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Everything posted by tlc

  1. Thanks Shell, having a bath is about the saddest he can look, he tolerates it and is very well behaved but really would rather be anywhere else. Your job sounds great a lot more exciting than tinting paint!!
  2. Wow so many great photos in the last day, These pics are my big boy Cooper Jay and the hardships he has to endure Absolutley love the frog shot Janet just amazing!! Gila your boy is very handsome!! PC, Morgan is as cute as ever. Ness your BC looks like the book he is reading has put him to sleep LL Your cradle mountain shot has a very eerie feel about it. So much yummy food making me hungry!! BB love the eyebrow. Shell can I ask you what you do at your work?? if its not a secret!! To many to comment on all so good!!
  3. I never stated what my dog was so how would they know?? there was just a disclaimer on the front page that said if you were new you couldnt join. but i tryed to join anyway then they just said no you cant join cause your new Too many BC's and Poodle crosses, wouldnt that be discrimination?? IS flickr all about pure bred dogs? BC's are pure breds? Bit wierd I think!!
  4. Ok think I have figured it out!! heres the link to my 52 weeks http://www.flickr.com/photos/38795548@N03/...57623023101707/ heres week one, it is one of the ones I used in the Jan challenge but just love it so thought Id use it for this as well.
  5. I think I will still create a new set and do it anyway, also if everyone is going to add thier pics here I will too. Is it the same when uploading to flickr that you make the files smaller like u you would for photobucket? Im guessing yes.
  6. I went to join but found I couldnt join because of this TO NEW flickr-MEMBERS: sorry, you will not be admitted. You need to be a contributing member on flickr to be a part of this group. Also, please consider the fact that if you are new to flickr (like a month or two), you might not be ready for a group like this. We expect all members to be well-versed with how flickr works and be active and participating within the flickr community. thank you. Im really disapointed now but I guess nothings stopping me from just uploading a pic a week and just do it myself out of the group. So will everyone post thier pics here as well?? If so I might just do that. I was a member of flickr but up till tonight I had an account but never posted any pics.
  7. Great shots so far guys, Id really like to do this with my oldest boy Cooper but IM not sure my pics are even good enough to have a crack, them might look lame next to everyone elses. TN just love Rockstar!!
  8. I cant believe it day 5 and we are already up to 43 pages So awesome, too many pics to comment on but everyones are just fantastic!! Suprise suprise no dog ones for me again today!! Instead I shot my Husbands love aside from me of course A light outside our front door. And my work!!
  9. Same I just mucked about till I figured out what everything did, only just discovered you could remove blemishes about a week ago and ive had the program for over 12 months
  10. I see you have had a change of heart about lightroom, it is a fab program! I havent figured out how to do borders in lightroom so I do all mine in picnik or photobucket, I find Picnik is easier casue you can then save the image back to your pc at whatever size you like, you can also add text to photos too. heres the link to picnik http://www.picnik.com/app#/home/welcome you can also do other cool stuff with it too, some of the features are unavailable unless you pay. Oh the other thing is why cant you just install LR on the pc that has PS on it or visa versa??
  11. Yep it sure did!! A whole can full and it is nearly half gone and I have only eaten about 4 black ones and that was only cause I was taking the photos and they looked so nice but my OH loves them, thats his hand!!
  12. Lucianne, interesting shot, is it an old jack of some sort?
  13. Another day and more great shots, GG, your neighbours cat looks like a sweetie! Becks, Great shots, i always find it amazing how it can be so freezing cold on one side of the world and so stinking hot on the other redangel, Im sure y our birdie looks like he is smiling, hes cute as a button! Ams poor lonley Labby! I wish my toy box could keep soft toy in it, they last about 2 minutes around here!! Kirislin, your house guest looks like a little darling, those eyes!! Kja, love your lobo shot and how he is looking directly at you! heres mine for today, some might be glad its not another dog shot for a change!! Actually I couldnt decide so there are 4 and just because the black ones are the best
  14. OMG your luck has to start changing this year, what an aweful start to your holiday. But glad to hear you still had a good time. Hey are you continuing with training this year??
  15. Hi Tez, So sorry to hear about Eddie, it sure sounds like your sis did everything in her power to do the right thing by him. Lets hope they find him another home soon. Dont beat yourself up that you werent there to help out because it sounds like from the problems he had that the outcome would have been the same anyway. Apart from the drama with Eddie how was your holiday and your Christmas and New years? Hope you had a nice time away and enjoyed every minute of it.
  16. Fab shots as always, beautiful doggies!!
  17. Congrats, well done to you both!!!
  18. Geez I leave this thread for a little while and I come back to pages RJ, whats up with RJ, usually he is so willing to be a model, he looks totally peed off in the photo great capture really shows his mood, love the flowers too!! PC, another great Top shot, he is so cute! Snap and BT your Cavys are both so sweet!! Erin, cute puppy pic!! PM love the second shot, such a cute face!!
  19. Oh thats aweful. the dog should not have been on the road!! Dont beat yourself up over this it is not your friends fault, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and you did everything right you stopped you offered your help they were obviously irrational because of the shock of thier dog being run over but I bet they are beating themselves up today over not having the dog safe with them where he should have been. RIP little doggy.
  20. Bec, there is something definatly mysterious about thoses boots and clothes but i love the shot, the editing is great!! Huga, your bub is growing so quick, he is so cute, love all the eyes shut in the pool too!
  21. I had a little photoshoot today some action shots with the dogs and thought since the 50 mm was already on the camera Id give it a go not expecting anything and heres the result, what a versatile little lense!
  22. FD, love love love the last shot!! Just beautiful!!
  23. More great shots since I was last here, everyone is really putting in on this one!! Mine for today, yes more dog shots but action this time, taken with the 50mm, for a cheap lense it is certainly very versatile, I was suprised how these came out it was kind of an experiment and I wasnt expecting them to be so clear!! Happy boy now that he is out and about! Tully Jo chasing the ball.
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