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Everything posted by mummytodakota
It is her crate that she occassionally goes in when i cannot supervise her with my toddler. She normally doesn't mind it. It's closed because if it isnt she will jump all over the car. She can see out of it, but cannot see out the car windows etc, as we have a 4wd & she goes in the back of that on the floor, so the windows are higher than her level. I have tried putting it on the back seat etc so she can see out the windows but it makes no difference what so ever. She is just absolutely petrified! In regards to the food she has the tucker time rolls from the vets with puppy biskuits, but she is just not hungry. Its really weird, ive never know a puppy to not be hungry. She loves pigs ears as treats but thats it. I dont know whats going on, we might have to start looking into a pet behaviourlist like u said.
I took my 12 week old staffy to the vets this morning for her vaccinations. I put her in the create in the back of the car, she absolutely freaked out & pooped everywhere! By the time we got to the vets she was covered in poo & the car was a mess. I have been giving her treats to try & get her use to the car but shes just petrified of it still. She refuses to eat them most of the time anyway. She has never been a big eater & is lucky to eat one meal a day! Compared to 3 like she's suppose to. I dont know what to do, im concerned about her eating habits & over the whole car issues. Do you think something has happened to her in a car previously to cause her to be this petrified of it? Any advice would be appreciated :p
Do dogs get car sick? Kya my 12 week old pup has been petrified of the car since day dot, she absolutely goes balistic in there sooking & squeeling. How can i get her use to the car so we can go on peaceful trips to the beach etc?
She has a mixture of tucker time roll & biscuits from the vets, she doesn't drink much at all. I think maybe i will have to take a trip to the vets, what do you think?
I feel your pain! I got my first english staffy 3 weeks ago & were having the exact same problems! Only she refuses to go in her crate, the neighbours think im killing her when i put her in there. She also goes crazy at around 5.30am & that means im up for the day as well. I dont know what to suggest because were in the exact same situation here, but i'm very interested in the replies.
They are relatively small pees each time, lastnight i was up with her every 30 mins for her to wee again. This doesn't seem normal to me, she seems healthy otherwise apart from her usual sooking etc, although shes never been a really big eater so i dont know whether her appetite is decreasing. She doesnt seem to be straining but she does at least 20 wees during the day & at least 6 at night. Its a bit concerning.
Whats normal in regards to how many times per day a puppy urinates? Kya has been peeing at least every 30 mins today! I'm starting to think that this isn't normal as my other puppies never went to the toilet this much. It's so hard to not have accidents because i cant keep on top of when she needs to go, she just goes all the time! Is this right?
Okay i will try putting her in there for a few hours when i go out today, however it almost seems cruel considering i've got another dog whos really old now & has full run of the house, pup will feel very left out wont she? I have tried putting pigs ears etc in her create to make it easier for her but still doesnt work. I think its just going to take time, but the last 2 nights ive had to give in & shes ended up on our bed because my hubby works 12hr days & my 2yr old was getting woken up 3 times a night & refused to go back to sleep with the howling. It's going to be a long process! I left her for 3hrs every night keeping in mind the toileting etc but she still didnt stop after that long.
Yeah ive tried tiring her out but it makes no difference, i think shes got her body clock backwards as she likes to sleep most of the day & when it comes to bedtime shes wide awake. I dont know how to force her to play more during the day & sleep at night.
I've been trying for 3 nights now & its been absolute bedlam! She DOES NOT settle regardless of what i put in there or how close to the bed she is. I've tried taking her out to the toilet etc but its just plain sooking that shes doing. She cant even be away from me for 5 mins without howling the neighborhood down. Even when she is sleeping on my bed she refuses to settle until about 30 mins later after she has jumped all over the place & caused trouble. She will not sleep at the end of the bed, HAS to be near me. I dont know what else to do, she howls extremely loud & wakes my daughter up, not to mention the dogs next door etc. Any other suggestions? I havent had an hours peaceful sleep at night regardless of where she sleeps!
I have just invested in a create for my 11 week old staffy pup, mainly for sleeping in at night though. How do i go about doing this? What steps do i have to take etc to make the process a little smoother? Shes very reliant upon me & has been trying to sleep on the bed every night with me, so this is going to a be long hard process, but one i have told will be worthwhile. I am going to get the whole staffy howl & yelp all night long arent i? Any ideas/suggestions would be great.
Hi mummyofdakota This was exactly what I do with Noodle and my suggestion in both of the threads. Have another read of my postings. It works well for us. Kids are home from school now and the eldest has been playing with her outside for 20 minutes .. Noodle is now inside and as she is still fired up she is on the lead attached to the kitchen drawers. The kids will play with her, pat etc if she has her paws on teh ground and does not mouth. At this stage they have left her on her own as she was trying to mouth. Usually 5 minutes later they come back and try again ... the only behaviour that is rewarded is calm behaviour otherwise she is ignored and she hates that. Indeed it was sorry, i thought i had heard of the idea before they mentioned it to me lastnight lol. I'm going to give this a go, how often do you have Noodle on the lead?
I took Kya to puppy pre-school lastnight & spoke to them about her biting/nipping my toddler. They suggested for the times i cannot supervise her with my child to put her on her lead in the living area (eg kitchen floor) and tie it to the table leg etc. This way shes still involved in what were doing but cannot have full run of the place to go jump up & bite bubby. Apparently she will learn that if shes quiet & does not bite then she will get attention, if she howls & carries on then she wont get any. This way i can actually get my toddler to walk away from her without pup following & biting if she has done something wrong. Does this sound ok to you guys? I was surprised when they mentioned trying this.
Where can i find the staffy thread?
Okay i appreciate all your replies but give me a break here. I HAVE been putting in every effort possible with her, i HAVE been teaching her proper toilet training ways, i HAVE been doing lead training with her. The only mistake which i can see is what a previous poster has said, i've given her full run of the house within reason. This is only because we have always had inside dogs to love & cherish, we want her to be part of the family. I take her out to the toilet every 30 mins without fail, when she has eaten or had a drink, after a sleep etc. Maybe i was expecting her to be a bit more advanced than she should be at this age, but thats only because i was comparing her to all our previous dogs we have had, and no they werent all pugs! We've had kelpies, border collies, etc. Toilet training with them was very simple, they picked it up very quickly. I am by far NOT going to return my baby to the breeder, i didnt get her to give up that damn quickly. I was just seeking some ideas/help. Maybe it wasnt such a great idea to do so. And yes, she starts puppy pre-school tonight. And maybe she is a little bored but we take her outside every hour or so for play time, as we cannot yet take her for walks.
I've got a 10 week old staffy pup that it completely out of control, i dont know what to do any more. It doesn't stop biting, barking, & chewing everything including my 2yr old daughter! I have got it heaps of toys, plenty of chew things & it still does not stop. My daughters now got several bite & scratch marks over her face, arms, & legs. I don't know what to do any more. I've had plenty of dogs over my lifetime but nothing this crazy. I've been trying to toilet train as well & nothings working. It is still purposely doing wees everywhere throughout the house. It thinks it owns the place & wont leave my pug alone, its constaly biting & snapping at it as well. Its mayhem here & i cant live like this. How can i control it? Im at my witts end.
Kya is 9 weeks old, she still has her accidents though. I will try what u suggested, thanks.
Does anyone have any ideas on what type of cleaning product i can use on my carpets/tiles to clean puppy's accidents up with? I want something that totally gets rid of the smell so pup doesn't go back there.
There you go, hope it worked.
How do i post pics? Sorry im quite new to this lol If ive got them on photobucket can i just add the image code onto here?
I got Kya last week when she was 8 weeks old, do you think this may have been too early? What is a nylabone? and where can i get one from?
I have a 9 week old english staffy who is EXTREMELY bad for biting/nipping. She is the most adorable dog & is getting the hang of toilet training etc but this biting business is really get annoying. I have got a 2 yr old daughter who seems to be one of the major targets when it comes to this nipping. The pup has got very sharp needle like teeth & has pierced skin quite a few times. It's very concerning for me & i would appreciate any suggestions that may help. I've tried firmly saying 'NO' & walking away but it doesn't work, she follows me & grips onto my pants or feet. I have tried time out methods & she squeels so loud the neighbours can hear her. What is the most effective thing to do? I need to fix this asap, its not acceptable for her to be biting my daughter like this.