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Everything posted by Souff

  1. Yo, you are on the right track FD. Ban anything and you immediately create a black market. Dead set certainty. Human beings are totally ingenious and some find a ban a challenge, and if they get caught doing whatever is banned, well the legal fraternity are ready and waiting for them, rubbing their hands together. Laws are made for lawyers to get rich and are often made by lawyers. That is no accident. Bans keep the dibberdobbers in a lather but the black markets and the lawyers thrive, dibberdobbers notwithstanding. Souff is still totally against the deliberate breeding of crossbred dogs, but would a law for that totally stop it? Of course not. It would mean that the practice would be regulated though and that, in my very own humble opinion, would hopefully raise the bar and we might see better bred dogs and less plundering of gene pools. Might. Little pigs might sprout wings and fly too. When Jed sees that Souff is banging this drum again, that is probably what we will hear. Education wins over bans everytime, and if we can educate people to understand that there is a very limited supply of purebred dogs left in some of the gene pools, and that crossbreeding dogs has the capacity to annihilate whole breeds of dogs in a very short space of time, then we will be making some progress. Now what was I saying about little pigs ..... Souff
  2. Hey Jed, hope you are up. Souff has a problem. Thought I might have a little late-night tipple but the problem is I cant decide whether to put some Kahlua into hot milk, or to just pour a glass of merlot. If you see this within the hour, pls send urgent advice. If not, well ... anything could happen. Cold night here and Souffie is weary.. Advice pls!
  3. Another candle lit .... big one this time, but there is something in my eye again Souff
  4. To save her from the dastardly deviousness of the Deshonko Kennelmaids??? ANYTHING !!
  5. Stupid computer gremlins here just ate all the good stuff I just wrote so for now can only send HEALING HUGS to you. Glad some of the silver linings are being found ... keep looking forward, there will be more Souff
  6. The thanks go to you Jed. DOL is a better place when Jed is around ... the voice of reason (well mostly , and one of the best resources of practical doggy knowledge in Australia. When other DOLers have bucketed those with a view that didnt necessarily suit their outlook, in wades Jed with a bucket of calming oil and often imparts a few succinct home truths at the same time ...... and this same person has the capacity to wave the white flag to the RSPCA. DOLers all over the world have learned many valuable JED lessons, Souff included. Thank you. Rest up, give a bit of cheek now and then, lash out if you feel like it ... you are an inspiration. Souff
  7. Just popped in and can only echo FranCQs words. Meg is just beautiful and will always be with you, we may only ever have them on loan but they leave us with beautiful memories always. Still have something in my eye but still lighting candles. Keep up all that healing stuff and thanks for sharing. Souff
  8. Souff cant read them yet .... something is in my eye too, but will find some more candles to light in the meantime.
  9. WhoooooHooooooooooooooo !!!!!!! What a lovely sight this post is! Souff
  10. Ah, so good to know you are reading some of this Jed ... will put you to sleep though ... sooo much poor ole Souff just skips to the last posts. Would you believe it, they had roped off the altar candles at the last place of worship before I got there and the cardinal wasnt around but I managed to find a deacon and a chaplain and so they are now doing their bit too. I also mentioned that their idea of candle size needed enhancing .... hehe BE NICE to those nurses now Souff
  11. Mushrooms mmmmmm .... yes please Rain is good sometimes, but you can keep it for now. Souff is off to light some more candles ... BIG candles! Souff
  12. Souff is getting tired of lighting ittybitty miserable sized candles ..... mutter mutter ........ recessions should not affect the size of candles in churches! Next time Souff will borrow the altar candle and light that one ..... it's a much more appropriate size for Jed methinks Souff
  13. The first few posts were enough to make anyone bawl ...... Souff was surrounded by soldiers and policemen at a ceremony when the tears rolled down and so they all thought that was OK as the tears were supposed to be for Dunkirk. Jed, you were in good company and I can see you are being looked after really well by the DOL team Found a cathedral soon after than and lit 2 of their teeny weeny sized candles - those candle makers had better roll up their sleeves because Souff will have candles lit all over the place Hugs to all ;) Souff
  14. Have been without internet access where I currently am and will soon be offline again. This is just awful news. I cannot read all of what has been said just now, but will later. Please, please, please will Toohey or Steve or somebody pass on my very best wishes for a good recovery to Jed and to fight, fight, and fight back. I know she will, but I just need to let her know I have not been ignoring the situation. Prayers are coming as soon as I get off this keyboard. Souff
  15. Their figures didn't include boarding fees when owners are on holiday, nor did they include show entry fees for those pet owners who show their dogs.
  16. Souff

    Noahs Ark

    hmm, must be older than I thought ......
  17. Oh forget the labrawhatevers, Get a LAGOTTO !
  18. Souff

    Noahs Ark

    No, I don't think Hugh can be found in the bible.
  19. http://www.themercury.com.au/article/2010/...mania-news.html * Pics of Zara available on Mercury website. Oh dear - talk about the bogan, the pot and the kettle He's just dug the breed that little bit further........ A bogan pot and kettle?
  20. Souff

    Noahs Ark

    Hang on Ellz, they were only on it for 40 days, that is, a bit over a month. They wouldn't have been breeding up too many things for food supply during that time. Sun dried or smoked would have been the go. Smoked meat can be really nice ..... Hope they managed to smoke a goodly number of snakes and feed them to something else ..... Oh and btw, NOAH was the RSPCA ...... because he really was caring for all creatures great and small. Souff
  21. Souff

    Noahs Ark

    Well then, you obviously weren't wearing what the locals were wearing .... hardy souls that they are under all those layers and gloves
  22. Souff

    Noahs Ark

    Not if the water was up that high. Ever seen anyone freeze to death at the beach? Souff What Beach?? It was all flooded wasn't it. Mind you it makes you wonder with all that is being said about climate change and sea levels rising. Probably won't get to the same level for a while but I might get the old row boat out of the shed roof just in case. Look good me and ten dogs in a fourteen foot dinghy. Ararat Beach?
  23. Souff

    Noahs Ark

    Not if the water was up that high. Ever seen anyone freeze to death at the beach? Souff
  24. Souff

    Noahs Ark

    Dried food lasts for much longer than 40 days and takes up very little space. And they had plenty of water to re-hydrate it. There is plenty in good camping stores these days - you should buy some and try some - you can even get stroganoff these days! Souff
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