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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. WOuld a puppy pen be less offensive for you? A bit bigger more open but the same concept. I wouldn't have trusted one of mine inside until she was oevr 12 months of age
  2. Oh huge congrats Ptolomy - yay Toller babies. I have heard it said before and some do it. Some do not. I am planning on keeping Rommi on the food she is on which is BlackHawk Adult dry food plus otehr stuff she gets.
  3. :noidea:30th of April to me. Where do you want to go ?? You can sneak me in April and we will see what happens :) Maybe I will have some born in April and some in May - hehehehe
  4. One of my dogs does seem yo drink more than the other , they are on BH. I will go and buy some optimum (what they were on previously) and feed them that for a bit to see what happens in regard to the drinking.
  5. As with anything, crating and tethering used with common sense is fine. Idiots that crate all the time or tether all the time, well yes that is stupid. I personally do not think it is healthy for dogs to be inside all the time as I do not think it is healthy for people and kids to be inside all the time.
  6. Rommi has turned into the biggest scab! So much so she can hardly relax as she keeps getting up and wanting to search the floor ........again!
  7. OSoSwift


    Yes mine are crate trained. I have large crates as I am using the ones I had for my Dobermanns and then I got a soft crate and could only get a huge one so they both fit easily in it :) Mine wear coats, I make my own so they have a fair collection, and they would be cold without them. Mine see roo's and rabbits quite often, when I am walking them through the farm I have them on lead - for the snakes mainly, but they will call off rabbits, never had to try it will roos but they will come back and not pull on their leads if they seem then so maybe they would?? Not sure. I make sure I train a solid recall and a solid "leave it" from day dot and reinforce it often. They do have a \great recall but it is a thing I train constantly.
  8. What a cutie youa re Rosie :) Very glad GIbbs is going well
  9. OSoSwift


    Mine have never attempted to jump a 3 foot fence, but yes if you get one that really wants to escape they can. Mine have never had the need or desire to so even though they are behind a 2 metre fence I think they could happily be kept behind a smaller fence. MIne don't wear booties in winter but we do not get any snow. I have seen many photos of Whippets in snow having a blast with no booties or some no coats. So I am quite sure they would be just fine with bare feet in winter in Sydney. I feed mine a very good super premium dry dog food with meat, raw bones, sardines, yoghurt etc. You can also feed a raw diet and it is a good idea to be guided by your breeder on what the puppy has been raised on and does well on.
  10. This is also a very clever and dedicated lady. I am not sure if it was this little Corgi, but we have trialled with Glenys and her Corgi's over the years. All lovely little dogs
  11. If they wanted another Black Caviar they would be better off breeding her parents together again. They are more likely to get another black Caviar than by breeding her.
  12. Unquestionably... but I still find it highly stylised, mostly a breach of the rules (contact between dog and handler occurs frequently) and not in the interests of the dog, chiropracticly speaking. A dog has peripheral vision way better than ours.. why it has to have its head around your leg and to be looking into your eyes to be considered to be "paying attention" beats the hell out of me. What if the dog has offered that position from day dot?? It has never been made to do it but does it by choice which has of course been reinforced. I have heaps of bunnies. Maybe we should have a Whippet instinct test here :D
  13. Congratulations Becks, I am looking forward to seeing the whites. Ptolomy-rommi looks as per normal!! Only thing she is doing is being a complete food scab. I can't remember if she is normally like that after a season or not?? She is only a couple of weeks in so while I am very excited I am trying not to count chickens so to speak. Another couple of weeks and we will know :)
  14. I often talk to mine. When we got our now 6 month old kitten, I was sitting with the two Whippets, OH with the kitten. He was going on about how much he had missed having a cat around and how he really was a cat person not a dog person. I immediately put my hands on the dogs ears and said close your ears guys, don't listen to him he is just being rude. I then told him - you can't say that they can hear you!!! Every morning I get roo roo from Rommi and I always roo rooback and then say and a rooroo to you too Rommi. If they are being pushy or not listening I just say manners, and even though it is not for a specific thing they seem to get it and stop whatever naughty thing they are doing. They often get told to rack off hairy legs- they don't listen to that one often though.
  15. How exciting Ptolomy :) We have to wait until the beginning of April for our U/S
  16. Some sort of hound cross, looks Greyhound cross to me
  17. I was thinking Greyhound cross.......not much Stafford in there I don't think. He is ever so gorgeous :)
  18. My Dobe used to get 6 cups of active premium dry dog food per day plus some bones and treats, that just maintained her at 30kgs. My old girl had 4 cups per day and the STafford had 3 cups. Feeding up used to be more expensive than these days Rommi has 1, Lewis has 1&1/4 and Brutus 2 cups. They also get bones and chews and some wet/meat/whatever added
  19. Wow that is a big Beagle litter :) They are very cute and I am glad you have 4 girls to pick from :)
  20. I ONCe was walking mine inside to be under the aircon. Had the male on lead, the bitch running to have a toilet. She raced up parked her bum in his face and I snatched him away as his feet almost hit her flanks. I would NEVER have them together even under supervision. There is one story on here where a bitch was to be mated so running with the male and otehr bitch. He jumped on the bitch they thought was not in season, thrust once and she said no silly wrong girl and gently pushed him off - 4 puppies were born 9 weeks later. Don't do it is my advice!
  21. I would confine her to a pen, give her a pike of polar fleece blankets to sleep on and give her chews, toys cardboard boxes whatever she is allowed to destroy. Only allow her free rein when you can actively supervise her. Give her lots of very small training sessions - have treats and clicker on the bench, do one or two things, then walk off. There is now way I would allow a dog free access in my house of she was doing that.
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