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Everything posted by tlc

  1. Heres mine for today. i havent really been happy with anythign I have done so far these ones are so ho hum, will have to have a rethink for tomorow!! I think the next 2 would have been much better on a black background
  2. Fab shots guys, Lea I love the ghosty shots, your Daughter is very patient she makes a great model. I think the second one has a ghostly feel to it!! Im loving the instrument shots too.
  3. Great shots since my last post, this thread is flying along. RJ, yours are great for a first attempt!! If you dont want the light trails try using a light source not so concentrated and but sometimes the trials can add effect. If anyone is going to try writing with light a lighter is great as you can stop and start it at every word so they dont run into each other but leave the shutter open long enough to write your word or draw your pattern.
  4. Thanks Tez, it has been a really tough few weeks, so the next few days Ill be chilling out. Ill probly be at training on Sunday, so I might see you then.
  5. Awesome Ash very clever!! DD Yours is electrifying!! Very cool!!
  6. R&A thats pretty good for a phone pic!! Following on from Vickie and Kirislins pics here is another flower one. I was reasonable pleased how it turned out. With one the light is coming from underneith and the other the lgiht is going over the top. Looking forward to your bionicles Ash.
  7. I think TV on your camera is shutter priority, on mine shutter is s and apeture is A. You can use M mode which then you would have to decide what aperture to have the camera on as well and I think if your only starting out it is easier to let the camera set the apeture (how wide the lense opens) I havent watched the utube link. I just had a play. Use a torch with not so much concerntrated light in the middle and as Ash said stand a bit further back to get a more subtle light balance. You can go with the light under the subject or over the subject. (check out my recent ones, I am going to post them after this post.) You can just paint the light over the subject or I tried also to just turn the torch on and off for about a second but still leave the shutter at 5 seconds or 10 have a practice with both. To get the shutter to stay open once you have it on tv mode you shoudl be able to see a number on your screen get the number to go to 1 that is 1 second so then just keep going till you get it to 5 or 10 which ever you decide. Hope this has been helpful.
  8. Love it, who needs a tripod!! Well done.
  9. Well done Pandii. Vickie your shot is superb!!
  10. How you going with it? Do you have any to show yet. Heres a simple task. Set your iso at 200 and your camera on Shutter priority ( I think on your camera that is TV) then set your shutter to stay open for 5 seconds. Set your camera on a tripod or something sturdy aim it at the subject click your camera to take the pic and then run the torch over what ever your subject is. Do it in a dark room. If you are having trouble use a stationary object it is much easier than using a moving object. Get one of the kids to sit for you and they have to be very still while you run the light over thier face. If you have the shutter open for longer there is more room for error while your learning. Good luck cant wait to see what you come up with. RJ are you having a go at the challenge this month??
  11. Thanks for the kind thoughts, the funeral was lovely, the service was reallly nice. We have just got home, I still have a few days off work so will be about for a walk whenever.
  12. Awesome pics Shell, especially love the third one. Ripley, the parrots are not bad considering they would be extremely hard to shoot in these circumstances. I didnt factor in the subject moving either!! Good idea about covering the torch, also I think I need to get a softer light, big jim is just too bright.
  13. Whats everyone up to on the weekend? anyone wanna walk Saturday arvo or Sunday Arvo. I dont go back to work till Monday. We have the funeral today so it will be a tough day. Im just organising some photos to take to the wake, I have a lot of pics of Nan with my doggies and some others I thought Id take along. Anyway hoe there is someone about to have a walk on the weekend weather permitting.
  14. Hi I had the same sort of thing and I did a bit of experimenting, I found if you graduly kind of flow the light over the subject and kind of avoid the brightest part of the light you get a more subtle result. Also and Im not sure if this is the right thing to do, I used the focus on auto i lit the subject to focus then I turned the torch off but still held the focus so once the shutter went off I turned the torch back on and slowly put 5 seconds worth of light over the pup. Hope this makes sense. May be try putting your iso down to 200?? Hope this helps others may have better advice??
  15. I think it depends what sort of light source you use. With the ones i took, I just hovered the torch (big jim) for a sec then that was it. The ones that I went back and forth with were too blown out and over exposed. I am really looking forward to having a good go and getting a few different results. Im loving everyoens pics so far!!
  16. TN, your shot is great it looks like a real city, or perhaps an opera theatre!!
  17. Huga, top shot of your little pug, he looks so snug!! Ha a snug pug...LOL where did you get his little jacket form it looks so nice, did you make it?? V01, I totally agree with the pana being an excellent camera but you are so right about the action shots, just not quite fast enough, do you have a type of slr in mind?? Cat lovely shot, is the pup yours, he/she very cute!!
  18. Great shots everyone, Vizsla 01, your are awesome so clear, What sort of pana is your camera. I have a Nikon D80 now but started with a pana fz20 then the fz 50 which I have still got they are awesome cameras!! You have given me a great idea with the car shots, thanks for that!! Some of mine for tonight, not to bad for a first go at something still with a long exposure, I thought it would be easier but it wasn't. I used the camera on Shutter priority and the iso was 200 and i used a 5 sec exposure, for every shot. The room was dark so the only light source was a torch
  19. This challenge sounds very interesting, great shots so far PB and Roc, Im gona try some stuff with the dogs, not sure how it will pan out, but it will be a welcome distraction atm. Looking forward to seeing everyones shots. Is the challenge meant to be a pic a day or just post a pic when ever??
  20. Oh I had totally forgotten about the CD sorry. My Nan passed away this morning so it has been a very rough couple of days. She is at peace now, so more suffereing, I hope I dont ever have to go through what Ive just been through ever again!!
  21. Sorry Tanya, Im not into Tupperware much, have a cupboard full of plastic ware!! Pandii, is it Sam who had glandualr fever, you said she was sick but thought she was on the mend, what happened did she get worse over the weekend?? Poor Kid hope she is ok.
  22. Sounds interesting, looking forward to hearing more!!
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