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Posts posted by jr_inoz

  1. Since getting home he went outside and back to the corner. He didn't want to come back inside and manager to finally get him in, he is now laying in the family room.

    There was quite a lot of wind today so he may possibly have been scared by flapping blinds or my sisters cat likes to play swipe at anything that walks past so maybe she hit jerry in the face or something and thats scared him from being inside :confused:. I wasn't awake when he was let out this morning so don't know if anything inside had actually happened but I've asked and apparently he was normal so if something has scared him it must of been whilst he was outside.

    Check where he is going in the yard. There could be a lizard or a snake in that part of the yard that he feels he needs to watch the whole time.

  2. so it actually wasn't long from ultrasound before you had to start treatment - just over a week?

    I'll be asking lots of questions about that. There are only the two repro vets here in Adelaide and they live on opposite sides of town. They do chat with each other a lot so things should be fine if one has to go away.

  3. I am wanting to ask similar questions of people in here.

    I am heading off to an ultrasound tomorrow on my bitch - hopefully confirming a pregnancy of 4 weeks. We will be progesterone supplementing this time round, given she lost her litter last time at day 51 as well.

    My mentor, and other breeders in my breed nearby have not had experience in progesterone supplementing their bitches.

    I would like some advice on what questions to ask. Unluckily for me, my vet is going away during the last two weeks of my girls pregnancy. I will be asking him for recommendations for another vet whilst he is away, and will have questions about how often we will need to prog test during her pregnancy and what we will be supplementing her with etc. I've been reading up, and I am pretty sure the vet will be recommending tablets as opposed to injections. If anyone can tell me the advantages of injections or tablets, let me know.

    For those that have prog supplemented - did you supplement regardless of prog levels? From what time in the pregnancy did you supplement? Were there side effects you had to watch out for? I know c-sections are more likely with prog supplementing. Was that your experience?

    What else should I be asking about?

    Any suggestions gratefully received.

  4. I know a number of people in shelties who have tried it and only heard of one success. I did read somewhere that another breed that also had issues (perhaps Gorgon setters) was doing some research into why it wasn't working and playing round with the freezing process with some success. Chilled seems to have a better sucess rate

    Would be interested in knowing who. I was trying to work out the pluses and minuses of using frozen semen in our breed over importing. I'm gathering information. (Not that I plan on doing either any time soon, but the whole subject fascinates me and is something to consider).

    I know of frozen semen in shetland sheepdogs, being sent from Australia to either Norway or Finland (I cant remember). This was successfully used - 3 litters from this one collection of semen. BUT it was one of the only cases that the breeder of the stud dog I just used knew of that was successful - it was his dog that was the stud in this case. He thought there may have been some successful cases in the US.

  5. I love my one from Bunnings, same as the deluxe oztrail 3 x 3 for $159. And it has a little vent in the roof for those windy days.

    Yep, friends of mine have this one - it is great. It also fits the oztrail walls for the delux - velcro in the exact same spots.

  6. My girl insisted on sunbaking the other day in 41C heat. I brought her inside after 5 minutes.

    She does know where all the cool spots are inside.

    My dad tells the story of growing up in the 1920s (way before airconditioning). He and his friend would follow the dog around on a hot day because it would always find the coldest spot in the house (or under it). When the dog had found it, they would push the dog out of the way and move in to that spot themselves. Nice strategy.

  7. The breeder of the stud dog I just used and the vet had a conversation about the success of frozen semen whilst we were all at the vet for my girl's date with her stud...

    Apparently, whilst there have been successes in using frozen semen in shetland sheepdogs, there have been more misses than hits around the world apparently. I don't remember what they said the success rate was percentage wise in this breed, but it wasn't high (under half).

  8. What I find interesting is puppy registrations where a puppy in one breed can be allowed to have the same name as a well known, grand champion, BIS winning dog in the SAME state but in a different breed. Wonders how some of those get through sometimes.

    The name of a dog is a totally different proposition and I'm not at all surprised this has happened. At one point there were four bitches with exactly the same name (obviously not the same prefix :laugh:) in the same breed in the ring at the same time, all within 6 weeks of age of each other. The rego forms were probably all at the KC at the same time in this case and they were all allowed because the prefix is different.

    That really is very funny!

  9. I am just wondering who is it, at the end of the day, that makes the decision on whether or not a prefix is approved? Is it the Australian council or one from OS?

    I have been declined my prefix (and I say mine only because I want to use the same one that I have had for the last 16 years for my cattery) no reason given. I have been told that I can submit a letter of appeal if I choose, which I will be doing.

    There are 3 similar OS (none pronounced the same) but none with the same spelling

    Any ideas?


    As others have said, it is decided by the ANKC here in Oz. Mind you I am not sure that a whole lot of rhyme nor reason goes into various decisions. Why I didn't get my first or second choice, I have no idea.... but at least I didn't get my 9th choice like someone I know did.

    What I find interesting is puppy registrations where a puppy in one breed can be allowed to have the same name as a well known, grand champion, BIS winning dog in the SAME state but in a different breed. Wonders how some of those get through sometimes.

  10. I would never put a "beware of the dog" sign up as this implies you have a dangerous dog - was informed this by a cop/friend. Also told if someone accesses your yard and gets bitten they have every right to sue you for keeping an aggressive dog. Apparently, dogs defending their territory does not exist in human law proving the law is an ass!

    On the children wandering - from my personal experience with Child Protection they are unable to do anything unless the child will be dead in 24hrs. They are understaffed and over regulated. However, keep reporting and record all your reports (daily if necessary) and if nothing is done, contact one of the current affairs shows. This appears to be the only way to get through to the government.

    Good luck on both fronts

    If you are a mandatory notifier (teacher, coach, sunday school teacher, sport team manager etc) then you can ring child protective services and insist they take a "report of concern". You might be able to do this as a member of the general public anyway. They may not act, but the parent's negligent behaviour will be on file.

  11. Hi Sway - Jaemist - its mine - Shetland Sheepdog.... cheers (no litter yet - fingers crossed for February).

    Just by the by - How did you know about that one? I hadn't said anything when I got it and don't think its been published here in SA. No dogs with this prefix yet cos the puppies haven't been born...

    I have edited it for you. Vic&NSW gazettes have a list of newly approved prefixes and they are entered in the database each month.

    That why many will show up with no breed assigned to them.

    I think all States should publish the newly approved prefixes, how else can you object if you don't know what they are??

    Does ANKC send out an update of recently registered prefixes in each state?

    Oh how I wish! I have asked for a list and they won't supply one.

    Funny that SA doesn't put it in theirs. They should. I only had an idea of what I could use thanks to your website Sway.

    Mine is the same as an older one, in the same breed, from somewhere in Europe! :eek: I didn't know this when I put it third on my list... Yet I cannot find reference to anything similar to my first one... Strange... :laugh:

    Funny with mine too - it is similar to a prefix in the same breed in US, but I didn't know this - when it also was third on my list. No reference to anything anywhere to my first choice (or second) but both contained part of my surname, so that might have been why? who knows?

  12. I use Detachol to remove glue from my sheltie ears. I put some onto a cotton ball and let it soak into the hair around where the glue is. Make sure it is not going into the ear canal. Then I work it into the area by softly rubbing. Leave for a couple of minutes and then with a fine tooth comb, gently try to comb the glue out. If it is not coming loose, repeat all the steps again.

    Are you close to where your breeder is? Could you take the pup over and get them to remove the glue and reset the ears for you?


    Also "unisolve" works well. (from craft supplier like spotlight).

    Eucalyptus oil also works.

    a "nit" comb, which has really fine teeth is good for combing through the hair.

    Congratulations on your puppy. There are some good sheltie people in perth who will be able to help you.

  13. Hi SwaY :)

    You could add Donadoni's prefix:- Laperla Maremmana - into the Maremma Sheepdog list.

    World class, big beautiful dogs. Winner of Crufts BOB 2010


    The website is only for Australia Prefixes, they are Italian?

    What! Then what's the point? For someone searching for an unclaimed prefix, in order to apply for a new prefix, it may result in a duplication with an overseas prefix and will be rejected

    Pursuant to the Code of Ethics, Regulations, Part 1 and 1a, Register and Registration, I refer you to clause 11.3 (b) an application for a prefix may be rejected by Dogs NSW if:

    (ii) the word is identical with or deceptively similar to a previously registered prefix or an affix believed to be registered by a canine controlling body in another country.



    Doesn't matter - it's the ANKC (or whichever state controlling bodies job to determine whether you can have one of your submitted prefixes. There is a reason why they make us submit 10 of the things when we register for a prefix. My prefix is incredibly similar to one in the same breed overseas. It wasn't my first choice but my third. It wasn't rejected. I was grateful to Sway and her website when coming up with 10 prefixes - so I wouldn't waste a preference with something that would be rejected quickly.

    Hi Sway - Jaemist - its mine - Shetland Sheepdog.... cheers (no litter yet - fingers crossed for February).

    Just by the by - How did you know about that one? I hadn't said anything when I got it and don't think its been published here in SA. No dogs with this prefix yet cos the puppies haven't been born... Does ANKC send out an update of recently registered prefixes in each state?


  14. all mini schnauzers i've met can be naughty as hell if just left outside. they are people dogs and want/need to be amongst the action indoors with the family. can't they just have a crate set up in a common space (like the dining room) where the dog sleeps of a night? and let it in amongst the family during the day? honestly, what's the point getting a dog if you don't have it around/with the family?

    as for price, my mini was a tick under $1000 - but as a salt & pepper was a less in-demand colour, the black & silver or blacks are a little more i think

    When they say outside do they mean outside while noone is home? Or outside full time? Dogs are pack animals they need to be with their pack or they get very lonely :( what's the point if you're going to leave it outside away from the family? Once the novelty wears off that poor dog will likely be left to it's own devices :(

    I suspect they would say outstide all the time. I think this would be because youngest daughter is asthmatic (badly) and they would be wanting to keep the house as allergy free as possible. My other hunch though, would be that puppy would end up being allowed in the back room where the family hang out alot but not allowed inside the main part of the house (which is close to the bedrooms.)

    I am going to give them the link to "before you get your puppy" just so that they have a better handle on what life with a dog will mean. I can see they have thought through quite a few issues, but not all of them.

  15. Took these today. My girl really doesn't love posing for photos. Tried out a few different background colours (thanks to polar fleece blankets being really cheap at spotlight...)


    blue and silver just aren't her colours (hmmm - tri-colour photo shoot....)


    red is more her colour


  16. Just bumping this thread again.

    I caught up with my friends who are looking at a dog.

    The youngest girl, whose dog it would mainly be, has been "doing her research" and has been looking at mini schnauzers.

    I showed her (and mum and dad) the dogzonline breed pages. They were very pleased to see them. I also told them that they should come to a show with me. They loved that idea too.

    Further found out tonight that the dog would be an "outside dog". Would a schnauzer cope with that? I know a sheltie wouldn't (not that they are looking at that breed) because they love being with people. I was able to put them off a "cavocker" with one of the reasons (of many I mentioned) being that Cavs love being with people and are inside dogs, so a cavocker would be the same.

    I showed them the border terrier pages tonight. They really liked the look of a border. Can they handle being outside? Temperament with kids?

    What are the "water" breeds of dogs (like the portuguese water dog) that don't shed and repel water? Would any of these be suitable? They would be happy with a small (sheltie size) to medium dog (border collie size).

    Can someone pm me the price that a mini schnauzer or a border terrier puppy are likely to be going for?

  17. I find the way it is done in the UK quite sensible to be honest - it means that when I'm looking at pictures of a dog online I can see, at a glance, who it was bred by and who owns it. :thumbsup:

    Yep, and if the litter was named for a theme, you'll know at a glance if you ever come across the dogs litter mates.

    My breeder has a theme for each litter - it is good seeing them come up on show results around the country - you know which dog is from which litter and which ones are siblings and so on...

    and then, when you come across a dog of the breed down the beach and they tell you its pedigree name, they get all excited when you can tell them that you've met the litter brothers and sisters and can tell them a bit about how they are going.

  18. My breeder uses marine carpet in the bottom of his whelping box. This is my plan too, along with a vet bed on top. (Plus newspaper during whelping, or maybe those incontinence sheets/pads that old people have on their beds (not the kylie blankets). I asked about those and nursing homes wont give/sell them anymore - OHS says they aren't allowed to (according to a couple of places here anyway).

  19. Can I add another question as well - I'm new to crates too :)

    Just wondering what's preferable to do when leaving the puppy/dog for long periods of time. Next year when I'm at work & the kids are back at school I'll have to leave the pup for around 7 hours. I'm thinking that its too long to crate her for... I was intending on putting her in the laundry with the crate foor open & from there have a doggy door where she will have access to a sectioned off area outside.

    Does this sound ok?

    This is what I did.

    My girl only had the crate to sleep in, but I had another dog come to stay for awhile, so I bought a bed that could fit both of them on it as they wanted to sleep together most of the time.

    With the toilet training - strongly advise you to take the puppy outside to wee with a lead on. I didn't and wish I had. My girl will not wee whilst on lead, which is really inconvenient when away or at dog shows etc. At a dog show, she will hold it all day until we get home.

  20. I have just uploaded some photos to photo bucket, how do I put them on here?

    when you hover over the photobucket image a list of codes will come up. copy and paste the code that says IMG code straight into your post and it will then add the photo when you hit 'add reply'

    hope this makes sense

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