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    Animals,Socialising,Reading,Going out everywhere.

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  1. I totally agree with you. I know I'm a little late replying but thought I would make a comment. Glad David is recovering. I hope that horrible woman gets karma. I totally know whats it like to have my dog attacked. I have a seeing eye dog and have had a couple of dogs attack him. Usually it's people walking there dogs off lead. This is very dangerous for a blind person having dogs come up to them. For instance I was walking my dog at a busy crossing and this old man tried to get his little dog to say hello to mine while we were walking across but luckily my boy was not taking any notice. Also it's amazing the amount of people that try to pat my seeing eye dog. When I tell them that you can't pat him they think I'm being rude then there are some old people that have abused me and told me thats it cruel to have the harness on my dog, but he enjoys work and he isn't always on harness. In fact a lot of Guide/Seeing Eye Dogs have a lot of free time when not working. When off harness they can be normal dogs. Seeing Eye Dogs and Guide Dogs are marvellous and without my dog I wouldn't be so independant. I hope David's dog will be ok and that the trauma doesn't stay with him.
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