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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. It isn't just deep chests either it is the depth compared to the width. So the shape of the chest as much as the depth. My male WhIppet in particular has a deep chest but because it isn't very wide he is very unlikely to bloat - I still keep them quiet after feeding as force of habit.
  2. Well these are my first WHippets but one was $650 back in 2007 MR and one was $850 in 2008. The price varies from $650 upwards to &1400 I think. My last Dobe was a very discounted $500 in 1999 ( the breeders general price was $1000) they are now $1500 upwards. They are now greatly health tested so I think the increase in price is warrented as long as they have had all their health tests and I would have no issues paying that for a pup from health tested parents.
  3. My Whippet was 2 kgs at 8 weeks. He still doesn't look right for a healthy example of a 4 week old GR puppy. I am glad his bloodwork came back okay and I hope he improves. I have many alarm bells still ringing though
  4. Pick me - I'm going Oh I would LOVE to I sooo want to do tracking with mine
  5. Yes I am interested but he also cannot tolerate much fat at all which is why he does best on roo and my own home grown beef. So while it may be something else fat is a contributor. I have been told it can be an issue in Whippets.
  6. I have heard you say that before Pav, why the red meat? Does it increase sperm production or something else? And what about Zinc, apparently proven to increase fertility in humans does it do the same in dogs?
  7. Yes you were being clear when I read it again and properly. I have dogs who are pretty much super fit, look great vets and otehrs rave over how good they look so I must be doing something right for them :) I am not a staunch dry food feeder and do feed raw as well, but used to feed more raw than I do now. I do get frustrated when I have boxes of bones of Lamb and Beef and end up giving half of it away becasue it will take forever to use. I do have to be careful of the fat content also with the one who doesn't handle raw food as he can get unwell if he has too much fat. So even if I give them a bit of natures gift I choose the Roo generally, and make sure I scrape all visble fat off before giving it to him.
  8. Ummm nope never heard of them, he was given pro-biotic powder on a number of occasions for a few weeks at a time - protexin He was on mainly dry with some raw. I got him at around 7 months but fed him the things he had had before but more often (if that makes sense) My other dogs have been on a mix since young and has know food allergy issues and the other can eat whatever you throw in her direction.
  9. I did not say if you feed dry its for your convenience - in fact what I wrote could be interpreted as if you feed raw you do it for your convenience! All I suggested is to look genuinely at the reasons you feed your dog the way you do - cost, research or understanding, genuine belief that its best for your dog, your convenience, access (some country people I know feed raw because its 'most convenient') and I suppose a thousand other reasons... I too am 'a little offended' that a DOLer of your stature would jump to that conclusion... Yes your right and I apologise for that take on it. I also should probably not post when I am up in the wee hours of the morning due to insomnia. I took it the wrong way. I have put a heap of time and effort into finding what works for my motely crew and I have been accussed of trying to poison my dogs becasue I feed dry food and cooked, so it can be a bit of a sore point with me occassionally - mainly when I am lacking sleep I have fed raw over the years and have found my dogs do best on a combination except for the one I have now. I may be doing it worng but have never had a dog look quite as good on a raw only diet as when I do a combination of both. I have told my dog he is not a real dog becasue he gets a belly ache from raw bones - I grow the meat myself for goodness sake, I know exaclty what goes in it and it has no nasties and I still can't feed it to him!!!
  10. It is believed the main reason was he could not tolerate much fat if any. However he can eat cooked chicken, lamb, beef and roo and be fine. He has ended up with a bacterial gastro - not salmonella but a bug of some sort, kept waxing and waning until we went to the vet and he got antibiotics - can't remember which ones now. If he eats raw food of any type he ends up with diahorrea (sp?) and/or vomiting, goes off his food and is very sad and tender in his abdomen. He can tolerate a small amount of raw bones but essentially they are beef rib bones with very little meat and if he gets one his poo softens a bit but he is okay within a day, if he gets more than one a week he ends up very off colour and we are on the road of treating gastro. If he eats his Blackhawk with cooked meat or some Natures gift and the odd raw bone and dried chew he is fine, has perfect poos, no vomiting and is in beautiful condition. He has been on this diet for a while and looks a treat and is extremely fit. He has trained for a gained an ET title ont his diet but there is no way I could have done it while trying to find out what raw foods to feed him as he was always dropping weight and I couldn't keep his fitness up. I would like to give him more bones for his teeth, but I clean them instead. I tried over a period of 12 months to try different raw foods and bones with similar conclusions - raw lamb and turkey making him the sickest. he has however eaten both cooked and been fine and blackhawk is lamb based. All the raw food has been Human grade food, I even tried Pet grade incase of colourings etc but all with the same result. He now infact refuses to eat raw chicken, turkey or lamb.
  11. What about if you have a dog that cannot tolerate raw and has infact ended up very unwell at the vets after he has eaten it? There are some very good quality dry foods, research is needed to find it. I have three dogs each with their quirks and some who can only tolerate certain things, which all seem to differ from each other. I do not feed dry purely for the convience of it and I do take a small amount of offense that it is implied that if a person feeds dry it is for their own benefit.
  12. I use down for obedience and off for getting off stuff and give for giving me things. The word has no bearing it is how you train it. My kids or husband can tell my dogs to do something and they act like they have never learnt a thing. I say one word and they listen. I have the power of the cuz ball and food!
  13. I have an 11kg bitch that gets one cup and a 14.5 kg male that gets one and around a half. They also get a tablespoon of something else - meat, sardines etc They get a chew of someosrt or a bone most days and we also have training treats on an average of every second day. On days like yesterday where it was too hot to do much they had 3/4 of a cup and 1 cup respectively.
  14. Nope I don't even have a property sign. Directions - 1st drieway on the right, has double weldmesh gates and a cattle grid :D If you get to XXXXX gravel road you have gone too far.
  15. I know of a Maltese cross that was killed when a Shepherd stepped on her when they zagged instead if zigged. Broken ribs and crushed lungs. Dead in minutes. I have owned large dogs - Dobermanns and I Still hated dogs rushing them. I now own WHippets and I am more careful because they get hurt more easily. I was training my dog at dog club he was in the prcess of going between jumps. A Labrador who shoudl have been on lead was let off and ran at him knocking him a good 3 to 4 feet, winding him and hurting his back - luckily not seriously or permanently. I know of a Whippet who died in evry similar circumstances from a snapped spine. I will not risk my dogs welfare just because someone like you thinks I am too judgemental and need to get over it. I have no idea that the dog rushing mine is not going to take them out - even in play, or if they may attack. I have had my dogs attacked over the years by people who call out he/she is friendly they only want to say hello. I have then had to boot them to get them to back off. It is not on. Incidentally I do not live in town and do not use dog parks but we do go to the beach and occassionally walk in town. I do not care what you think, off lead areas are not free for all areas.
  16. Me neither. I like to pick my pups up as close to 8 weeks as practical. I would be happy to keep a puppy for a new owner until an older age if they couldn't pick the puppy up at 8 weeks. If I did I would make sure the puppy had loads of new experiences in the time I had them.
  17. I have a half brother sister and she turned out just fine :). I myself would be hesitant to do it as I am yet to really get to know what is behind all the dogs in the bloodlines, however if you have a good idea what you are dealing it might be the way to go.
  18. possibly a bit of Dobe with that length of muzzle, the finer coat and ear shape and set and the smutting MAY also be from a Dobe. Either way he's very cute :)
  19. Oh geez, ok then Thanks for the info. Did your dobe survive? Yes :D three times I had her Grandaughter she died at 8 and a half from an unrelated hereditary disease, but never had any issues with bloat.
  20. The very best of luck Lyndsey. All fingers and paws crossed here for a healthy litter and mum
  21. MY Dobe was fed at 9.30 at night, then crated. Drink toilet a bit later, before returning to her crate for the night. She woke me at 5.30 am howling and was not quite right but couldn't put my finegr on it. Decided she may have been very slightly puffing in her abdomen so rushed her to the vets, within 10 minutes from letting her out of the crate at 5.30 she was huge and bloated. She was put into surgery ASAP and had tortioned.
  22. Of course they can just like pets can have behavioural issues. NOt sure what the relevence is?
  23. I have had entire dogs of a couple of different breeds and it makes no difference to how tricky it is to socilaise them. My Dobes were Dobes plain and simple. They were very well socialised and easy to take anywhere. HOwever if a dog - or any breed got in their face they would not start the fight but they may finish it. I would never run two Dobe bitches together when I was not around. They are Dobes, they are dominant and if they decide to have a barney it would be a serious one - as it was when my two decided to have a rumble one desexed, one entire. It did not make them bad or undersocialised dogs it made them Dobes. I would expect to be able to run multiple WHippets togetehr more easily, however every now and again you get the odd one of those that can push the envelope that would not be able to be run togther without supervision.
  24. My dog had a gastroplexy and while it stops tortion it does not stop bloat. She had it twice after having the surgery
  25. Time and recognition is of the essence with bloat/tortion. I always crated mine for at least an hour after feeding, fed twice daily and they had hard exercise, then cooled off for at least and hour before being fed. I had a bitch bloat and have surgery three times. Once for no known reason, once after eating whole dry lupins ( I know strange) and then having a massive drink and once after gorging herself on around 5 litres of food after she broke into the laundry at her breeders. Awful thing to go through
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