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Posts posted by Kyra

  1. Well as some of you know my nan passed away last night & I have taken on her dog Rosie.

    I was wondering if her girly bits are normal as they look somewhat offish to me :) it also looks like there's a bit of blood in there, now I'm unsure if this dog is sterilised or not & will be finding out tomorrow at the vet but I can't help but think something is strange about her bits.

    Could you please tell me if this looks normal to you or not - she's 12 years old. Thanks :mad


  2. Do whatever you feel comfortable with :laugh: my girl kyra was desexed as a young pup - around the 8 week mark but she was a rescue and I had no choice, if I had it my way, she would be around 10-12 months before I had her done. However with my boy Brodie, I'm not getting him desexed until atleast 18 months of age.

    Eta your girl is very pretty! ;)

  3. Turns out whatever was causing the high heartbeat has gone, his heartbeat didn't get past 250 the whole time he was there however we are taking him back today and tomorrow for more ECG's as the vet thinks it could just be that we caught him on a good day. When we picked him up Kyra tagged along and got him all roughed up but still, his heart didn't go past 240 even when he was in a crazy zoomie mood :laugh:

    Our vet is doing these two free of charge but hopefully it's all cleared up and we have a healthy pup after all!! ;):)

  4. I don't like it but also don't see it as cruel. I also don't like some of the over the top outfits people put on dogs and the whole pram thing just makes me :laugh: , unless it's because the dog can't walk properly, no offense to anyone on here who does it.

    IMO..if you want your dog to look pretty or cute then just a cute jumper or something is enough. I wouldn't use colouring on my dogs but each to their own. ;) :rofl:

  5. I'm very shocked too. The first thing my vet did was check his heart and almost jumped out of his skin after realising how fast it was going.

    Brodie is in for his ECG today and we're picking him up in 2 hours. Fingers crossed.

    I'm a bit stressed at the moment. I hate waiting for results :mad

  6. Umm :(

    Could I please be a right pain in the bum and ask for my new addition to be added to my signature? :(

    His name is Tommy and could it please just say, underneath his name, Tommy - my special boy.

    Also.. :mad could I have the background in solid hot pink, only because I think it would make my crappy quality photos stand out better. But I love how they are put on there at the moment so that same order would be awesome.. Um the middle photo of brodie and kyra together I have edited so it's not so dark anymore.. If the new one could be used that would be great. :mad :p :p I'm really hoping this can easily be changed otherwise i'm going to feel so bad. :(

    Please don't be offended :( I really do love the signature harminee.




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