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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I am with Petplan and when I first signed up my puppy had had Kennel cough at 10 weeks and a gunky eye from going to the beach. They were not covered for the first 12 months, then when her renewal came up I ask for them to review the exclusions and they were dropped. So now all coughs and sore eyes are covered.
  2. Oh my how cute is your little bub. Glad she is now pooping properly :)
  3. WHat awesome and VERY cold looking photos :)
  4. I have to say the poll so far is reflecting my thoughts so that is a good thing :) What better place to get people thoughts than on DOL - keep them coming.
  5. This. This is the most important for me as well. I would only want my own dogs exercised together, no strange dogs. And as one can be a resource guarder with food, would need them to be in separate runs so they could be fed separately. Exactly the same with me too. No strange dogs & I have a resource guarder as well, so yes again although my 2 can be feed together but definitely not with any strange dogs.Sonny wouldn't care less but Stella would 'go off' big time.I would just like them to do as I ask cause we know our dogs & we know the consequences if these certain restrictions are practised. Would you be happy if they were fed in the inside part of the kennel where they could not see other dogs? I agree I expect what I asked to be followed exactly. The owner knows their dog best. And I would think it downright stupid to put someones dog at risk.
  6. Oh goodness me - that is terrible!! Cleanliness will be imperative.
  7. Do you mean you want them to have access to a large grass area ll of the time?? Or you would be happy with an outdoor run as long as they had access at least twice a day to a large grass run?
  8. Indoor area is 2.5 X 1.5 metres. Basic bedding would be either a hessian sack type bed ( but the cover not hessian, it would be a shade cloth like material) or a plastic basket type bed with blankets and vet bed. Also coats etc would be no worries as well as the fact their wood be a tile fire going on low overnight, and air con when hot. Mine don't do hot :) I can understand why some places would not want bedding brought in (I have seen what some people put their dogs on - stinking, fleas!!) , but there would be an assortment of available blankets etc to ensure they would be warm enough. In general I would not use soft beds as it make potential disease control harder and a huge mess if they are shredded. But yep having skinny dogs myself I would make sure they had lots of soft bedding.
  9. This. This is the most important for me as well. I would only want my own dogs exercised together, no strange dogs. And as one can be a resource guarder with food, would need them to be in separate runs so they could be fed separately. Important for me also.Stan scoffs his food and Maddie is so slow.If not watched Stan will push Mads away and eat hers and she lets him.I would not want my two exercised with other dogs because of their thin skin.It wouldn't worry me if they where in the same run or seperate as long as they were side by side.Maddie frets terribly if she is away from Stan. Shame you are too far away Oso my two would definately be there :) *pictures Oso breathing a sigh of relief we are on the East Coast* :laugh: I would love to have them :) I am the type of person that feeds my dogs seperately regardless of any issues, so unless told other wise would automatically seperate for feeding. My dogs are the same, Lewis can be next to Rommi but doesn't like it if they are seperated. He is getting better as we have worked on it, but I don't think he will ever not care two hoots like Rommi :) Another thing I was thinking of doing was having a report card as such to go home. For things like, they ate well, were happy or a little stressed, played ball etc etc. Part of the reason is if my dog stresses or goes off it's food I want to know. I don't like being told all is well when my dogs was actually stressed as next time I may be able to do things to make it less stressful.
  10. Would love to have them :) I have really tried to think of what I wanted out of a kennel and what I thought others may want - hence the poll. I have had dogs with food allergies, a dog that has had GDV before so I was very strict on portion control and crating etc. I want to offer the experience I would expect when boarding. I want it to look great but also offer great service so the dogs are happy and happy to come back and the owners feel happy and secure leaving their dogs there.
  11. Out of interest would you expect to pay an additional Grooming fee for this? Not for the average dog, it's all part of the one on one time. If it was a dog that required an hour plus every day to maintain it's coat then yes I would have to look at charging something for that.
  12. All kennels are fully enclosed and secure inside and out so no dogs can climb out of a kennel. There are two fences between the dog and eswcape at all time. Chainmesh, concrete footing around the perimeter of the exercise yards, one to stop wear marks right near the fence, but also to stop digging out/between pens. Fences will be a minimum of 1.8m chainmesh and one will most likely have wire angled in at the top to stop anyone trying to climb out of that. If you supply food and/or treats and say nothing else that is exactly what will happen That is a very good idea.
  13. 20+ years vet nursing, grooming, training, trialling, showing. So I hope that would be enough experience. Yes to the questions and taking them to their run No training at all while staying The internet is a little unreliable and expensive here, so not webcam, but a video link up to my house so I can check them last thing at night etc without waking them up This. This is the most important for me as well. I would only want my own dogs exercised together, no strange dogs. And as one can be a resource guarder with food, would need them to be in separate runs so they could be fed separately. If they shared a run they could still be fed seperately but if you wanted them in seperate runs, then that would not be an issue Anything else I need to consider?? Thank you and you are all very helpful
  14. Absolutely and that would be the aim :) If you asked for your dogs to be kept in pairs or singles then that is how they would be kept. I think Clam shells are a year easy way of keeping those dogs that l;ike them cool and content so those would be available I would only exercise dogs individually or with family members. Yep grooming would be included in the individual attention that each dog would recieve daily Yes to all of the above. Dogs would be let out at least twice daily for a toilet stop and exercise The dogs wfood would be fed if it was left most definately The kennels will have an inside and outside part to the run with a door connecting, however single kennels would be available as long as they were free. Yes dogs would be clean when leaving. I am planning to accept titre testing Runs would be sheltered by trees any that are not will have shadecloth over the top, plus there is the inside part as well. People would definately be interested in the dogs who visit The kennels are going to be built with two lounge hogging WHippets in mind. I said from the beginning I would only do it if I would be happy to leave my dog there. There are many things included for exactly that reason.
  15. Please tick all those that apply :) If there is anything I have forgotten or something else you would like to add please do so. I am interested in what you think makes a good boarding experience for you and your dog. This is my first poll so I hope I have done it correctly :D
  16. REally, not sure about the kennels you go to but I know of only one like that, the rest are excellent
  17. Must have been a reasonable bite judging from the scaring in those photos. What she did was stupid, but then again the owner allowing it to happen was stupid as well.
  18. The Paw House Claire and Leigh Jensen http://www.thepawhouse.com.au/
  19. I have an entire male that has no issues with any of that. He is right next to his bitch in season and in the house. He is well trained and knows many of those things are not tolerated so doesn't do them. I recently had to give my dog the Suprelorin implant for medical reasons. I have to say if that is what he is like desexed then it will not happen in his lifetime unless he has a medical issue that deams it necessary. HE was difficult to train as he had no resilience and after treading on his foot by accident suring agility it took me 8 weeks of hard work to get him back out there and jumping as he wouldn't come near me. POst the implant wearing off the same thing happened (he decided to go in the opposite direction to where he was send) and he was over it and back out there in 5 minutes. He was way too soft, even more sooky than normal - he is very sooky anyway! - and it was overall very frustrating. His breeder suggested it may be the implant and she was right. It wore off and he is back to his normal self, confident outgoing and a complete joy to train - even if things don't go right. I personally ask the average owner to sign a desexing contract but am willing to talk about whys and wherefores. I ahev had one want a bitch, undesexed already owns an unrego'd male and couldn't give me any good reasons why they wanted to leave her entire other than they just wanted to. So for them nope sorry. Another person said they were happy to desex, but after 12 months and said why - no worries. Personally my bitches are desexed after they retire or are too old to be breed from. I have had a bitch with pyo and it is rather nasty so one the bits are no longer required they will be gone. Even if a bitch was not to be bred from I would leave her entire until 3 years at least. The males will be kept entire for reasons alreeady stated
  20. MIne are in the dog/runs dog yard which is fenced and equiped with toys especially just for them :) When Rommi is in season she is locked into the dog run and Lewis has run and yard, but other than that they have access to both dog runs and the yard.
  21. Ah okay. Hm wondering if Lewis got all his CCD scores in the one year, He did Feb, June and Nov. Maybe I should have put his in 97, 97 and 91 - then I may have had a good excuse to come up to Perth for a play :)
  22. Blimey I would never use it having just read that! I will never recommend it again either.
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