though - barn living would have been the norm over there. Souff The idea is good in principle and in Europe the sheep are in large barns but more like barn raised chicken, they are not confined to individual pens, I dont know why we didn't embrace the free ranging barn idea here in Australia but I think the feeding costs of penned animals would have been a major contributor. CSIRO did a study on how many kjs a day a free ranging animal requires vs a penned "immobile" animal. Maybe also the wool is less damaged in pen situations but not sure. My Grandpa had "Shedded" sheep as he called them. They never wore coats and lived in the shed with all the gates open in between pens. They lived as a small mob, but didn't go outside however there were bits of the shed that were open and they got fresh air and lay in the sunlight. He had radios playing, went over three times a day, they ran up to say hello and got pats. They were very healthy well adjusted sheep. I never knew others kept them like that.................
  13. Thank you Ptolomy, that means a lot to me. I learnt so much about myself and my dogs. It will definately help me next time I go. I got a bit annoyed at myself for a couple of things as the dogs did exactly as I asked, only problem was I didn't ask properly!!! but all very good for my learning curve. The thing that impressed me the most what their attitude all weekend. I also learnt I need to get fitter :D And I need another mattress in my swag!!!
  14. Oh I wonder who took them and if they would mind if I bought, begged borrowed a copy?? WOuld you mind asking them for me? Please?
  15. Oh did you where abouts???? Nope just my two, but there was a Stumpy Tail cross who I would bet had a Whippet as a dad. He was very handsome. I am also chuffed both dogs pulled off three rear crosses in the first 6 jumps on one course - we have been practicing them
  16. We have a small brag :D Lewis got a 97 and his final leg of his CCD, and Rommi got her first JD and AD passed. I am very chuffed, my first agility dogs and even though they are handler inpaired they did really well :D
  17. OSoSwift


    well it does matter to the child and family what happened but basically I agree, another dog dead cause it was owned by a moron, that allowed it to wander, another blow against the dog world in general and bull breeds in particular I agree it does matter to a very traumatised family, the bit about it not really mattering was more to do with the fact another dog issues was caused by an idiot. I also get annoyed at crap reporting.
  18. Am in love with my DeepHeat today, ouchy muscles also ended up running my friends Goldie in agility as her mums back was far to sore, had a great time but no passes for her, she was a happy bouncing soul though my legs muscles were a bit unsure about that idea at the time!!!
  19. We're back .................... And we have news Lewis gained his last pass for his CCD with a 97 and first place, he also got two reserve challenges and an Inter in group. He got very close to some agility/jumpers passes, but as it was in one instance a rather open course well he can run kinda fast, got a bit far ahead and missed the last jump. Also figured to be a bit strategic and place Rommi in line with the last line of jumps . That would of helped today if we hadn't of muffed an entry into the weavers and I hadn't of done a wrong course!!!!!!!stupid me!!!!!! Rommi got totally overwhelmed in obedience so wecretired but was a star in the agility ring gaining two passes and first places in novice jumpers and agility I am really happy with their attitudes and resilience over a really big weekend. My dogs rock- well to me at least :D
  20. Me to, you naughty naughty clean run enablers!!!! Luckily I will not have the net for two days
  21. I can be abrupt as well, but I answer every enquiry I get. Also this morning I was on the phone and email organising the transfer of a Whippet someone had saved from the pound but could not keep, into rescue. I did not breed the dog I know who did, but I do what I can for my breed and anyone who contacts me. Still doesn't mean I am always all sunshine and rainbows all of the time
  22. OSoSwift


    So I wonder what it was, was the child scratched possibly badly, or has the child got serioud head and neck wounds?? Not that really, at then end of the day, it matters, idiot dog owner allowing the dog to roam and now the dog will die and another nail is belted into the coffin of the dog world.
  23. I am interested to hear more about this Moonlake as I have Whippets myself. Including where you can send swabs to to get them tested.
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