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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. Okay we have had the ultrasound and the results are inconclusive. There were some black blobs but not easily discernable foetus's. They think if she is pregnant it is with only with around three and she is 32 days rather than any more. If she was 6 days more they would be easily able to see them. So it is recommended to take her back in two weeks. So I am a bit disappointed but will have to wait and see I guess.
  2. We are off for our Ultrasound in a few hours. Got to get the gets off to school, then into town to the vets. Gahhh - waiting!
  3. Unfortunately we cannot get either down here, so I have to hope I choose the right people and that they do as we agree before the pup is handed over. It is a worry though
  4. We are still thinking of you and reading with interest. It is fantatsic of you to share this so we can all learn from your experience. Thank you so much for doing that for us.
  5. Sorry I am corrected a metric measuring cup filled level to the top holds 125grams
  6. My bag says 15 to 20 kgs 150 to 200 grams - I think one metric measuring cup holds around 110 grams but will go check
  7. The very best of luck and the swelling was just huge, wow, but then has reduced quite substanitialy as well which is good. Hugs to the big lad.
  8. I have no gardens, no wood or junk piles. We have 5 acres of mowed grass and tall trees, plus the house had stock - cattle and sheep - around it a lot of the time. We have kids, dogs and cats and also have many birds who give any visiting snake a hard time. Doesn't seem to stop the snakes though, we had 20 around the house last eyar, 3 of which were actively trying to get into the dog runs. I did end up getting snake repellers as if they work great, if not well yeh I have lost a bit of money but oh well. We have had very few snakes in general this year (compared to last year where they were everywhere) so even though I have not seen any snakes around the house it is most likely just because there are less of them. Even if I do get a snake close by at least I ahve done everything I can to protect my family. When I build the kennels I will also use them there as I will try everything I can - including snake mesh, clear area etc - to make sure visting dogs are safe as well.
  9. Yes Weasels I was going to add that one :)
  10. Once had a guy came into my work with a dog called Dog, and a cat called Cat. I assumed he had little imagination...............
  11. Utter rubbish from horse people.....nice, many horse people have a great eye for a good dog and many dog people have a great eye for a good horse. What they choose to call white markings have no bearing on there ability to breed good dogs (or horses) and really it is a red herring in this discussion. I am quite sure the welfare of dogs or the percieved welfare of dogs has very little if possibly nothing to do with dog people listening to horse people. I am also quite sure using such a saying as lots of chrome would have littl eor no bearing on the respect the general public holds for the dog fancy, infact many of the general public would know what you were talking about I suspect. It is fine to get fired about about things, I just think it is best using that energy for the things that need it.
  12. We had a gorgeous Cavalier turn up at Puppy pre-school called Brutus. An Aussie Bulldog called Hamish A Siberian called Rush
  13. Hmmm I had a horse called Legg Our childhood dog was called Snoopy - I know original We also had a Beverly Anne and Rhonda Margaret oh and Fat Allison. Cats were Whiskas, Thomas John, Sebastian, Precious, Ghengis ( a large undesexed boy) and Snowy for a white cat - once again original My husband called his dog Brutus, full name Brutus Boofhead Beafcake - He is an oversized Stafford after all :) Our cats we have now are Boo and Harrison Barney - thats what you get when the kids help you pick names! Rommi and Lewis are positively normal really :)
  14. I changed mine from Optimum to BH with no dramas, over around 4 days I think?? My 11kg Whippet gets around 3/4 to 1 cup depending on what we have been up to (plus other bits and bobs) and my 14.6kg Whippet gets 1 to 1 1/4 cups depending on the above as well :) I think as a general rule if the went from an Adult forumla onto BH you would probably need to feed them a bit less, if you go from an Active formula it may be the same amount? not sure though.
  15. Great to hear Miley is eating and great news about the pups Heidii. We have an Ultrasound Monday. I think I maybe can see a little pot but not sure if that is just because I want to or not???? Only a few days now!!!!!
  16. No, same genetics. If you had a whippet that was mostly white, you wouldn't want to breed it to another mostly white or extreme white. Some whippets may be unilaterally deaf and maybe you wouldn't know unless you had it tested. I have been told that breeding parti-colour to parti-colour Whippets can result in Whippets with a lot of white that are deaf. Interesting I will check it out. I personally am not fussed on predominately Whippets, so no dramas for me there but yep will go off to investigate some more.
  17. I use it monthly on my old dog and I know when he is due again from his walking, it works really well for him. However I agree I would seek a second opinion on one so young.
  18. I am guessing the reason white, split face of dogs with White heads in Whippets don't have an issues with deafness - as far as I know - is due to the genetics behind the White? There are plenty of WHippets with such marking who are not deaf. A friend of mine has a Black Brindle Stafford who is deaf and does not have ear canals except fo the first little bit on one and a few cms of length on the other. She has just got her CCD title and an Agility and Jumpers Novice pass. I have seen many White Boxers down here, only one had pinky looking eyes and no pigment she could hear but was an odd, over reactive little dog so I am thinking something was amiss. The others have all had good pigment dark noses and eye rims and have been reasonable healthy.
  19. All the best of luck getting her to eat and having happy healthy babies :D
  20. Blimey Jett talk about putting your mum under the pump!!! Sorry about your two lost babies, RIP little ones, but amazing effort from everyone. One day I will convince the OH that we need another dog :) and a Rotti it will be :)
  21. Puppy photos are never inappropriate :)
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