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Everything posted by temperamentfirst

  1. They may not need re-consent as Sydney and NSW universities have a research partnership agreement which covers most of these arrangements. It also depends if the research is being continued by someone who was already involved with Alan's work, and on how the consent was worded. Sydney Uni has also continued Alan's research on Border Collies and I cannot speak too highly of those involved.
  2. Something I have had success with is Dr Schuessler's Tissue Salts Nerve Tonic Combination 5. They are available from most health food shops. Try giving 2 to start with. I had a bitch who had two pups but was convinced she had more somewhere! She was totally anxious and stressed. I spoke to the naturopath at our local store who happens to have dogs and she told me to use these. I have also used on a terrified rescue dog. Worked a treat. Won't hurt your dog but may make a huge difference. Good luck!
  3. I'd have the eye removed. Once an eye gets to that stage, it is really difficult to save the sight and it is very hard on the dog. I've known a number of people who have tried to save their dog's eye in similar circumstances and regretted it. Each of them, after sometimes months of trying, had to have the eye removed.
  4. I use eucalyptus wool wash all over my dogs, then soap up the whites with blue shampoo such as silver tails. Re itchy skin, after you have rinsed Zig thoroughly, do a final rinse of approx 1/3 vinegar, 2/3 warm water and do not rinse it out. I find that the eucalyptus wash suits even my very sensitive skinned boy, and combining it with the blue shampoo on the white parts he gets no reaction. I was told about the vinegar rinse many years ago by an old breeder, and it makes a huge difference.
  5. No, I was the lucky one TM...she gave me so much more than I gave her. I miss her so much. I keep looking for her and find myself listening for her hoof-beats during the quiet times. I want to take on another oldie when I can. And I may get a little pony or miniature for the back yard paddock as I really enjoyed Flossie's company. Bless you - I am so glad you found Flossie and gave her such a wonderful last few months.
  6. I saw a story that the Exodus Foundation and the RSPCA have joined up to help people in this situation. Here are the contact details. E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (02) 9770 7555
  7. My old girl had an episode and the vet gave her some meds that helped a lot with the balance problems. I am pretty sure that she was given stemetil, but check with your vet.
  8. I use the Barnsleys, and they are fantastic - other practitioners are much closer to me, but it is more than worth the travel.
  9. We have small concrete troughs plus an automatic horse waterer attached to the house wall. The concrete troughs are fantastic as they hold quite a few litres and are way to heavy to be knocked over.
  10. OMG I am so very very sorry! What a terrible thing to happen. I know so well the agony of regret, please do not blame yourself, do not feel guilty. It is totally the negligence of the groomers RIP Buddy
  11. A good smell reducer is white vinegar in bowls. Put them whoever the smell lingers.
  12. Nutro chicken and oatmeal, plus raw meat, chicken, leftovers, veggies, fruit, chicken frames and beef bones. No lamb except in freezing weather, and no wheat.
  13. A few people I know went to Vineyard and were very happy with the result. In each case they were forced to do it due to impossible neighbours who were best mates with the ranger!
  14. Yep - another vote for Gary and Neil.. We use Gary and Neil Barnsley - they are great, plus Neil is fully qualified in chinese medicine and acupuncture!
  15. Just putting this out for discussion, as I am still thinking it through. Basically, I was researching arthritis in humans, and came upon a study that linked arthritis and inflammatory conditions with wheat consumption. The study found that when they removed wheat from their diet, a lot of people's symptoms improved dramatically. My research was triggered when my coeliac daughter developed full on arthritis - even swollen joints in her hand - after inadvertently eating the wrong corn chips. She had symptoms in her hands, knees and back! So now I am wondering if feeding dry food that contains wheat may aggravate arthritis in our dogs.
  16. A few thoughts based on what we went through with our boy. How is the febella (the tiny bone behind the knee)? Our boy had somehow exploded his and that caused scar tissue that prevented a patella surgery from healing properly. Also, most BCs have patellas that luxate in one direction. My boy's was the opposite, and the specialist had not thought to check, so my poor darling had to have more surgery. We used laser to help the healing, and also acupuncture. Finally, definitely no stairs, no getting on couches etc for months! He was older when this happens, and recovery took a good 12 months
  17. Temperament first, when you say the wound dressing is that something you make up yourself or something you buy? Apologies if its a dumb question but genuinely interested... I buy the wound dressing at either the health food store or the chemist. it is a bit sticky, but worth the mess:-) My elderly mum has a bad ulcer and they are using some very fancy sterile manuka dressing on it. I'm not sure that sterile is such a great idea, but it is interesting that the medical profession here is finally catching up with overseas practice.
  18. I swear by Manuka honey, both the actual honey internally and the dressing for infections, cuts. eaq" oops - young Dustmite the ex foster just helped type - it wrks so well. Had a bitch with a bad spider bite that got infected and turned to staph. It spread to her face from licking. Antibiotics did nothing, so I both put the wound dressing on the infections and gave her Manuka honey twice a day. SHe was CURED within the week! One youngster had kennel cough so I put him on Manuka honey immediately, plus Bisolvon cough tablets. 3 days later, only the very rare cough when he belted around chasing his mum. He came good so quickly that I didn't even need a vet visit :)
  19. My old girl has just come off her break from Trocoxil - she really suffered without it, despite weekly acupuncture and alternative pain relievers. She went back on Trocoxil last weekend - it is kicking in now thank goodness. At her age, it is all about quality of life, and Trocoxil gives her that. My vet also uses Robaxin when appropriate - it is no use for us as the pain is all arthritic and spinal fusion. Re magnesium, be careful as it can cause massive diarrhoea. Often the muscle spasms are a symptom of the inflammation so it is important to control the inflammation. We did another lot of bloods while she was on her break - all good, so it appears she is coping well with the Trocoxil.
  20. I would definitely visit Barnsleys - laser and or acupuncture make a huge difference in these cases. Also, Neil Barnsley is trained I. The use of Chinese herbs, and the one for arthritis etc are very effective.
  21. We have lived in your area for quite a while. I travel to Dural as I haven't been that impressed with the local vets. If you want the details, pm me.
  22. I thought that the white pup is not stacked as well as the brindle - have a look at her hocks - and this overstretching could make the top line slope.
  23. I will check with a friend, as she told me about a guy with a black lab that charged her dog. Luckily she was still outside and slammed the gate on it. it was also at St Ives showground!
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