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Everything posted by Kyra

  1. Oh okay :D How much more over my budget is the camera you have?
  2. Heya! ;) I'm after a fairly good digital camera but have no idea where to start! As most of you probably already noticed from my crappy photos of Kyra, that I'm currently using a mobile phone camera, how good am I :p :D Anyway, I can only afford around the $200-$250 mark at the moment so for all of you guys who know a bit about cameras, what are a few I should look into that are in my price range? :D
  3. Thanks StaceyB :D I'm taking her tomorrow afternoon so fingers crossed things go smoothly. :D
  4. That's what I'm doing too :D As others have said, SD isn't the best, it's full of crap. I only found out the other day to be 100% honest. My pup is on it at the moment, but it's gotta be better than Pedigree Puppy she was on at her foster carers home so I don't feel too bad! :rolleyes:
  5. - She is a Staffy x APBT rescue pup, around 10 weeks old. :D Yes, thank you! he was saying it could possibly be a growth plate injury :rolleyes: & yes please StaceyB I'd love the number for Murdoch uni If she needs surgery I'd rather have it done sooner rather than later, however the vet I went to see said she's too young to say as of yet.. Anyway thanks guys for the great advice, I'm hoping things turn out okay.
  6. Tug-a-war toys all the way here for my girl :D she hasn't quite mastered balls yet for some reason, she has a bit missing me thinks but tug toys, plastic bottles and small soft teddies which we picked up from a baby store for really cheap, one is a little monkey that snores when you touch it, she loves that :D from my previous dog, I've discovered to never spend big bucks on toys they've never had before as they usually aren't interested, we just re-place their favourites when they've gone to heaven haha
  7. Sorry about all the questions but I heard today that Hills Science Diet isn't as good as some people say it is, I'm feeding mine the Original Puppy Mix at the moment so do you think it's worth changing her to a better dry food? Especially now that I know she has some joint issues I don't want to raise her on crap food, I'd rather not order food online so something that's readily available in pet warehouses would be great. As far as I know Eagle Pack gets ordered online? so is there anything similar that you can just go and pick up? Cheers :D
  8. Hello.. Could somebody please make me a new one only because I now have better photos of Kyra, Harminee, yours was wonderful and thanks so much for doing it for me :D If these photos could be used on a pinkish background, that would be great :D Thanks in advance xo
  9. Sorry but I'm just going to pop this photo up as I've just noticed you can see it fairly well here.. Looking straight at her, it's her left leg... See where it turns in?
  10. Cheers Storm, I'll certainly do that. I'm really, really hoping it's not going to be serious, she's been through enough as it is without this.. :D
  11. He said it looks like she's injured herself at a young age and as she's still developing, it hasn't healed :D He didn't mention either of those..
  12. Hello Guys I took my pup to the vet today for a vaccination and pointed out what I had noticed regards to her forearm looking slightly strange, he had a look at her walking & said it looks like her forearm is slightly deformed, it turns in when she walks, so she walks a bit like a duck. He said she's too young to tell whether it will get worse & if it does, she will need surgery otherwise her leg could twist more :D I'm really quite worried for her and the fact I wasn't able to get a straight answer from the vet, worried me more :D Has anyone else been through this issue??
  13. Thank you.. I will do I have another question, I work night shifts and leave around 9pm and get home around 4am at the latest, I don't have a puppy pen/crate so was wondering if I pop her in the spare bathroom for that period of time, if she will just stress or should be fine? I'm planning on leaving her in there for 15 mins every few hours to see how she goes however I'm unsure if she'll think she's being punished for something?
  14. She is 9 weeks old I didn't make it too clear what I meant regarding the back door, there's no doggy flap we just leave the sliding door open for her to come and go as she pleases. I'll make sure I go outside with her from now on, sounds like a much better idea. So definitely don't punish her for peeing inside? Sorry if I seem a bit thick, my other dogs have been seniors so already knew where to go! :rolleyes: It's so much more stressful when they're actually home! You think you have everything under control and then it doesn't quite go as planned.. I'm sure we'll get it sorted out. :rolleyes:
  15. Awww!! I'm not a fan of small dogs but Tibetan Spaniels are an exception! What a gorgeous pup!! There sure is plenty of Cavs around here! :rolleyes: Didn't realise they are so popular, I'll post puppy pics when my camera is charged :rolleyes:
  16. Hi Guys Could someone please help me with the most effective way of house-training my puppy when my OH doesn't want puppy pee pads in the house. So basically I'm doing the whole get them used to peeing outside straight away scenario. I've been taking her outside every few hours but have to lock her out otherwise she just flops down next to me and won't do anything so she gets locked out for about 10 mins each time and I watch her through the window, she gets a liver treat when she's done. We leave the back door open 24/7 so she can pop outside whenever she needs to, however she doesn't tend to do that and has done her business a few times on the floor.. On the tiles though so it's been easy to clean up! So is there any other ways I should or could go about this to make it go smoother? You can tell I haven't had a puppy around for far too long, can't you Any help would be great, cheers
  17. Hi Could someone please make me a signature with these photos.. Her name is Kyra... Thanks
  18. Hello.. I'm interested in finding out names - email address & websites of dog trainers you guys in perth use. I was told about the R.S.P.C.A training but not sure if I want to go through them. Any information would be wonderful, all recommendation's would be considered. Prices aren't that important but if you wish to include that, no worries at all Cheers
  19. Cheers :D Can't say I've ever heard of Eagle Pack, I'll google it now, do you have to order it in from somewhere or is it for sale at pet warehouses? Her carer is feeding her Pedigree Puppy. I can't say I blame her after seeing all the poor babies she has in her care, otherwise food would cost her an arm and a leg. I'll grab a couple of tins of Natures Gift and a few chicken necks when I pick her up & see how she goes. :D Still browsing different sorts of food so no idea as of yet what dry she'll end up getting..
  20. Hey You're all probably sick to death of these "diet advice" posts but.. I was just wondering if you guys could give me a few ideas on what and how much, to feed a 7 week old pup. My previous dog wouldn't touch meat of any kind, tins or fresh so only ever had dry but I'm hoping if I introduce meats to my pup while she's young, she'll take a liking to it. :D I'm after some recommendations on a good dry food and also fresh meat, if I wanted to feed her tins, is there actually a good one out there or are they all full of rubbish? :D
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