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Everything posted by shmoo

  1. Sorry i didn't make myself clear either use it only as a sponge wipe not flood tghe ear. ahh yup
  2. ok this is what i have written for the book. have i missed anything? When taking dogs out from a council pound, it is imperative that they serve a minimum of 10 days but preferably 21 days in a quaratined area. Many diseases a prevented from spreading with quarantine and it is the most effective way for control a dog that carries a disease or parasites. To build a quarantine area, minimum requirements are as follows: • Kennels must be constructed of sealed, solid, fire retardant, washable materials. Wall to floor junctions must be sealed, preferably curved, to facilitate cleaning and disinfection. • Floors of animal housing areas must be made of an impervious material to assist cleaning and drainage. Sealed concrete or brick is ideal. • Sealed walls of kennels must be no shorter than 1 metre high to prevent disease spreading to neighbouring pens. • Drainage must not be across kennels into neighbouring pens and removed following council instructions. • Lighting should be as close as possible to natural conditions. Sunlight is the preferred means of lighting, provided shaded areas are available. Artificial light should be provided where needed. This allows animal housing areas to be thoroughly cleaned and for animals to be monitored day and night. • Ventilation should be adequate to keep animal housing areas free of dampness, noxious odours and draughts and provide sufficient warmth. • Kennels should not be built to face each other. This may increase stress levels for the dogs, increase barking and noise, and increases the possible spread of disease. To have an effective quarantine area the following must be applied: • Bedding provided for animals must be changed frequently and kept clean, dry and free of parasites. Fresh bedding must be used for each new incoming animal to prevent the spread of disease. • Bowls, food and clothing must not be shared between dogs or pens and suitably disinfected to kill all diseases. • Faeces must be removed at least once daily, but preferably when they appear. • Animal housing areas should not be allowed to remain wet after cleaning. Kennels should be thoroughly dried before animals are introduced. • Disinfectants known to be active against the diseases concerned should be used to clean everything in the kennels and manufactuers instructions should be adhered to. • Pests, including fleas, ticks, flies, lice, mosquitoes and wild rodents, must be controlled. • People entering and cleaning the quarantine area must disinfect their shoes and hands upon entering and leaving and between entering each kennel. Dog kennel areas, whether for single, group, short term or long term housing, must provide enough space for each dog to feed, sleep, sit, stand, lie with limbs extended, stretch and move about. Generally it is safer to house animals singly. Where some dogs may be living in shared areas, all dogs must be consistently monitored to ensure intimidation of any dog by others in the pair or group. If such intimidation is noted, steps must be taken immediately to correct the situation. Kennel or cage size requirements depend on size, age, stress levels, whether housed single or paired and activity level. A kennel with dimensions of 4 metres x 2 metres (ie 8 square metres) is adequate for the largest of dogs if housed singly. If housed as a pair add an extra 1 square metre for the smallest of dogs and 4 square metres for the largest of dogs.
  3. can we see pictures of any set ups??!! :D
  4. yup breed would be good and i wouldnt say you are washing her too much. do you brush her? that helps to stimulate the oils in the skin and coat.
  5. dogcop: i wouldnt mix the metho with water because then it wouldn't all evaporate? that is the idea of the metho. realised i wasnt making sense
  6. do a search, lots of topics done on garlic.
  7. all packaged stuff to me is crap. rather make my own food for my doggies
  8. Metho?? as in methylated spirits? Yup. Just spray a bit in like any other cleaner and mush the ear around. best cleaner ive ever used. Ive used it on lots of dogs and never had a problem. got the advice from another groomer who got her advice from a vet.
  9. Its not being made anymore. I use metho and it works a treat
  10. no just potatos should be mashed. i just boil mine lately cause its easier to mix in. boiling isnt idea because it take out most of the nutrients, but our blender broke :D
  11. the list is a bit alarmist, but ive heard cases where a dog has eaten a hand full of grapes and been very ill, or a small amount of chocolate and been violently sick. my lot eat milk, chocolate, mandarins and a few other things no worries, but for people who would rather be safe than find out the hard way this is a good list to follow!
  12. my lot get the whole pumpkin boiled. the seeds go right through them.
  13. but if he doesnt eat for 4 days straight i would take another approach
  14. also, has he had a dental recently? even thou he doesnt have bad breath he might have a sore tooth that is stopping him from eating anything more than minimum.
  15. stop leaving food out for him. he needs to learn to eat when YOU tell him to. not when he feels like it. give him a window of 20 mins every night at the same time to eat what you want him to. if he doesn't, then take it away. give him no treats, no dinner scraps and no option of dry food to graze on. he will learn when he i supposed to eat and get used to it. he won't starve himself.
  16. do you put his dish down for 20 mins and then take away regardless of how much he has eaten? or is he left to graze?
  17. i feed more vegies to the greys because they fart alot if they eat too much mince. the boys (silky cross) get mince and chicken necks. the greys get bones from the butchers during the day. depends on each dog and how they digest it. some dogs can get the runs on vegies or some have really good poos.
  18. been near any dust, smoke etc lately? if so the wash out should clean them out. saline is good for flushing out eyes too.
  19. some good points on this thread! let us know the outcome
  20. Has his Thyroid been checked out? Was he inside more and now outside more or vice versa?
  21. usually dogs will eat grass if they are not drinking enough water or they have an upset stomach it will help them throw up eta: this is a good site on it http://www.wolfweb.com.au/acd/whyeatgrass.htm
  22. Maybe the tooth fairy already nabbed it
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