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Everything posted by OSoSwift

  1. I have to say thank you so much for this, I want some for my soon to be open kennels and was not relishing spending $60 + each. Woohoo - theya re a abargain - thank you soooo much :D :D :D
  2. Thank you :D I have been researching for around two and a half years, asking questions, reading everything on here and other places that I could find. I guess no set up is ever perfect but I have tried to incorporate all the things I see as essential and very important. I don't think I could sleep if there were no mesh roofs over the tops of the runs, I would ahve nightmares there was dogs escaping all over the place!
  3. My Husband is sussing out Bull Terrier and Bull Terrier Miniature breeders :D
  4. I have farm insurance and also insurance for my dogs. Poor girl she is going throught he wringer and all because some idiot had no bloody idea
  5. I spent a lovely 45 minutes speaking to a breeder last night in a breed completely new to us. We were wanting to know more about the breed to see if they suited us. I also asked about health testing and of course a price. I do have a limit to how much I can an will spend so I need to know. I didn't ask it in the first part of the phone conversation but I did ask, I do not blindly go in and buy anything with knowing the price. I have to say this particular breeder was lovely to speak to, answered everything I asked and is a person I am sure I could have a long term breeder/owner relationship with. IF we do get a dog of this breed I will go through her. She did ask how soon I was wanting a puppy and I told her when the right one comes up - I could hear the sigh of relief. I was then told many phone calls she gets wants then within weeks to months. I did tell her if she said yep I have a puppy here and it's ready in two weeks I would have a monir heart attack - I like to plan and be prepared. Most of my puppies/dogs I have brought home after months to years of orgainsing/preparation. Good to hear you have heard back, you have done your research and you must post photos when you do get your new bundle :)
  6. Thank you everyone, you are as always, a great help. Lots for me to look at, research and buy :)
  7. Stainless Durapet bowls for food, I just throw them in the dishwasher and they come out like new. I like them as they don't make noise on the tiles. I have my original SS bowls from my Rotti which still look brand new and that was around 18 years ago now. Water bowl inside is a plastic travel bowl - was good when the kids were younger, and now stops that cat playing in it and splashing water everywhere. Outside a plastic bucket which they don't use often and in their yard they have automatic waterers that are connected to their rainwater tank.
  8. This did make me giggle just a little bit. Especially when followed by this Way to go buddy - good job :D
  9. Not all kennels are covered over the top. I know of a Boxer that got badly damaged while a lone kennel attendant did all she could to beat the offending dog off - who had scaled a fence - she did manage to get it off and drag the injured dog through a gate. She was very lucky to avoid serious injury herself. My kennels are fully covered inside and out. The exercise yards will not be, but one will have angled in bits at the top for dogs who even think about climbing. The whole area is double fenced. All my pens and yards have been designed as Bundy proof. My friend has a Whippet that can scale pretty much anything. So she is our test bunny.
  10. I am a little hmm maybe hmmm okay about this as well. I understand breeders cannot keep all of their dogs. Some do seem to go through a lot of dogs, but as I do not know exactly why they do I cannot pass comment. I can understand why breeders rehome their oldies as well. Some see it as terrible I do not, and this is why. I had the absolute pleasure of sharing the last almost 6 years of my Dobermann "Natasha's" life. She came to me at 6 years of age after being retired, desexed etc. She originally came for a bit of a holiday. I had a puppy (then 18mo) who had gone back to his breeder for assesment as basically we didn't get along at all. We really didn't like each other and he just didn't not have the type of personality I looked for/wanted/needed in a dog. The breeder sent this girl for a holiday so I wouldn't be dogless and so she could have runs on the beach etc. Within 2 days I knew I didn't ever want to send her back. After a few weeks I spoke with her breeder about it. I knew if he wanted her back then that was it, as heartbreaking as it would have been. He chose to allow her to stay as he felt she deserved a home where she was the main focus. At his place she was one of 8 or there abouts. There was another and they hated each other, so it was shuffling, seperating etc. At my house she had a lovely yard all day, all to herself, a lounge that she didn't get kicked off and beach walks every morning. She also came to work with me every day. She didn't get as much attention at his house. I also ended up buying her grandaughter down the track. Then more recently, I was lucky enough to be able to buy an almost 8 mo Whippet from a breeder :) Not the person who bred him, but the breeder who bred my bitch. He came from a home similar to mine, young kids, cats, off lead running etc. Within 24hours he was mine, heart and soul. We adore each other. I didn't have to go through the puppy stage, but I got a well adjusted dog who had been exposed to all the things that were important for us. He was young enough to still be a sponge and learn quickly in our chosen dog sports. I wouldn't give him back to the world, I am grateful that I got him as he was meant to be. If breeder were not prepared to rehome those that had retired or what not quite what they needed then I would have missed out on two wonderful dogs. I also agree it is not the rehoming I ever have an issue with, it is how it is done.
  11. I guess WA doesn't sell as much BH and we're probably an order behind the East Coast. I am a good friend of Wendy, Maybe Ososwift doesn't get her stock from Wendy. I know Wendy gets a new pallet every week or two. Sheena was the one who said a sample should be sent of to Sherel for a test. I was only agreeing that the product had changed but I too have no issues, and was only offering my opinion on some facts I know as to why it may have changed appearance. To me it is still the same good BH. Yep I do and my last order was basically direct from Black Hawk, as in the pallet was forwarded straight to me. That was around 6 weeks ago or less, can't remember. But I buy it a pallet at a time these days.
  12. Natures gift here as well :)
  13. The youngest I will take pups is 4months and of course vaccinated appropriately. And yes, dogs vaccinated or titre tested. Thank you for all the suggestions, you guys are a great help.
  14. Yeh bleach is just too strong I think. F10 sounds good to use though!
  15. I love Trigene as well. I am wondering if a protocal of a cleaner/disinfectant (not the F10 or Trigene) while the dog is there would be acceptable, then f10 or Trigene when they leave and do the walls etc would be seen as competent or if something like F10/ trigene daily is the only way to go? The clients will all be up to date with vaccinations prior to coming in.
  16. Geez just read the precautions for Trigene - goodness me!!! I think we used to just slosh it around!
  17. Trigene I think is one we used at the vet hospital - thank you will check it out. I am guessing the risk of Parvo would be less at a boarding kennel than a vet or shelter but I do want something that kills it to be safe
  18. Thats the other thing I am trying to find out, many say they are disinfectants but not that they kill viruses. I don't really want to use bleach, smells a bit well strong and bleachy :)
  19. I have been reading about Delete looks good. Will ask them about Septics. Having said that the vets I worked at used all kinds and they were on septics
  20. Oh and the kennels will be connected to a septic system.
  21. I am looking for suggestions regarding which disinfectants people use. I am looking for one for a boarding kennel situation please. Thank you :)
  22. I have a hand scaler and use it when I need to. Usually only around the gum line on the canines and the carnassials occasionally and one has a retained baby tooth I need to keep clean. I would use some of the plaque off type of products and if you are confident, a hand scaler. I have always been told their teeth are polished after cleaning to ensure the teeth are smooth as well Erny.
  23. Puppy strangles, that is what I was trying to think of.
  24. I haven't recieved any in a new shape or colour, but my last order was a month or so ago so will check the new one. It had slightly changed size/shape before though and we had no issues so it wouldn't worry me too much.
  25. The one and only Puppy My Dobe had got "puppy pimples" spots on her muzzle and tummy, came up like a pimple then ruptured, dried up, scab fell off, all good. She was fine otherwise. It ran it's course and she never had anything for it. There was some scarring with a few white hairs that stayed as she matured. I always worry about, I think it's called Juvenile cellulitis??? geez can't remember what it is!!!! That is far more serious but Abby turned out fine :)
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