I used Frontline on a dog 3 days ago that was covered in fleas (not one of my dogs). That little dog is now free of fleas.
I really question why some vets say it is not effective - my vet is happy to recommend it and I know it has never let us down.
The only thing to remember with Frontline is that you must not wash the dog for 3 days before or after the treatment. That will render it useless.
After the 3 days the dogs can swim and still be protected.
It is a fantastic product that I have used probably since it hit the shelves here and it has always worked well for us. It also keeps the ticks away for 2 weeks.
We have washable bedding - any flea larvae gets a free trip to NZ.
Newspaper under the bedding goes straight into the recycling bin (so if you ever see little black specks in any product made of recycled paper ..... :wink:)
With crates and fibreglass/plastic bins/crates there is nothing for fleas to breed in.
Carpet makes a lovely home for flea larvae - avoid the dogs sleeping near it if possible
ALso, check out the herb books - cant remember which ones, but there are herbs that fleas HATE. If you live in an area which has sandy soil where fleas also seem to thrive, so plant the herbs that the fleas hate and they might all move next door.