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Everything posted by shmoo

  1. Napoleon, I would post your question as a new topic in the rescue section. :)
  2. That was my first thought after hearing the news. I will be interested to see if there is a marked increase in adoptions.
  3. My greyhounds name was "Brandy" when I rescued her and she didn't answer to it. I went through my list of chosen names and she turned and looked right at me when I said "Hazel" and it stuck. :)
  4. The law only refers to a dog in the drivers lap. So yes it can sit in somebody else's lap, but for safety I would harness or crate the dog.
  5. YES!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: I couldn't make it tonight and I was wondering how it went!!!
  6. Thumbs up for Annie! Hazel LOVES her coats! eta: I used to have to put two coats on Hazel in winter, but now she only wears one of Annie coats.
  7. I've had cords chewed, clothes chewed, dogs coats chewed (and even pulled off other dogs to chew!), furniture chewed. I can't foster atm and it's a nice break!
  8. I wonder if this would work for my dog who licks his feet a lot. He chews himself raw
  9. shmoo

    Vale Dante

    I only just saw this. I am so sorry to hear of your loss Sas, I know how much you did for that boy. Run free
  10. I agree! What an outdated way of thinking. I remember hearing that when I was very young and thinking it was outdated.. and I turned 30 this yr!
  11. My Greyhound bitch is on the small side (25kg) and I often get asked is she a Greyhound x Whippet (I was even asked that when passing a GAP stall :laugh: ) I just explain that she is small for the breed but she is a pure Greyhound, she is tattooed and she did once race. I do get people stop me in the street to talk about racing though and it doesn't usually go down in their favour. A couple of weeks ago I had a fella try to convince me to breed her because I can make lots of money of a pup if it's a winner! I asked him "but what about all the other pups in the litter that are not good at racing?" and he said "just sell 'em or give 'em away to people!". He copped a piece of my mind after that :D
  12. Have you tried Staffy Rescue? Their website is down I can't give you contact details sorry
  13. You're taking the piss right? Vaccination is not a silver bullet. Just because a dog is vaccinated does not mean it can not contract the virus, it is simply more unlikely, and it certainly can still carry the virus on its body. Are you transporting the one animal at a time? Are you thoroughly cleaning your car and equipment used with a disinfectant known to kill Parvo?
  14. I find this abhorrent as well and incredibly selfish. A while back I was looking for a Maremma pup but had to rule out perfectly good breeders as I refused to transport the pup. Puppy buyers and breeders are affected by the selfishness of some rescues. I phoned one transport company who said they only transport vaccinated rescues - all well and good, but they aren't quarantined prior to transport so what difference does it really make. You're right, none. Animals can still carry some diseases on their fur, feet etc even if they themselves are not infected. You'd think the transport companies would be a little more diligent. They are putting their business on the line!
  15. I met this sweetheart at Hawkesbury Pound today. Bit of a long shot, but she came to mind when I read the thread.
  16. Because Pound Rounds refuse to answer privately. I guess people got fed up.
  17. Yup, but the issue here is that some checking prior and after placing animals from this rescue group would have possibly prevented many of these issues. The attempted cover up of many of these issues just makes it worse
  18. This is such a sweet offer. I am no where near the airport though and I don't know any rescuers who are. My brother in law works at the airport though, I could ask if he would be willing to pick it up and give it to me and then I could hand it on to a rescuer out my way (penrith area).
  19. This is the only way I can think to get through to people. I have a project I am working on which hopefully will help to do this.
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