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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I feed BH with all kids of stuff raw, cooked and all things and have never had an issue.
  2. OH my that poor poor girl Diet can be a huge part of skin issues, huge. Some very good suggestions all ready but I would also look at the type of dry you are feeding her. Try to get one without wheat - well without toomany grains, no preservatives etc. There is Black Hawk and Optimum that are affordable foods and there are other grain free typ food around (we get very few down here so not sure of the others). She may also eb sensitive to the beef, but I would worry about getting her onto a high quality dry food (if she isn't already) and reducing the grains and no wheat. She looks much better already. WIll be lovely to see her when she has all her hair back
  3. I breed to better my breed. If any of my puppies had an issue I would do what it took to try and make sure it never happened again. I would also give a shit if an owner rang me to say they had an issue. Not everyone cares but mnay do and many do breed to improve the breed. So must be that Santa does exist.
  4. At one stage I actually enquired about getting a Powder Puff, they are gorgeous little dogs. I most likely wouldn't have shown as we are a long way from shows so to keep a coat full for the ring for a couple of ventures a year may not have been all that practical. There are other breeds as mentioned that have both coat types that are shown together and as the two coats type need to be bred together I am not sure splitting them would be for the best. The Puffs are a stunning little dog
  5. I think the age depends on the breed and the individual bitch. My Dobe bitch was definately past breeding by 5.
  6. Gumnut I love the little pup with the fawn/kahki collar on laying there passed out with his/her mouth wide open. I just want to kiss those little noses.
  7. Love your fencing and dogruns Clyde - very very nice How high are your stock fences?
  8. I'm like OSoSwift will not be desexing my male after his experience with the Suprelorin implant! I am considering having my soon to be 8 year old bitch desexed next year after our Nationals which is every 3 years. Like others I worry about pyo. I am considering having ovariectomy instead of the ovariohysterectomy but need to look into this further. Sorry to go off topic but may I ask what it was that has made your each this conclusion please? Do you mean the regarding the Suprelorin implant? Bob had the 12 month implant which lasted around 20-22 months. He turned into a "old dog" to put it simply. He was quiet, lethargic, fat which less food didn't help! He suddenly developed dry eye and was drinking more water than normal. He was tested for various things but nothing abnormal showed up. Could be just coincidental but after the implant wore off and he returned to normal and his tear production is now fine. You wouldn't imagine lack of testosterone could cause some of these problems but I have no other explanation. Yes sorry I did mean regarding the Suprelorin implant. Very interesting and yes too much of a coincidence I would think!. I have also used the 12 month implant and we are 17 months post implant and as yet his testicles while having increased in size to what they were are not back to normal. It is for this reason I am hoping my bitch has a long drawn out time between her last and this upcoming season so his fertility is hopefully back to normal. I am however not holding my breathe. Anyone who is considering using I would recommend a 6 month one and expect it to lat 12 to 18 months. Then you will not be disappointed. Sorry to go off topic.
  9. One of my past dogs cane to me at 6 yes of age. She wasn't necessarily going to be re- homed but the breeder thougt she would have a great life with me and offered her to me. The reason being he did have multiple dogs and she wouldn't get the attention that she would in my one or two dog home. She got walked at the beach every day and came to work with me every day. He felt he owed it to her to give her the best life possible in her retirement. She was with me until she died at almost 12 years of age and was loved with every inch of my heart. He didn't "get rid " of her when she was no longer useful for breeding. He gave her the life he felt she deserved.
  10. I hope this was a joke and not serious... I think this was said as in the other people think - Who cares about lines temperment and suitability. Why should K & C Bother with them ( the other people)
  11. Is that ruling Australa wide. Many many farms have electric livestock fencing around the house and have dogs. The fence isn't to keep the dogs in necssarily but it is of course there and does have that effect. I think if that is illegal then it is a stupid law.
  12. Oh what fun they had, what a great pair. Just love the little wooohooo zoomies
  13. puglvr - they are just gorgeous adn so tiny. I am assuming they are smaller than average Pug babies? I have no idea what size they normally are. Precious little babies
  14. I'm like OSoSwift will not be desexing my male after his experience with the Suprelorin implant! I am considering having my soon to be 8 year old bitch desexed next year after our Nationals which is every 3 years. Like others I worry about pyo. I am considering having ovariectomy instead of the ovariohysterectomy but need to look into this further. Sorry to go off topic but may I ask what it was that has made your each this conclusion please?
  15. Well good that his tear production is normal. Definitely visit a specialist then. Good luck
  16. 26" was bigger than my Dobe!! Rommi is 18" and Lewis is 20" so she was substantially bigger than mine. There are two rather huge Greys down here, so she would look small next to them Pointy noses are very good for dob dobbing people and stuff!!
  17. I had a retired desexed Dobe bitch and a young entire one. The young one when coming into season was a right bitch with everyone. Then when around 2 her and the older Dobe had a fight, neither would back down and they could never be together again. I got her desexed at 5 after her having an open Pyo. She was treated, it cleared but she gained her title and was desexed before her next season. She was MUCH easier to live with after being desexed as not only was she a hormonal bitch when in season but also for the full 15 weeks of her phantom pregnancies. Life was much easier after desexing. She did suffer from Spey incontinence around 8 months after her desexing which annoyed crap out of me but the benefits outweighed the cons. Bitches get desexed here either when they have a health issue requiring it, are past breeding age or are no longer being shown. Males only get desexed for health reasons, and after Lewis having Suprelorin he is never getting desexed, he is much easier to train and get along with when he has his testosterone!
  18. There are a reasonable amount fo Blues around here snd districts as there is a working kelpie breeder that has produced quite a few. I have seen a few stunning fawns as well but that guy isn't breeding many anymore which is a shame as they are great workers and also stunning
  19. To me red clouds are solid red, no tan and maybe only a very small amount of white. Many people I have spoken to seem to think there are Red Clouds and then there are Kelpies. Many are adamant they are different breeds...................
  20. How could you not love these faces :D Whippets tails do go naturally between their legs. If you have a look where their tail begins and how low down it is and the curve of the Whippet then it makes a bit more sense. If their tail was positioned higher up on a flatter back it would not naturally goe between the legs unless deliberatly tucked under there.
  21. Funny, I've never really had any experience with Whippets but when my sister asked me for advice on what breed would suit her family with a young son and small backyard, Whippet came to mind. She then went and read up on them and agreed! And as you know, is hoping to add a Whippie baby to her family in the near future :D Yep and I am hoping so as well.............waiting waiting waiting and getting rather impatient I might add! My husband was never really a dog person and even he can be found bailing up people in carparks spruiking the wonders of the WHippet. I have to say they completely exceeded my expectations and as for being good around kids, they are. They are not to big or pushy so kids being knocked over is rare. Mine chase and bring back a ball so the kids love doing that with them and at the end of the day you will find them alseep together on the lounge or under a doona on the loungeroom floor. Okay I will stop gushing and I think the lightening may have stopped, for now, so will race the dogs out for a toilet stop then off to bed
  22. I do remember when RS's sister met Lewis in Perth he was very hohum about talking to anyone but I did forgive him a little as he had left his in season girl at home, stayed in a strange place and done a 20km endurance trial the day before. If anyone is going to blow people off it is Lewis- Rommi never blows people off- but he never looks timid just stands there with a bored resigned look on his face. Having said that his tail naturally tucks under as Whippet tails do so I guess the average person may think he was being timid even though he isn't. hmmmmmmmmmm something to ponder
  23. I haven't take it too seriously but I am quite often suprised that it is what I would consider a bit opposite of what they actually are. And I guess when I think back is possibly the reason I grilled Rommi's poor breeder before getting here as I was worried I would have zooming Whippets who were acting more like BC's and that they would be running away in all directions. Thankfully that is not so and they are perfect.............................well almost, except for the counter surfing tendancies!
  24. In general Whippets done need plently of exercise. they will happily have a big walk or a half hour zoom session but prefer to be sprawled over something soft and warm and if they miss a walk or run they really don't care I have seen quite a few books say Whippets can be hard to train and need heaps of exercise, but many people that own them do not agree so I am not quite sure where that info comes from???
  25. Go to a specialist. I know that Bull terriers of old could suffer from a dry eye condition and they quite often presented with pussy eyes that didn't clear up on antibiotics etc. We used to use Cyclosporin from memory along with other things. Not sure if it is much of an issue these days. Did the vet check his tear production(with a small white strip that gets placed into the lower eyelid that is a certain type of paper, then they measure how far down the wet area extends after a set amount of time)
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