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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, Had a fairly normal but nice day. It took until after lunch for the fam to remember it WAS my birthday, but I came home from town to a little choccy cake with blue icing. It took Master 4 to remember it was my birthday :) Gotta love husbands. Hope all under the weather and injured dogs are going better and will be all back to well very soon. My dogs and myself LOVE Bowen. My Bowen lady goes between the two as well. LOVE your new girl Ptolomy, she is gorgeous. I guess there are bonuses to only have one vet to visit :)
  2. My Whippy has 10 :) One Dobe had 10, one had 9.
  3. You will see i said If they haven't well so be it, but IFthey have I stand by what I said. My dogs water can get dirty as well, but this is not the first time thay have been called to the property, there would be history there.
  4. That's what I was thinking too. Maybe they were video'd after running around and burning off steam. I would imagine it would be hard to video 42 dogs fanging off in all directions, I would wait until they were puffed out as well. There were a couple of rough coats my grooming hand was itching to attack with a brush. I was loving the angulation in those dogs, lovely turns of stifle - and yes I am a turn of stifle tragic!
  5. ummmmmm yeah just gas :D ssuuureeeee........................
  6. so if you have dogs with dirty or no water you get them left with you. If you have starving animals they get left with you - apart from one. If you have dogs housed in cramped condtions they get left with you. If you dock a dogs tail (or are suspected of docking a dogs tail) the dog gets seized has a GA to confirm if the tail is infact docked or a natural bobg, after which you may just get fined. If you have a dog debarked and then - god forbid - show it, all of your dogs can get seized and it takes a large amount of cash and a legal battle to get them back........................................................ there is something very wrong going on in this country. Personally I do not care what your customs are or what you did in your mother country. Butchering and eating dogs in this country should be illegal if it is not already. If they were butchering dogs, they and the apparent 100 people who were buying the dog meat should have the book thrown at them.
  7. I would give her quite strict rest from running, jumping and just give her gentle lead walks. If in a few days it has not improved then vet visit. I would cut her ball throwing back if she really puts her body on the line.
  8. I had four cats inside 24hrs a day until they all died from old age - 12, 14,15,12 1/2. No snake bites, no fights, dog attacks, MVA's, no sick and twisted humans to kill or injure them. My furniture was a little scratched and I couldn't leave meat on the bench, but who cares :) They had a great healthy life. Interestingly we live on 2000 acres and neighbour problems are not an issue.
  9. Hope poor little Chucky is not too sore. Hope the idiot owner gets found out very soon
  10. I agree CnR - good on you. The vet cannot MAKE you desex your puppy at 6 months, the dog is yours, you make the decision. I was double checking vaccinations dates yesterday, the receptionist says well wh do we give you the three year one with her face screwed up. I said because I wanted it. Oh - nothing more was said. Myself and two friends are the sum total of people who use trienniel vaccines in our entire district!!
  11. That is a good wage and certainly not average. I would have LOVE to have been paid that :)
  12. Excatly what I was thinking, but put much more eloquently :D
  13. I think if you can keep your dog contained, train it and live with it then desex him after 12 months. If you cannot control behaviour aided and abetted by hormones, then desex him at 6 months. I would leave a dog until after maturity but I have the facilities to handle multiple entire dogs and have no issues with behaviour, or can accomodate any that may arise. My bitches are desexed after they no longer need their bits for breeding or are of the age age they will not be used for breeding. Any that should not be bred from would be desexed after maturity. Boys are not desexed unless medically necessary, or if they are of substanded quality.
  14. Awww what a little heart stopper. All the very best and I am glad he is feeling better.
  15. wow 12 last time and she is bigger this time!!!!! :D Goodluck :)
  16. Thank you for the update. IT is good to see that he has a solution. Just goes to show many behvaioural issues have a physical or medical cause. Hope he is fine now.
  17. They are ugly but ususally do not cause too much of an issue. They can be caused by boney elbows dropping down on hard floors when lying down. I have seen some opened drained, drains inserted and bandaged - wouldn't do it!! they quite often return anyway. Soft bedding and no flopping on hard surfaces and time. A Borzoi had them on here Oberon, I think his has gone???? not sure?? Amybe his mum will see this and let you know. Goodluck
  18. Yeah Albany the 18th and 19th, which I am going to :) I am not going this time
  19. Huntia I am so very sorry to hear that. A broken neck or back is my fear with my WHippets as I have seen them hit things at speed and sommersault through the air. What a brave little girl your Cherry was. Thank goodness your friend could help get a diagnosis more quickly for you and Cherry. For what it is worth I would have done exactly the same thing as you in that position. To keep and active young puppy immobile for those periods of time would be inpossible, then with no idea of long term recovery you made the best choice. RIP little Cherry, no more pain, running and playign and waiting at the Rainbow bridge. to your and your family Huntia
  20. I will ask my frined what the protocol is on Police dogs and entering property and let you know.
  21. Carlo11 you are a gem and I thank you for the help you have given Pearl. She has the best smile now, and her eyes are not sad anymore
  22. I got a 4inch foam matress cut it to the size I wanted with an electric knife and made a polar fleece cover for it. Works really well and is comfy
  23. interestingly I have Murray Grey Cattle, have never heard of them being more sensitive to Ivermectin I have also used it on my herd many times. Will read some more.............
  24. I do wonder if giving them liquid calcium between pups could be potentially setting them up for issues in the first few weeks after whelping?
  25. So very very sorry she was way too young RIP little baby girl
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