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Everything posted by jr_inoz

  1. Sorry - but I don't agree with your assumption that people with views that the Gr CH should be tougher are people with Gr CH - I don't own a GR CH or even an Ch yet (soon I hope) but believe that the current rules are better than the old ones. A Gr CH needs to have shown that it has beaten something. The requirement of four 25 point challenges makes sure that this has happened. Also - a Belgian Shepherd was BIS at an all breeds show here in SA last year - so it does happen. This breed regularly wins at Group level because it is a fantastic example of the breed. It will get its grand easily (it might have it already actually - I am unsure - it has enough group wins to qualify though). Good examples of rare breeds do win at group level here in SA on a regular basis. In terms of keeping people at shows - Dogzonline point score is doing that nicely .
  2. In regard to video - you are buying an SLR. If you want good video capability, more than 5 minutes, then you ought to buy a video camera. None of them do video brilliantly. (They do ok, but not at the quality that people expect them to). (My DSLR is too old to have video capability.) I have friend with the Nikon. I like the ease of use with the Canon. I did buy mine because I already had Canon lenses that I could swap over. If I was starting from fresh, I think I might still have bought a Canon, but I don't know for sure.
  3. I have this lens and use it in most situations because of its versatility - will put up a recent photo for you to see. I had a couple of lenses from my old film canon slr which are also good, but I use the 18-200mm IS and the 50mm 1.8f lens most. (If I could afford the higher range zoom lenses, I would probably get one) I use lightroom. I loved roxio media creator suite - photography section was really good, but it doesn't work on my mac The canon software is quite good, but I am finding lightroom easier to use. I will be brave soon and work out how to shoot in RAW.
  4. Supremre Grand *snort* Sounds a bit like "double secret probation" (for fans of Animal House) Do we REALLY need another conformation title to encourage a handful of exhibitors to hunt more points the length and breadth of the country. How about this as a radical idea. No further titles or higher titles on any dog that hasn't produced the goods in the whelping box. If a "Supreme Grand" Champion had to produce a minium of titled dogs (more for dogs than bitches), it might shake things up a bit. It's more than a tad ironic that a system that supposedly is about selecting the best breeding dogs has no factor within it that actually tests that the dogs can produce the goods. I thought that was what the ROMA title was all about. Or does this only happen in Shetland Sheepdogs? Shelties get the letters of ROMA after their name if they produce champion progeny. It is 10 Champions for a dog and 5 champions for a Bitch. I like the current Grand CHampion title where a dog actually has to show that it can beat something else. (Having to had group wins or 25 point challenges) there are a couple of GrCH out there on the old system that haven't beaten a thing. I don't begrudge them the Ch title, but if you can't pull a win against other dogs at a specialty or a group level then personally I don't think you can be called "grand" champion.
  5. We didn't receive a sash for RBCC at Adelaide royal this year? All we got was a felt ribbon for 2nd in open bitch (bcc came from open as well). hmmm - think you should have.... Was pretty sure the RCCs all got sashes. We were on the first day. Happy to be wrong.
  6. BOB and RUBOB at Adelaide - sashes and rosettes. RCC, sashes. Ribbons for 1st - 4th class winners (or is it 1st - 3rd)? Lots of donated trophies though for different breeds at the adelaide royal. I was very envious of the BOB and RUBOB baskets of goodies for the shelties this year. Looked really good. (SA sheltie club donated those)
  7. try this one.... http://www.dogobediencesa.com/entryforms.html (i chose word format) I've been using it here at shows in SA all year with no problems.
  8. Gail - you need to come to the Adelaide Royal - parking right next to the pavillion. (Get there early, but still soooo very easy...).
  9. Just received an email from PetStock at Melrose Park. They are having a cheap microchipping day this saturday 24th September 8:30am-3:30pm. $34 but you need to book. Thought this might be helpful for people. http://www.petstock.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=251 Cheers
  10. Thought the OP meant a place where both owners and handlers went.... like the one mentioned here...
  11. I bought the mat first - neither of my two girls will lie on it. If they are in their crate or trolley - they scrunch it up so they can lie down without the mat. They love the coats though.
  12. i haven't done it either, BUT - I would assume that the bootcamp training is actually for the humans, more than the dogs - so you can take home with you the training techniques you learn on the intensive and keep training your dog.
  13. Jazza for one of the girls... (short for Jasmine, Jane, Janet - don't ask me why for the last two, but know a couple of people who ended up with that nickname) kezza for another of the girls (Kerry, Karen) Mezza (Margaret, Mandy - who knows why but again, someone else I know)
  14. They sure do, as long as it is already pre loaded with all the tricks like Abby Thanks Rysup, that's what my concern is, group clashing. I think it's best to start him off in junior handlers which is judged at lunch until he finds a breed he is really interested in and can handle and then if we end up owning that breed we might just enter one breed per show and some weekends the Goldens can have it off. That's a good plan.
  15. Thank you both.... now if we could just get the results for the RH&AS class in the competition....
  16. Went to a dog park once - never again. Too many idiots who have no idea and don't care at all. I socialise my girl at a small park with others I know and at training.
  17. Junior winner was Brodi Bonham Cool Does anyone know second and third for Juniors? (Wondering how three girls I know went - they hang out with us most weekends at shows looking for a dog to handle at lunchtime) Or even the results for the RA&HS junior shownmanship results? I know they are two different competitions (eg - I know Rachel - who was runner-up above, wasn't entered in the RA&HS competition, just the state final) have no idea why the results for these two competitions didn't go up....
  18. The Show site didn't put up the Junior Handler results in the Sunday classes. Does anyone know how they went? Placings for both age groups?
  19. Did you use progesterone supplements during the pregnancy? My girl lost her litter recently - and whilst discussing the pros and cons of progesterone supplementation with my vet (especially from week 5 onwards), in readiness for the next litter if I try again, he mentioned some articles based on studies that talk about the feminisation of male puppies (undescended testicles for eg) and the masculinisation of female puppies (have no idea how this would show up). A couple of breeders said that they had never ever had an issue with their bitches and their progeny with progesterone injections, but a second vet told me (both vets with a good repo reputation) that whilst he progesterone tests and supplements with bitches that have lost litters, he does not recommend the injections for the same reasons. he uses progesterone tablets. Just something else to think about.
  20. Also try and see if you can purchase a catalogue at the next show you visit. It will list all the breeds and their classes. It is kinda like the program for the day and will help you get an idea of what is going on.
  21. according to the brocuhes from DogsSA at the show yesterday - a shetland sheepdog would be ideal in this situation. (But then, according to the brochure - the shetland sheepdog is the ideal dog for everyone and every size house). (I've always known that ;) but it was really funny seeing it in the brochure.) They have produces little pamphlets on each breed at the show for the general public to take. A really great idea. Would be interesting to know what the brochures on other breeds said. They were really well set out - talking a bit about the breed, its background then had a really clear little table saying what size house they would be suited in, what type of dog sports they were suited for and what types of households (singles, couples, families young children, families old children, retires) they would be best in. In all seriousness though - A shetland sheepdog, although on the smaller size of what they want might be ideal. Or a BC.
  22. Yep they are - there are 4 on Friday the 9th
  23. Cass, I'll have a squizz at the catalogue tonight, but might not be able to let you know as the Sunday Specials were a bit stuffed up and there are some pages missing I've had a look at it.... There are a total of 91 dogs before Baby Puppy Dog - so about 2 hours. BUT and it is a big but - two of the classes are Brace Class and Parent and Offspring. I am not sure whether they are faster or slower than normal judging (43 teams of dogs). Also - according to the catalogue - there are only 5 state bred dogs entered - which I know isn't correct. This is where the catalogue ends (without the rest of this class and without the State bred bitches and neuter classes). I would imagine at least 30 state bred dogs entered - not the 5 that are in the catalogue (I know of 4 that are entered but not in there) - but who knows. Could be an hour longer or not.... Hard to tell. You're the 4th class on - I would think maybe before lunch? Picked it up at the shows on the weekend (Canine Company had them.) Pretty sure that this is where they will be for sale at the show too.
  24. There are some absolutely stunning dogs out in the neuter class in SA at the moment. The stories behind a couple of them and why they are in neuter would break your heart. It is good that they can be back out in the ring again.
  25. My breed is the first day - so that is good - will get the missing pages before I turn up on the first Sunday Have you seen the missing pages? Do you know how many state bred dogs, bitches and then neuters there are? (there are only 5 state bred dogs in the catalogue at present.) There are also only 7 puppy of the year finalists - I know there are obviously lots more eligible than that and in previous years I seem to remember an entry of around 14 or 15 for that class. 7 would seem to be a small number based on previous years.
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