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Everything posted by Dellcara

  1. and all the above say 39c for tomorrow ... I'll be at home good idea re weather station
  2. OMG ... 40 !!! no way am I venturing out tomorrow if that's the forecast (even though my breed is on early).
  3. thanks for the update ... is that going to cause problems? I thought the published schedule had to be final? (just asking )
  4. just posted ...... DOGS Victoria Amenities Show Monday 2 January 2012 - Due to extreme weather forecast Pekingese, Pugs, Tibetan Spaniels and Yorkshire Terriers will be judged at the conclusion of group five by Mr P Bennett (SA) in the group seven ring (indoors)
  5. yes the gazette does mention it ... in the schedule it states; "If extreme weather is forecast on the day of the show, please go to www.dogsvictoria.org.au to check on the status of the show on the Friday prior to the running of the show. No refunds will be issued in the event of a cancellation."
  6. Irish Thanks! was a fair question ... considering Greg has bred Grand Ch's in all 3 breeds .. quite an achievement !! cheers, David
  7. let's hope the weather changes ... current forecast for Sunday/Monday of 36c for Melbourne ...
  8. All puppies should be allowed to enjoy the experience without too much pressure.... I don't care if my puppies play up in the ring .. it's all about having fun.
  9. I think the best change is the limit on shows taken into account ... A quick check on a couple of breed "leaders" show they have attended in excess of 70 shows this year (and it isn't finished) .... Nice to see that the exhibitor who maybe only attends a few shows a month might now feel they can be competitive in the pointscore.
  10. there is in Victoria ... I have always got a BOB Certificate (with the Breed points) & a BIG Certificate (with 25pts on it) when I've been fortunate to win the Group In NSW we just cross out the points and make it 25 points instead and put Best In Group under the points on the BOB certificate... cheapskates ... tell them to buy the Group cards
  11. there is in Victoria ... I have always got a BOB Certificate (with the Breed points) & a BIG Certificate (with 25pts on it) when I've been fortunate to win the Group
  12. You have a point, I assumed just breed points as it's called Breed Challenge Competition. ETA I agree if the group points are added it has taken a step backwards. like RUBOB hopefully Group/In Show are only used in the case of a tie ... and the points are limited to the BOB or Challenge Certificates.
  13. I like the fact it will be based on challenge points for BOB and that it is capped at 40 shows/results (less would have been better, but hey it's a start) yes it's a good start .... I emailed a couple of questions to clarify a couple of the things on the Breed Challenge. It mentions; Runner Up Best Of Breed - what if they were not a CC winner ? Where does it say Runner Up Best Of Breed? CC winners only as it says - Breed Challenge Competition - Previously known as Best of Breed competition. in the section; •The following results are eligible. ◦Best in Show (All Breeds or Specialty) ◦Runner Up in Show (All Breeds or Specialty) ◦Best In Group ◦Runner Up in Group ◦Best Of Breed ◦Runner Up Best of Breed ◦Dog Challenge ◦Bitch Challenge
  14. I like the fact it will be based on challenge points for BOB and that it is capped at 40 shows/results (less would have been better, but hey it's a start) yes it's a good start .... I emailed a couple of questions to clarify a couple of the things on the Breed Challenge. It mentions; AllBreed & Specialty wins ... are "Group" shows included? Runner Up Best Of Breed - what if they were not a CC winner ?
  15. we've gone from Grand Champions to crapping in the ring ???
  16. I read somewhere that is was effective immediately for Ch's. The reverted "Grand" is 1.1.2012 The new "Supreme" is 1.7.2012 (and you need to win another CC if you already have the other qualifications)
  17. I'm sure 1st July will see many retired dogs come out to get a CC to qualify for "Supreme" ... The exact same thing happened when the "Grand" was first introduced.
  18. Defintely Specialty shows ... where the biggest breed entries are. Of course Breed Specialist judges at other shows as well.
  19. from memory I think the "Extreme Heat Policy" is based on forcasts of 38c or higher for Victoria. I notice in the recent gazette that some Clubs are stating in the case of "extreme heat" the show will commence at 7.30am with no breaks.
  20. if you are in Victoria the show schedules state; "in the case of multiple exhibitors, one envelope per exhibitor" so .. yes, some show secretaries might get a bit grumpy and stick to the rules, most however can cope if you put all the names on the return envelope - I did this for years and there was never a complaint.
  21. can't help with more results ... but its the young Pap that's shown by Stephanie Rickard (co-owned with breeder Chris Johns)
  22. I agree ... the grounds held up well considering the weather - plenty of space etc etc ... Excellent ring sizes .... on a nice sunny day it would be a very enjoyable place.
  23. yes it "should" be ..... sadly that's not always the case - I know many Grand Ch's who are "generic" showdogs ...
  24. Toys - BIG Pug, RUBIG Eng Toy Terrier Gundogs - BIG Pointer, RUBIG Wei The Pointer went BIS (and also won Battle of The Ashes) Don't know names sorry ......
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