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Everything posted by shmoo

  1. OH does get along with the dogs. Thats a good point thou. But yes he does adore them like I do and currently he is watching Star Wars laying on the couch with a blankie and the dogs curled up under it. I have some really cute shots of them all sleeping on the couch but I think I will be quickly single if I post them up I'm hoping with time things get easier.
  2. No he won't The crating isn't going very well. sigh. Sweep just whimpers and then in the wee hours of the morning he starts barking. I hoping that over time the wee hour barking will get later and later. Poor bugger is so tired thou because he isn't sleeping at all.
  3. I'm going to put the crate next to my bed tonight and see how he goes.
  4. He is very cute! Where are you located, maybe we can recommend a vet in your area?
  5. Tried Sweep in a crate in the lounge room last night. He barked a bit for a while, but then at 5.30am he woke us both us with barking again. It was a stressy kinda bark. He had pulled the blanket I put over the top of the crate through the wires and was panting heavily. He had knocked over his water bowl and not touched his bone I put in for him. I let him out and he ran straight to the house water bowl and drank. So I let him in bed and OH went to the couch. Sweep really didn't cope last night and it is driving OH and I apart.
  6. Haven't done a vet check yet. Is it something that can come on later in life? Cause I swear he never used to snore like he does now! Surgery will be a last option thou.
  7. Or at least put him in a crate in the garage
  8. Tried the ear plugs approach, OH says no
  9. I was going to suggest the satin balls too. Do a google search (or I think DOL search will bring some up too). You can go as basic or difficult as you like. I've not had one skinny starving dog turn down one of my satin balls yet
  10. Recently my desexed male malt x silky, Sweep, has been snoring a lot. It's when he gets warm and comfy and is falling asleep or asleep. Problem is, he sleeps in my bed.. and the snoring is waking OH. I've got him on a diet cause he is a tad over weight, but I was wondering if anybody else had a suggestion to make him stop short from some type of surgery?! He has slept in my bed since he was 10 weeks old so putting him in a crate in another room would be just as noisy
  11. Ah yes of course he went down to you I've you get any in Sydney just give me a holla
  12. Mushrooms Mushroom poisoning can be fatal if certain species of mushrooms are eaten. The most commonly reported severely toxic species of mushroon in the US is Amanita phalloides, but other Amanita species are also toxic. They can cause severe liver disease and neurologic disorders. The recommendation is to induce vomiting when these mushrooms are ingested and to give activated charcoal, as well. Supportive treatment for liver disease may also be necessary. But the mushrooms we eat are probably fine
  13. I would stop letting him swim so much. It's playing up with the natural oils on his coat.
  14. I've had some near misses with the plastic ones coming off!!! They flip off and you are left with a very short blade on their skin
  15. Holy crap! Hope he feels better soon Do let the kennels know what has happened since boarding (in the nicest possible way )
  16. PM Peibe on the forum. She rescues Shar Peis and knows a lot about this surgery
  17. It's spreading quick through the pounds I think.
  18. Colin why do you support a cross breeder that breeds Oodles?
  19. Dried? Are the bones dried in them? That would make them brittle I would imagine?
  20. If you can come down to Rouse Hill in Sydney I will do her for $20 for you.
  21. I think I already gave a quote to you...??
  22. Just keep an eye out for diarrhea.
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