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Everything posted by nicole

  1. I just googled it and NO I dont have any of it on my property that I can see...will have a better look when I get home from work. But they are going to the vets todayso I will find out then
  2. I have no idea what pattisons curse/salvation jane looks like, anyone got a pic???
  3. I booked them in yesterday to see the vet.... I guess I was hoping someone might have some idea as to what they have. In the first pic it's blood, the owner of the place i live in said in might be mozzie bites... I guess i'll find out tomorrow
  4. I have 2 adult Alaskan Malamutes which have come up with sores on their noses. I have only had them for about a month now so I am not sure if they have had this before, if they have been bitten by something or if it is an allergic reaction to something.... Can anyone help???
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