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Everything posted by shmoo

  1. Very good thought. I did see himself rubbing his face on the grass a few days ago. No idea if the rats go outside (I've never actually seen these rats, just heard them!) Will check with my vet about getting him tested for that.
  2. Thanks everybody I will be watching him like a hawk Longclaw. He ate his chicken really well tonight and is still up and walking around. I think I will flea bath him tomorrow (it's too cold now) in case the fleas are causing this. If he dives tomorrow I will take him to the emergency vet.
  3. Our landlord lives behind us and they said they put rat sack in the roof many years ago. That area of the roof can no longer be accessed because they boarded it up for some reason. We searched the property high and low for anything Sweep might have gotten into.. and we turned up nothing. I am worried to treat him for fleas at present because he is not well, I don't want to make things worse.
  4. Quick update on Sweep. I don't think he is doing well again. He isn't vomiting, but his gums are pale and he is moving around slowly. All this began again when I put him back on red raw meat and some Eukanuba dry food. He has been drinking plenty of water - a little more than he usually would. Last night he followed me into the lounge room and stopped and peed on the floor, it was as if he couldn't hold on any longer and went right where he was standing. Tonight he will be getting boiled chicken and rice in some of the broth. My vet is open on Monday so I shall take him down again - but I can't imagine what she will say, he had a whole bunch of tests when he was last there. eta: we have a flea problem in this new house we moved to with, along with the rat problem in the roof. I have been treating them with Capstar and Advantage and occasional flea baths. None of the other dogs are unwell, but could he be reacting to the fleas? He doesn't have a rash and isn't biting himself. At most they have a few fleas on them at a time.
  5. Thanks Cyn, I do think his weight was a contribution Norty mummy has let him have too many treats! (much like mummy and daddy )
  6. A quick up date to let everybody know that Sweep went downhill again for a few days - was not interested in food and lost more weight. But upon further mushing up of his chicken and simmering it in it's broth for longer, he is sucking it down. His energy is now back to what it was before he became sick and he does not have diabetes! So conclusion is that his liver and pancreas was unwell and stopped producing insulin. Whether this was due to an infection in his organs or overload of the drugs he was on, I am not sure. He had another course of AB's and he has finished those and appears happier than ever, and is a more reasonable weight He was 5.9 kg and this week at the vets was 4.6kgs. Going to keep the little man on the trimmer side from now on!
  7. I only have one I can think of, but it was not taken with a digital camera. Will see if I can dig it up and get OH to take it to work and scan it in. It's a picture of myself and Ricko back when he was still at the rescue shelter before I officially adopted him.
  8. Would you get this from a pharmacy? Or Health food shop. Can get it from Woolies, thats where I get mine. It's will all the other honey products.
  9. Where are you located? Maybe a DOLer groomer could have a look at her and make some suggestions? Also, has she been checked by a vet if this is an unusual amount of hair for her? She could be loosing hair because of a health reason.
  10. Sweep is doing really well. He was soooo happy to see me when I picked him up last night! He is on a diet of cooked chicken and rice and oh boy he loves it. ;) He has perked back, almost to 100% himself. I'm so happy to have him back, the house feels complete again. Initial thoughts from the vet and specialist who did his blood work is that he does not have Diabeties, that this was just his pancreas not working properly. He is on a course of ABs and I am taking him back in on Friday for a check up.
  11. Oh yes I forgot about Advance, I've used that too and it's ok. I usually throw out all the fat at the bottom of the Natures Gift cans. Same i dont give them the bottom part. That said, I only use maybe 5-10 cans a year, its really just an emergency back up option.
  12. Thanks Longclaw I feel so relieved, I have had enough of crying and worrying! eta: even if he does turn out to be Diabetic, at least that is manageable.
  13. I would suggest getting them weighed at a vets and finding out exactly how underweight they are. No offence meant, but time and time again I see healthy weight dogs and people telling the owners that they are too thin.
  14. Another vote for Nature Gift here. Except the other day I gave our big dogs Chum.. cause they were feeling a bit blocked up
  15. Vet said I can come down at 5pm to get him The test results are still not back yet to confirm is he is Diabetic, but they might be back this arvo when I get in.
  16. Thanks everybody, will let you all know the outcome tomorrow
  17. Good news, Sweep didn't vomit last night! The vet is going to offer some food to him tonight and see if he can keep it down. If he is still ok then I can pick him up tomorrow morning! I will be taking him back for glucose tests to see if it was short term insulin thing or is he is diabetic.
  18. I can't believe it was almost 2 years ago that I started this thread I have had many inquires for the drafts of the book, and a few pages have been released. Please be aware and respect that these are only a draft and are not to be published. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the foster carer book, and I have been working on it in small pieces, but I have had such a crazy past 1.5 years with Cordy's Rescue closing, my health taking a major dive and now my relationship is on the rocks. I do have every intention of completing the book and when it is finished and ready for publication rest assured DOL will be the first place to hear about it!!
  19. Many.. many years ago according to Wiki Listerine was invented in the 19th century as powerful surgical antiseptic. It was later sold, in very distilled form, as floor cleaner and cure for gonorrhea. But it wasn't runaway success until the 1920s, when it was pitched as solution for "chronic halitosis", the faux medical term that the Listerine advertising group created in 1921 to describe bad breath.
  20. He is very particular about who he plays with, but if he likes the dog, he does get into some play! Sometimes that may turn into a humping fest if the two dogs get too excited Ricko and Sweep are best buddies and do everything together. Ricko has been a bit low since Sweep has been at the vets. The night before I took Sweep to the vet, Ricko lay by him and kept looking at him and licking in his direction. Ricko is the whitish one. Ricko and Sweep having a nap Another shot of Sweep showing more body
  21. Here is another pic of him where you can see more of his body
  22. Hi Guys Sorry got on DOL a bit late today! Spoke to this vet this morning and Sweep stopped vomiting when she gave him an injection for this, but once the injection wore off he started vomiting again Also, where the IV is in his vein, the drip was blocked with fat. She is going to do another blood test to find out how much fat is in his blood. Why would he have fat in his blood? He is a little over weight, but I wouldn't say he was dangerously over weight and my vet has never mentioned that he is overweight and should go on a diet. Aside from those two things he is doing well, perked up even a tiny bit more.
  23. Ulstrasound by specialist for my old boy was $400. earlier this year. I am not sure where your vet is getting the $2k from? A specialist consult is usually around the $100 - $200 mark and then go from there with treatment and tests. Maybe she was thinking at the end of all the treatment he could end up needing...? Thanks for all the well wishes, I can't stop thinking about him, but I am trying to keep myself occupied.
  24. These are all possibilities that my vet has mentioned, but right now I can't afford to shoot him straight off to the specialist. So we are going to try the insulin first and if that doesn't help then he will go to the specialist (and I will sell my soul )
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