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Posts posted by Kyra

  1. I have an approx 10 year old shih tzu who up until last week was eating this: http://www.pookinuk.com.au/product-selecte...p?productID=328 with raw chicken pet mince from the butcher, however he has recently lost all his teeth apart from his 4 front teeth, bless him, and i was wondering if i could cut the biscuits out all together and just feed the mince? would that be sufficient for him?

    Also :vomit:

    I was wondering what a good age to stop feeding puppy formula is? two of my dogs have turned one year now however i also have two young pups which i'm planning on buying this for: http://www.pookinuk.com.au/product-selecte...p?productID=415 but was wondering if my other two would still be okay to have these aswell instead of changing to adult formula..?


  2. Hi there

    Could someone please make me a new one? :mad






    Umm if it could be the same pink swirly pattern that i already have, throughout the whole signature that would be great :rofl: also could it just say "my babies" on it somewhere please. :D

  3. Could someone please tell me whether a behaviorist or trainer would be better to deal with a puppy who has suddenly developed a problem with small dogs and cats? I'm pretty sure its been brought on by jealousy, I don't really wish to go into detail but will answer questions if it will help with my question.


  4. Name: Axle

    Sex: Male

    Date of birth: 19th May 2008

    Age: 7.5 months

    Colour: Buckskin

    Breed: South African Boerboel

    Hobbies: Tug-of-War

    Loves: Eating and Sleeping

    Hates: Water lol

    6 Weeks




    8Weeks, 11 kgs




    4 Months, 34kgs


    Got no idea if those photos worked, but if they didn't just picture the most awesome dog you have ever seen lol.

    :confused: :confused:

    Look at the size of him! what a gorgeous dog :confused:

  5. Thanks

    We spoke to her again today and mentioned getting her desexed, she apparently phoned a few vets a couple of weeks ago but couldn't find anyone who would do it for less than $200 so she didn't go ahead.

    She thinks it's a waste of money, she wants to replace the dog with a male now so who knows.

    Sorry, I know this kinda thing annoys people, I just wanted some advice so the dog hopefully doesn't end up homeless.

  6. keep it in the laundry and then get it desexed or give it to a rescue that has room for it before it gets pregnant

    what an idiot. Some people shouldn't own dogs.

    I dunno if she'd allow that because she doesn't want blood on her floors at all :eek:

    Not sure exactly why she doesn't want her desexed.. she mentioned to my partner a while back that she is interested in having a litter but i have no idea if she still wants to, the dogs only about 10-11 months old i think.

  7. A friend of my partners has a medium mixed breed bitch who is on heat, she said she wants to surrender the dog if she doesn't stop ruining her carpet :eek: this dog apparently rips off the pants and pads she had on her and she's at her wits end with the dog.

    She doesn't want the dog to be desexed (yes, I know) but is more than happy to get rid of her if she can't find a way to stop the dog bleeding all over the house, she has recently bailed her out of the pound after escaping the yard and it's "all too much for her"

    What else is there that i could suggest to her? this is fairly urgent as i dunno how much longer she will keep the dog for at this rate. Thanks in advance.

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