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Posts posted by jr_inoz

  1. Corgi or sheltie. I find my border collies prefer other herding breeds, snobby little things that they are!

    second this...

    No shelties are not outside dogs. An outside sheltie is a barking sheltie

    Doesn't this depend on the sheltie? I know they bark - but that is when they are left alone. Friends outside shelties only give warning barks when strangers come to the property.

    My girls are both inside and outside shelties - and give warning barks when strangers come - but they aren't outside only dogs.

    A sheltie would love the daily trips to the beach and a romp with a border. Mine get to have a daily run around on the reserve near us each day with the border two doors up. They all love it. BUT - wouldn't another BC be better?

  2. When my breeder asked me if I wanted a dog to show or not, I didn't know the answer to the question. I started coming to dog shows and got hooked. They saw that I was committed, and so now have my show girl, and a great friendship with my breeder.

    One issue that came up for them with one of their recent litters was someone saying that yes, they wanted something to show, that they were definite about that and that they wanted, actually, the pick of the litter. They didn't get the pick of the litter, the breeder did, but there were 4 puppies in that litter all outstanding and able to be shown and they got their pick of the other 3. They still kept saying that yes they would show. They have not set foot in the ring in the 4 months since that dog became old enough to show and have not been in contact since. All a ploy to get the 'best' dog in the litter. Is a pity as a really beautiful puppy, that could have gone to another show home isn't out at all. Has meant that the breeder is thinking long and hard about letting puppies go to new 'show' homes now.

    Stories like this could be why some breeders are reluctant to sell their show puppies to new people.

    All the best in your search though...

  3. add to that....

    The breeder I have a dog in partnership with, also has a dog in partnership with someone else who is a judge.

    I can not enter my dog in partnership under the second judge either, even though that judge doesn't know me, as they have a professional relationship with someone who has an interest in my dog.


    The six month vetto also applies to dogs that are handled by a judge that are owned by another person.

    Yep - is why, a while ago, someone asked my breeder to handle their dog whilst they were away, but didn't - still took it to show etc, but got someone else to handle in case they had a judging appointment coming up...

  4. add to that....

    The breeder I have a dog in partnership with, also has a dog in partnership with someone else who is a judge.

    I can not enter my dog in partnership under the second judge either, even though that judge doesn't know me, as they have a professional relationship with someone who has an interest in my dog.

  5. No - and you can't show that dog, even if they are judging another group.

    I own a dog in partnership with a breeder (who is also a judge), I can not enter a show that they are judging, even if they are judging a completely different group. (these are ankc rules i believe)

    eta - I didn't think that someone would be allowed to enter a dog that a judge had bred under that dog? I thought that was against the rules.

    I know you can enter the dog's progeny (that you had bred or someone other than the judge), but not the actual dog. Pretty unethical if you do. What's the judge going to do? - give the dog the breed and so have everyone accuse them of favouritism, or not give the dog the breed, and so tell everyone that they think that there own breeding isn't good enough.... damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  6. My 1.4 has just been taken back into canon for repair after it stopped being able to focus at all. $250 to fix. Ouch!

    I've read on a couple of forums that it's pretty common for the 1.4 - not sure about the 1.8.

    that happened to mine too, I wrote about it here, it was just out of warranty and I'd already sent it back when it was still within warranty but at that time they couldn't find the fault. Luckily for me after a bit of too-ing and fro-ing and a quote of almost $400 they eventually said they'd fix it for nothing "as a gesture of goodwill". The 1.4 is known for this problem although Canon denied that when I said I'd heard it was known for it. I almost wonder if we'd be better of just buying the cheapie and throwing it away when it stops working and just get another one. :confused:

    Mine is starting to have focusing issues, too. It gets 'stuck' and I have to wind the ring back to infinity before it will focus again. :rofl:

    And I was beginning to think I should just save up for the 1.4 - maybe not!

    (1.8 is still working after the 'fix')

  7. I heard a rumour - I actually read it somewhere - cannot remember where - where governments were trying to legislate that the only people who would be able to own an entire dog would be a breeder, and that dogs would not be allowed to be sold unless desexed (and microchipped). This would make selling of puppies at 8 weeks impossible surely?

  8. Thanks all! I would not leave a cool coat on her when I'm not around, and the point about the humid climate is a good one too regarding the evaporative cooling method.

    The ice block thing I'm already doing stormie :laugh: Great minds think alike .. I put whole sardines in ice cream containers and freeze them, though when she decides to lie on or next to the ice blocks she does tend to get a bit whiffy :laugh:

    Yeah Fran - remembering my Darwin days and how humid it was and how evaporative cooling just blew hot air everywhere and didn't cool at all... I don't reckon a cool coat will be of any use at all. She'll find her own spot to lie down - sounds like she has... Couple of wet towels on the ground wont hurt though - you'll soon find out if she wants to lie on them or not. Your idea of freezing a wet towel is a good one. Would be interesting to see if she would lie on that.

  9. I just had a look at the Andonas Kennels website.

    Everyone should have a listen to the Andonas Kennels Rap.

    Andonas Kennels

    Click on the link and scroll to the right and play the track. Classic!

    That link should come with a warning. Not safe for sane minds. I couldn't even get to the end.

    Now, now. Obviously somebody has put a lot of work into that website. Visiting it was an experience I am glad I didn't miss. Have a look at the photos of new owners. The expressions on their faces say it all.

    *Warning to those offended by photos of rooms decorated in pine panelling.*

    did you notice? one of them is Dr Harry!! (and doesn't he look uncomfortable?)

  10. FRan - I've used cool coats on my shelties - similar coat to yours.

    I had a cool mat for mine to start with, for when shows were a bit warm. Would have it in the trolley. Both girls hate it and refuse to lie on it - they scrunch it to the side.

    I've now got some cool coats that are made of a shammy type material - the same stuff that olympic divers use when they are about to do their dive - you know, the ones you see them wipe themselves down with.

    You wet these and put them on - stops them from panting on a really hot day. BUT actually - having mentioned these - I don't think any of this stuff would work in a humid climate - these things work on the whole evaporative cooling method, and you're not going to get that in a humid climate. Just be aware of that when looking at cool coats and stuff.

    Personally - my dad reckons that dogs always find the coolest spot anywhere when it is hot - so yours has probably already found them. He tells the story of when he was young boy - finding the dog on a hot day, then turfing the poor dog out of the cool spot it had found and taking it over.... how mean!! (but very effective).

    I like your ice idea

  11. I know its rules and all that. But really.. If the desexed animal is conforming to the breed standard.. well.. again like what someone else has pointed out.. Is minor when you consider what else goes on in some breeder's back yards.

    OK, say you're showing an entire coated bitch and you are regularly up against an exhibitor who is showing a desexed bitch of the same breed in the entire classes. Your bitch has a season and drops coat every 8-9 months putting her out of the ring or out of strong contention for a significant portion of the year. Theirs never has a season and never drops coat, and is beating you in the breed and DOL pointscore because it's out every weekend looking gorgeous. How do you feel about it then?

    take your point - but remember, the DOL pointscore is hardly equal across the nation. South Aus has one third the shows to go to that the eastern states have. No way an SA dog can win nationally. We have no shows at all in Adelaide in February. We have only 6 shows in total in January.

    I have no problems being beaten by a GOOD dog that meets the standard.

    As I would not be showing a bitch with dropped coat, it is really a moot point as I would not be up against it when mine are out of coat.

    It is also good to have a break now and again and do other things with my life. It is a hobby and a sport after all. All sports have "seasons".

    As one of my bitches comes into season every 4 months.. it is part and parcel of showing. She is a pain to show that way.. but that's life.

    ETA: Who really cares about the DOL Point Score anyway?? Especially when you hear comments from one judge who was away from their normal turf say "Just wait a minute, while I check the leader board so I know who to put up?"

    The judge was joking weren't they????? Otherwise :laugh:

    Almost as bad as the people, who when they saw that someone had a judging appointment coming up, suddenly sent that person friend requests on FB...

  12. a quick update - and have to say, love the assistant in the camera shop...

    took the lens in to where I bought it - was two days out of warranty. They said that they'd get canon to honour the warranty. anyway - whilst looking at the lens - to write a description, the assistant noticed a section of the focus ring had 'lifted' slightly. Applied a bit of pressure and it was fixed. Has been working fine last two days - so fingers crossed. Have no idea how it happened - assume a slight knock at some point.

  13. Was a lovely evening! :o

    Lyndsay - were you the aussie person who got one of the class in groups?

    I got open in group with a friend's gorgeous blue merle boy on the NYE show. :)

    I can trump you on that one Lyndsay - 2 Neuter in Group for Charlie (and one special award from the specials Judge on Saturday - "best fed dog on grounds" :p ) and it was good to see Bonnie got a good look at for Open in group - but was beaten by YOU! :(

    :) classic... I got that one weekend with my girl when she had not had enough exercise in the previous fortnight and I hadn't cut her food enough to compensate... "she's well looked after isn't she?"

    Glad you went well on the Saturday.

  14. Good to meet you too.....

    You missed the bulk of them - as the people moved in they moved out......

    Was a good night and the temp ended up being just right......A little birdie tells me the shows will be started later next year so we miss all the heat and can see New Year in on the grounds instead of in the car.....

    a much better idea.... (and shhhh...don't tell the toy people that actually group 5 preferred the side we got moved to. Glad they demanded that they get the other side for a change. I liked having more shade and not looking into the sun... note to people who have the 'grass is always greener attitude'.... thank you very much, we were much happier)

  15. All Adelaide metro beaches are off lead before 10am and after 8pm during daylight savings. Unless things have recently changed?

    As for how to introduce to water, I would wade in the water with him on lead first and see how he goes. If he doesn't freak out and try to back away, take the lead off and be prepared to get wet. I usually go out to just over knee deep and walk along out there, it encourages the dogs to stay in the water with me. Otherwise mine will only go in to fetch something. If I walk in the water so they are at swimming depth they will happily stay out there as long as I do.

    Yep - between 8pm and 10am it is off lead - I keep getting cranky that they extend daylight savings. I need to walk Rommy at low tide at my nearby beach. Low tide is often around 12noon or 1pm and there isn't a beach at high tide.

    O'Sullivan's beach down south is really nice and off lead all the time. (no help for you)

  16. If the driveway extends past the fence line - it isn't your property - just to clear that up... and in most local councils (because it is LGA by-laws that are at least Adelaide wide) dogs must be on a leash on all footpaths and sidewalks.

    Write it all down now, with time and date and everything you remember exactly. You don't need to do anything with it yet, but you will have it documented if anything comes up.

  17. And I must admit to telling people that I have GSD's, and that GSD's don't bite only Alsations do!!!!!!!!!!!! Hanging head in shame but I do get frustrated with the stupidity of the General public.

    :):) I do love this one!

    one of my favourites....

    had my grown up niece and her partner over when my girl was just home - about 10 weeks of age. They loved her. After watching her run - they commented - "She's running in a straight line, not going sideways at all. I thought puppies all ran sideways - my friends dogs (designer things) all do."

    We had a chat about good conformation at that point.

  18. If your shows are the New Years Eve and New Years day ones at Karbeethan - it's going to be HOT during the day (6:30 pm start) - set up as soon after the rings are up as possible to avoid the heat. There is always plenty of room there (unless we get stuck with the soccar pitch only) If it's SACA park you can set up on the Friday before.

    PS - If you are doing the Karbeethan shows - if you get hot and thirsty you can drop into my place for cold drink... :D

    I am doing the Karbeethan show in late January.....and I pray that the temperature isn't anything like it's going to be today....43°C :)

    However, it is a good temperature to have a nice icey cold glass of Champers to help celebrate others wins in the ring :eek:

    Cheers and Happy New Year! :)

    That show is never as hot as the NYE ones. going by yesterday it's likely that we will only have the soccar pitch again for that one too...the scratchings made it very spacious lastnight....ended up being a nice evening and finished before midnight

    spacious - except for inside the ring....smallest set up ever. I almost ended up in the terrier ring on my out and back - i didn't see the rope and it only took 7 steps to get there from the judge.

    Was a lovely evening! :)

    Lyndsay - were you the aussie person who got one of the class in groups?

  19. Well i gave my dally 'xanox' from the vet for the first time last night, and it had no effect whatsover :)

    Is it valium or ace?

    We had them going off really close last night, him and my cattle were petrified, so i brought them in with me to watch braveheart .

    My new bt girl was fast asleep outside on her bed, legs in air , not at all fazed :)

    The other 2 stayed in all night, but one cowered and panted, and my dally paced and barked. :)

    xanax is a drug given to humans as a tranquilizer. It is a benzodiasapine (sp) of the same family as vallium. Assume the xanox from the vet is the same or similar.

    First year with my girl (at 9 months) were at a dog show - and she was safely in her trolley at midnight when the fireworks went off. She was a little nervous but not too bad - fireworks quite a long way away.

    Last year they started the second show early, which was fine, but our group didn't break at midnight like they were supposed to. We were in the ring at midnight. She wasn't happy. Freaked out. I think more from the people around our ring who yelled and shouted happy new year and let off lots of party poppers right outside the ring while we were in it as much as from the fireworks.

    This year - all over and home by 11:45 - so all safely inside. They both barked a couple of times at the bangs - but that was more of a 'how dare you, go away' than from fear or panic. They settled down after the first couple of bangs and didn't worry. They were more excited by the party across the road with the yelling.

    I live near a hospital, so helicopters and sirens are pretty normal.

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