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Everything posted by vnv

  1. What a gorgeous boy, I'm sorry for your loss.
  2. We have always let our dog curl up on the couch next to us (even after she destroyed a futon). I have tried to teach her the command "Off" for when we want her to get down and also for her to wait for permission before she jumps up. I admit we have been inconsistent so it hasn't worked that well. We recently bought her a new bed for the lounge room and I have been teaching her the command "Bed" when I want her to get on it. This morning she did it three times in a row!! The third time she was actually on the couch next to me and she still jumped off and went to her own bed. It's the best feeling and she got so much praise. Does anyone else have a story of a trick that took their own dog a while to learn?
  3. In ignorance, I took Willow to an offleash park soon after I got her, which was a huge mistake. For the first and only time she showed aggression towards one dog, that nipped her on the back. Before that happened she was having the time of her life with another dog. I then did some research and now avoid off-leash parks. Luckly the house I rent how has a huge backyard she can run full-pelt around and we can play fetch and train as well.
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