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Everything posted by tlc

  1. thats discusting, Some people should not be allowed to own dogs at all!!
  2. I think it is not only the poodle crosses, I have known people with Poodles and Bichon friese (sp) Maltese etc who have let coat go so the poor dog ending up in such a mattered state that it has to be clipped off to practically skin!! I will agree however the markeing stratagies but the stupid puppy farmers and pet shops selling these dogs is so ridiculous. And people believe them because they dont know any better. Looking aftyer a poodle cross coat is no different than looking after a poodle coat they need regular brushing and regular clipping. Im sure a lot of poodle owner would agree if they let thier poodles go for a length of time then they would be a mess. I think it should be a basic requirment of any dog with a long coat to be brushed and in general looked after like people with long hair, you just do it but unfortunatley as you all know there are people out there that just dont get a dog and look after it. It really isn't that hard, I have 4 and not a problem with coats, no matts no knots, regular brushing and clipping takes care of that and in general they are very well looked after and cared for, I also have a lot of oodle friends who care for thier dogs like I do, so not all oodle owners are as hopeless as some that have been mentioned here previously, but the ratio of uncared for oodle coats I think would outweigh the cared for ones. I feel for gorromers such as your self having to deal witth idiot owners and also the poor suffering dogs at the hands of such owners.
  3. Hi Munchin, Ill be about tomorow, Only arvo though, what about around 1ish?
  4. he looks like a sweet heart, How old is he?? Your little boy is cute too!!
  5. WHat sort of dog is he? Is it possible he has a grass seed and you just cant see it cause it has gone in to far??
  6. Hi Munchin, hows your pack going? All good I hope, any chance of a catch up before christmas??
  7. So many great pics this month and now it has come to an end!! SBT your little girl is so adorable, love the b & W one!! I havent taken as many as Id like today but here is the last couple from me all taken tonight while we were out for our run.
  8. they are so awesome!! Zero is a lovely looking boy and he looks like he loves to pose, and with a happy face not like my big boy :nahnah: How do you get your siggy to be long and squished, Mine always looks too high and it will proply get taken off cause it is too big like the last one but I dont know how to make it longer and not so high??
  9. :D Im thinking Cooper would like to join the I hate xmas brigade, check out the expression.....not happy Jan!!! Hey Shell you got any pics to pop up from the new lense, I know Im gonna be soooo jelous!! I have the 50mm 1.8 will have to do with it for a while longer it is a great little lense for the money, I only paid $100 for mine.
  10. Just beautiful, are you going to use that shot for your xmas cards??
  11. oh Linda thats aweful!! Hope you and the doggies are ok. Bummer getting lost in Melb too, its a hell of a place to nav around if you get lost, all roads lead to the middle :rolleyes: I still manage to get myself lost even with the sat nav Tez, missed you at training yesterday, hope you can come next week and I hope the weather is good for it too being the last day of the year and there is going to be extra dogs as the SEDA pups are joining us for thier Xmas break up too, so it should be a good day!! Hows everyone else, JJ are you over pups yet? or have this lot been little treasures, not long now till they go to thier new homes!! Bunnings is getting busier by the day now with Xmas fast approaching and the weather being so nice, everyone seems to be painting and decorating for the festive season and of course buying Xmas presents!!
  12. Georgous Huga, the first one looks like he is thinking did someone say Christmas!!
  13. So by Chrismassy do you mean you already have the tree up?? Maybe that would inspire me also putting the tree up?? Cant wait to see everyones photos, this month will be fun I think!!
  14. Oh Oh me first!! Im excited about this because Im hoping it will bring my Xmas spirit back I Know its not the first yet but here is my little reindeer, she doesnt look too impressed!!
  15. awww they are the cutest shots, love the one where she is looking strait at the camera!!
  16. I have varied responses from mine in needing to to out to the loo, my oldest used to go to the door and cry, the next oldest goes to the door or to me and barks, (she only barks if she wants out or the loo) my youngest girl was brilliant with going to the door at a very early age but if we didnt see her she would just pee at the door so we got a bell tied it to the door and she now rings the bell, took her two goes to figure it out and she also rings the bell to let us know the cat is sitting outside wanting to come in my OH didnt believe the bell would work but I recommend it to anyone, its great so my youngest learnt at a very early age bell means I come to let him out. Now my oldest rings the bell as well. But the funny thing is the bell is tied to the front door and I used to let them out there on a lead but now that they are older they go out the back, i didnt bother moving the bell and they just know ring the bell and then go to the back door so it still works a treat.. I use like a mini cow type bell as I wanted it to have the deeper tone so it would wake me at night as one of mine (the one that just sat by the door waiting) usually goes out at least once during the night but the others all sleep through. She is funny too if she is busting or if I dont get up to let her out immediatly the bell gets louder and louder :D All I did to teach her is when she was due to go out I just taped her foot on the bell everytime and strait out and that was one evening and the next evening she was doing it by herself.
  17. Lovely shots Helen, love your work, hope you post more soon!!
  18. My oldest when he had his vacc at 16 weeks, He had c5 and it was the final (so I think only k9 cough booster) we left the vets and within 1/2 an hour his face, eyes, nose, mouth etc was so swelled up he could hardly breath or see, we werent far from the vets so we raced back, at this stage Cooper breathing was quite shallow and I was in panic mode, the vet gave him an antihistamine injection and said it wasnt a commonly seen reaction but sometimes the k9 cough only vaccine can cause this type of reaction. It took a good few hours for the swelling to go down but he did come good eventually. The scary thing was when the vet said if we had of just taken him home and left him to his own devices he would have swollen up so much and would have died cause he would have suffocated from the swelling. Needless to say I was so nervous when I had the other 3 done and even now when they have any vaccinations I make sure they are with me all day.
  19. That depends on who is in the shower at the time. You beat me to the punch, On my loo I can see straight into our bathroom with clear view of the shower Great shot Ruthless!! What inspires one to take the camera to the loo Ah dogs of course!! Do they know they are not alowed in or was it a fluke shot?? or did you make them lay and stay?
  20. Hope it all goes well, Im betting my friend from work will be one of his best customers!! Might have to pop down for a look.
  21. So many great shots, loving the xmas shots!! Charch and Henry have so much christmas spirit. Look at thier faces priceless!!
  22. Sorry Jess, I cant be of much help, just hope Darcy comes better soon!! Staff'n'Toller Just in relation to the marrow bones, why is the marrow bad for dogs?? I dont feed Marrow bones at all to my lot, they have bones but just not marrow bones. But our old dog (lived till he was 16) had a marrow bone every week and always ate all the marrow out of it?? Just curious!
  23. My youngest boy stated cocking his leg at 9 weeks, it was a bit of a shock to see him do it that young, do they really copy of other dogs I wonder if he would have done it so young if he had been the only dog?? My oldest was nearly 2 before he cocked his leg.
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