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Thanks Nekhbet This seems to be the only major problem we are having with him at the moment. At meal times he knows that he cannot eat until we give the go ahead. We can put his feed in his bowl and put it in front of him and he will just sit and look at us. He knows that once we 'shake hands' with him and say 'okay' then he can eat. All of us can pat him and I can pull his food away from him at any stage and he will sit and wait. So no probs there. He gets alot of praise when doing good things and is a really loving dog, it's just this snapping. He isn't aggressive as such but yes the craziness needs to stop. We will be implementing your suggestions with Harry starting from now. Thanks again
We are in Gatton, Queensland.
Hi I haven't been on here in ages but really need some help. Harry has started snapping alot. He doesn't actually bite but it is really starting to scare me, especially with the kids. Just before he ran full pelt towards my 15mth old and snatched the dummy out of my sons mouth, knocking him flying in the process. Harry will also snap when anyone goes to pat him. ie. as you go to put your hand towards him to pat him he will go to snap at your hand. He doesn't actually bite though and is scolded straight away. It is really starting to be a problem and my husband wants him gone. This won't be happening of course but need some help in how to stop this behaviour. Hope this makes sense.
Hi Mercedes, Only just gotten back online. Damn computer decided to die on me. Harry is doing so well. I finally managed to find a bell for our back door. It has only been up for a week so only early days yet but he seems to be getting the idea. I will take some updated photos tomorrow and put up for you. He is getting so big! A real cuddly baby who just loves his tummy being rubbed. Harry gets his 2nd needle on Friday as well as Advantage (I think that's what its called) to cover worming, heart worm and fleas etc. Is that what you use on your labs?
Let me know how you go with this labmummy as I may give it a go with our Daphne too. Although she'll probably just try to eat the bell!! Don't worry, I'm sure our bell will end up with teeth marks too like the corners of my coffee table :D . Little monkey must have had a bit of a nibble when I wasn't looking
Thanks for the idea Mercedes, that's excellent. Have just put bell on my to do list for tomorrow's shopping. :D
Hi, I've read that if you put cream cheese or peanut butter on your babies feet the dog will be drawn to the treat on the babies feet, and will lick their feet rather than their face. Then apparently the dog accociates babies feet as something that might have a reward, and will greet tend to greet any baby at their feet, it said it can also help with a pup that jumps on babies. I'm going to try it with my nephew and our lab pup that we get next week, as I'd hate for my nephew to get a nip or pushed over on cement. Have never heard of that before, our baby is very tickolish (sp) so would be funny to see his reaction. Let me know how it goes with your nephew and I might give it a try. Over the weekend Harry seems to be getting much better with Nathan (our baby). Nathan now will point at Harry and say uh uh which is just so cute. The funny thing is though that Harry listens to him and walks away
Wow!!! Five kids....I take back my feeling I've got my hands full Don't worry my hands feel very full but their a great bunch I took Harry into school today for my 8 year DD show and tell. It turns out her teacher was also looking into buying a chocolate pup a while ago from Mal but he didn't have any at the time. The teacher used to play tennis with Mal's Dad. Small world I tell ya. He was commenting on how well bred they are and is just besotted by Harry. He then proceeded to tell me all the trouble they have had with their labradoodle they bought. Chewed up cane outdoor setting, demolished his beloved rose bushes, chewed through his newly put in soaker system set up to the water tank for the garden. Sound like that one takes after the lab side of him! Wonder what trouble our guys will get up to? I think it was definately a honeymoon period because Harry has had a couple of accidents too. He has stopped whinging at the back door when he needs to go out and now just sits there and looks at me. Basically if I don't see him looking at me, he just pees on the tiles. I read somewhere on here how some people hang a little bell at the dog's level on the door and teach the dog to paw it to let them know it wants out. Will have to go back and find it and give it a go I think. Harry does really well during the night now. I take him out just before I go to bed and then he is put into the laundry in his crate and we don't hear from him again until about 6.30am. It's either Harry wakes up first and cries to be let out which then wakes our baby or our baby wakes up being noisey which then wakes Harry up :D I must have been crazy to have wanted a baby and a puppy at the same time At least they will grow up close Ok off to save my new cane storage basket from the destructor who seems to have that look in his eye
Harry is going really good with the kids but is being a little nippy too so we are doing as Mal said as well. We have five kids aged 11, 8, 6, 2 and 10 months so he gets plenty of loving . Have to watch Harry around our baby but only because he keeps trying to lick his face and gets too excited. Nathan (baby) seems to be getting the knack now of pushing him away which is helping. After all of the stories I keep hearing about labs, it will be amazing if we are not rocking backwards and forwards in a corner by this time next year . Think we will both have our hands full
He is a gorgeous boy To be honest we didn't even look at the other pups. I told Mal we were after a yellow male and he sent us the pic of Harry at 3 weeks old. The kids fell in love and that was that. He has done very well with the mating choice of Monty and Kelly as both Harry and Cooby are stunners (bias I know :rolleyes: ). We are already thinking about when to get our next one :cool: . I would love a black one and a chocolate! Probably crazy I know. Hopefully in a year we will be ready.
Penny I have just bought that book from ebay. Still waiting for it to arrive in post but it sounds like such a funny read. I am in love with you puppy, she is just gorgeous.
Sorry we all must have been posting at the same time.
Guess we have both been pretty lucky and bought good pups. We originally put his name down on the register as just 'Harry' but after we got home we thought we should give him a 'proper' name for his papers so with Mal's help we came up with 'Coobyview Jaylock Harrison'. The Jaylock is part of their's dad Monty's registered name and part of their mum Kelly's reg name. He just gets Harry though. We are feeding him the same diet too and he is going really good with it. We've had alot of raised eyebrows about the Coprice Horse feed though. Mal's dogs all look really good though so we will keep it up. We have also given him some chicken necks which he just loves. Harry hasn't eaten his own poo yet but has had a go at tasting out cat's . Trying to discourage it, really grosses me out. Would love to see some pictures of Cooby when you get your camera worked out. Poodlefan - yes we were told to get the whole bird minced up. Harry also gets Coprice soaked and softened in milk and leftover vegies mixed thru with his mince. He seems to be going really well and looks really healthy. Apparently the Coprice for dogs has meat by products in it so we were advised against that.
Yes we did!!!! How is your pup? Did you get a male or female? How did you find the breeder? How exciting you have Harry's sister or brother