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Everything posted by shmoo

  1. ^^^ And I am a groomer... there is no N/A for the second option, so I did not vote.
  2. I can maybe bring one.. just depends on how many dogs I bring.
  3. My boy eats Royal Canin dry and canned and loves it. He also eats boiled chicken breast (breast only as it's the lowest in fat) What is the name of the insulin she is on? Certain brands will make the dog always feel hungry, which helps if you have a fussy dog.
  4. It's 6.30pm here out in the West and it's stinking hot. Mornings until around 11am are nice.
  5. Looks to me like a GSD that loves and protects its toy and a silly puppy that doesn't know boundaries.
  6. How much would you do one for a greyhound? It would need to be about half the size of Dexters which looks about 30cms.
  7. Dexters collar is now staying on! Clearly I was letting it soak up too much water.
  8. As if I would hang out with you. Jk I would love some shots of Hazel in a santa hat for the December page of my calendar (you know the one)! Can we arrange it soon?
  9. My dogs.. that never chew their beds.. went nuts for a sheepskin blanket I got. The moment I came inside the gate with it the two big dogs were tugging at it.
  10. You want him to experience grooming a positive light. Ditch the Cesar Millian techniques, he might only get worse. This kind of thing takes time and trust. Stick with the one groomer who knows what they are doing.
  11. Poor girl. Is she coping ok with it? It looks painful! Is this her first time using Advocate? If not, what did you use before?
  12. Actually yes sorry Danois is right, Satin Balls are too fatty.
  13. I don't know why.. maybe ask a BB breeder?
  14. For years I used the higher speed. Until recently Clyde got me using the lower speed. I have found no difference in the quality of the cut but I have noticed the blades not getting hot as quickly.
  15. My old boss paid $3000 for her bitch a few years ago. So yup that price is about right.
  16. Ok, well its been cold here and the collar is pretty limp. Have not used it for 2 days. Will soak it for 30 secs and see how that goes! Thanks for your help :D
  17. Thanks for your reply :D He doesn't shake when it goes on, he really does not seem to mind it on. He is used to wearing his martingale collar. I think the problem is it is too wet. The collar is hard to fold when I put it on, it's likely that its too heavy. I will try soaking it for less time (5 mins?) and put it on and see if it says on. Sometimes I see him shake, like a regular dog shake, and it comes off. Other times he has it on, we go out, come back and its off. Hazel and Dex do run around doing zoomies in the yard sometimes, so that could make it come off.
  18. Dex still manages to shake his off. Should I be draining more water from it before putting it on him? Currently I towel dry it.
  19. Agreed, full time would not be a good idea. Sorry I was not specific. I just got excited at the idea of chaps on dogs
  20. Not sure exactly how. Perhaps ring some tailors and explain what you need, then she should be able to tell you what measurements they require. ETA: You would measure with a tailors measuring tape.
  21. Dexter currently is wearing his from the ebay link in this thread. He shook his head and it came off though Might have to have the tailor make it more secure.
  22. Sounds like you need some chaps! If you can measure the dimensions, a tailor could probably make them for you.
  23. Ditto. Just the thought of your story makes my stomach churn.
  24. I agree, and don't take her lightly Lassiecomehome. Who knows what this woman really is capable of. At least go down to the station and let them know the story and show them the threatening letters you have received. They may stipulate you take an AVO out on her, and I would advise doing so. ETA: To remove your real name.
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