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Everything posted by Rascalmyshadow

  1. Yes a dispensing fee is always charged, even when I worked in a vet clinic years ago they charged a dispensing fee, it’s a joke, your paying a ridiculous amount just so they can print a label and stick it on the bottle. I’ve spent $169 on a bottle of propalin that I won’t be continuing using, Abby has become so aggressive in the last two weeks I have to stop the medication, we’ve had multiple incidents and if I wasn’t so experienced handling dogs either one of the other dogs would have been injured or somebody badly bitten, so as of now we don’t know what we can do from here as the vets have said the only other option is expensive surgery that doesn’t have a great success rate.
  2. Thank you for your suggestion, I asked them a few years ago for a script for different meds and they told me they wouldn’t do it for anyone, out of frustration I decided to call them today after I looked online and the cost of both meds is way cheaper so i spoke to a nurse and they agreed to write the scripts for a $35 fee, hoping if all goes smoothly I will save at least $500 for the year just on those two meds.
  3. How else do I get them, I know they won’t write a script for me to get them online and I live in a small country town the only other vet that’s reasonably local is more expensive than the one I go to.
  4. I think it works out to be $2 per tablet and that’s from my vet so for both meds just for Abby it’s $26 per week which doesn’t sound much but on top of everything else it’s another expense we don’t need.
  5. Over my lifetime we’ve had many breeds both pure and crosses and all sizes, we’ve had more poodles than any other breed, they were perfect before we had kids but not ideal in a busy house and not great around young kids, so as much as I loved them they are not a breed I would own again. For a small breed my Lhasa apso x silky was the one, he was my heart boy and my shadow, he had a perfect temperament and was my work companion for nearly 13years but of all the dogs my kelpie that I now have has probably been the most ideal, she is perfect size, easy coat to maintain, super smart, highly trainable, sticks by my side without being clingy and isn’t overly noisy, her only downside is she won’t play with me at all, will do obedience, scent work etc but has zero interested in toys balls etc. i have a love of pit bulls (have had a couple) and would love another one if our stupid laws didn’t exist.
  6. Thanks for the replies, I went against my gut and had her desexed last week, I am concerned about her becoming incontinent, living with her having a season a couple of times a year is a lot easier than living with a dog that has incontinence issues and a hell of a lot cheaper, Propalin is $169 a bottle and that will last her mum two months, the stilboestral isn’t cheap either so I’m praying we don’t end up with two dogs on the medication.
  7. I wouldn’t risk it, wait at least 6-8 weeks after her season is completely over, even though it’s a routine surgery it should be taken seriously and any complications should be minimised.
  8. My current situation we have 6 dogs (5 female, 1 male) all are desexed except one, I am faced with a concerning dilemma and I’m hoping posting here will help me make my decision to desex her or not. Mia is a two year old Bearded collie x Border collie, we own her mum (Abby) a pure Bearded Collie, ever since having Abby desexed she has had incontinence issues, she is on the highest possible dose of stilboestral which isn’t controlling it so we are adding in propalin as of tonight with hopes the two together will work, my concern is Mia ending up with the same issue if I desex her, I am aware that there is a risk of pyometra and mammary cancer.
  9. I wouldn’t be getting a pup now I think you would regret it later and it won’t make losing your boy easier. We went through this last year, our almost 13 year old boy was diagnosed with a splenic tumour, the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes and bone marrow so wasn’t treatable, we had 10 days from diagnosis until we lost him, we had four other dogs but the impact on my 7 year old daughter has been devastating, actually so bad that she is about to start seeing a psychologist to help her, I would keep the kids involved in everything so they have complete closure once the time comes, start making plans now ie. are you going to do a burial, cremation etc. take lots and lots of pics and videos so you have lots of memories.
  10. We currently have 6, 3 medium and 3 small but my ideal number is 3, having 2 is definitely easier than 3 however I found it to be problematic if one needed a vet visit or trying to take one out for training etc, the biggest consideration is making sure they have similar needs and play styles, our bigger three are all herding breeds so work very well together and they’re very gentle with the two chi’s and malt x shihtzu.
  11. Why do people feel the need to criticise others for the terms they use, who cares if someone says they adopted their dog or if they call their dog a spoodle, labradoodle etc. I work with dogs every day and have done so for 28years, I have seen so much neglect and abuse but slowly I am seeing a change for the better, people actually treating their dogs as living, breathing, feeling beings that have mental and physical needs, if using terms that are more meaningful to their humans means that they’re better cared for then where’s the issue???
  12. Our bearded collie had the same issue, we used antibiotics on and off and let her have a couple of seasons to correct the problem, only issue we have now is desexing her caused incontinence so she’s on meds to control it.
  13. I bet the owner of the facility had something to do with.
  14. I wanted to share how proud I am of my girl and give others hope that are dealing dogs with difficult behaviours. Cassie is almost 4 years old, had a bit of a rough start, no exposure to humans in her first few weeks of life and although she wasn’t a Covid puppy she did mature through Covid which left her quite fearful of unfamiliar people and when she was around 10 weeks old she was attacked by another kelpie, that one incident set her up to become dog reactive. Yesterday for the first time ever I took her into my younger daughters school to do pick up (wasn’t planned) she was extremely nervous but got up the courage to ask two separate people for a pat some thing she would have never done even 12 months ago, I never thought we would reach this moment, it’s been a long process but we are seeing some huge milestones, we have perfected recall so well I have called her off chasing wild rabbits and slowly I am exposing her to more public situations, I hope one day most of her fears will be gone. Anyone with a difficult dog don’t give up hope, put in the time and effort and you will see results, work within your dogs time frame, set realistic goals and don’t force your dog to do anything beyond their capabilities.
  15. I wanted to share how proud I am of my girl and give others hope that are dealing dogs with difficult behaviours. Cassie is almost 4 years old, had a bit of a rough start, no exposure to humans in her first few weeks of life and although she wasn’t a Covid puppy she did mature through Covid which left her quite fearful of unfamiliar people and when she was around 10 weeks old she was attacked by another kelpie, that one incident set her up to become dog reactive. Yesterday for the first time ever I took her into my younger daughters school to do pick up (wasn’t planned) she was extremely nervous but got up the courage to ask two separate people for a pat some thing she would have never done even 12 months ago, I never thought we would reach this moment, it’s been a long process but we are seeing some huge milestones, we have perfected recall so well I have called her off chasing wild rabbits and slowly I am exposing her to more public situations, I hope one day most of her fears will be gone. Anyone with a difficult dog don’t give up hope, put in the time and effort and you will see results, work within your dogs time frame, set realistic goals and don’t force your dog to do anything beyond their capabilities.
  16. Your son hasn’t done anything wrong, Aloveen is a good shampoo and most dogs won’t react badly to it, sometimes it’s just trial and error.
  17. It was possibly a reaction to the oatmeal, I would only use Malaseb if there’s a flare up and in between have a look at using Animal House Pure Alternative shampoo, you can order it from Pet Network.
  18. Does your sons dog have a skin condition?
  19. Completely understand your worry three of our six dogs are working breeds (bearded collie, kelpie and bearded collie x border collie) two of them were like your boy at the same age, I would back off on the exercise and only do a 1/2 hour walk morning and evening then do lots and lots of trick training, scent work and car trips, take your dog everywhere you can even if it’s just a 10 min trip to your local milk bar, put the windows down enough so he can sniff the air, hang in there is does get better.
  20. I’ve never restricted my older dogs walks when there’s been a puppy in the house, I’ve also always walked our pups from as early as possible, just avoided dog parks and unfamiliar dogs, parvo is highly contagious but they generally need to come into contact with poop or vomit to catch it.
  21. Yes it’s an extremely sad and frustrating situation, so many people willing to use dogs but not love them unconditionally.
  22. This is an emergency, such young pups can go downhill and die in a matter of hours, they also can’t be left for 8 hours with no milk at this age, can you get to a vet asap and please don’t take a guess at tube feeding it’s not always as easy as it looks, if the tube isn’t inserted correctly you will kill the pups, not sure in animals but I know when our youngest son was tube fed we had to do a ph test before every feed to make sure the tube was in his stomach.
  23. As dogs get older it takes much longer for the hair to grow back and occasionally it won’t at all, I would suggest getting Megaderm and adding it to your dogs diet.
  24. Poor guy especially with him being a dog lover but I was thinking the same thing as Anne and with three dogs together they will likely behave differently than if it was one on its own, it’s a horrific situation but there was probably human error by both him and the dogs owners, while I don’t believe my dogs would attack anyone like this there’s been a couple of times when I’ve left my three bigger girls in the car for whatever reason with the windows down enough for them to get fresh air but not stick their heads out, I’ve heard commotion and come to find someone trying to pat them through the window while they’re going crazy, one of them would be completely fine but the other two I wouldn’t trust not to bite in this situation, I would be devastated if myself and dogs got in trouble for someone else doing something so stupid, I know it’s a bit different to dogs killing a person but a dog only has to bite a main artery to have serious consequences.
  25. Lotti is a byb mix, she was bred by one of my customers, they got stuck with 3 out of 8-9 pups so I offered to take Lotti in exchange for some free grooming (they have 5 adults) I haven’t informed them yet but I will after Xmas (too much to explain why) not sure how it’ll go down because their dogs are very neglected and I don’t think they’ll give a damn
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