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Everything posted by Chopperlodge

  1. Our girl is almost 6 weeks now and only just starting to show (turns out there are a few in there). You really wouldnt know just looking at her as she just looks well fed. Congrats to both of you :nahnah:
  2. I heard pricesfrom $2000 for pet and from $3000 for an export puppy.
  3. Oooh, more babies...Congrats The Ark what a lovely girl, I like the merle....
  4. OOOOOOOh looks like a belly there Here is a pic of Indy @ 28days today,
  5. My girl is a maiden too, but she has already lost her beautiful bottom line :rolleyes: Your girl sounds like she has some little ones hiding too... I usually get them ultrasounded but we have had such a rotten year so thought that I wasn't gonna do it this time, and am doing much the same as you....x-ray in the 8th week.. Fingers crossed for you
  6. Congrats kelpiesrule We have 1 here that there is no doubts about, she is much the same, 4 weeks and already belly there with the boobies starting too, will have to wait a week to know about our other girl but she is an easy one as she will stop eating at 3 weeks in whelp..
  7. OOOOh Santa is going to be busy this year with a couple of litters (fingers crossed for luck) due on xmas day...
  8. We have had a rotten year with bitches missing & reabsorbing, here's hoping for a bit better luck and now everything is crossed for the 2 matings done. Litter due 8th and the other due 25th.......(both yet to be confirmed, but the first bitch is looking verrrry promising) Good luck for everyone expecting in December
  9. This list is just brilliant.... My guys love their fruit & veg but there is alot more on your list that I will mix in too, Your way of mixing and storing sounds alot more practical too....THANKS
  10. Have just e-mailed with a list for the Bull Terriers, well the ones that I could think of off hand anyway.
  11. Glad to hear all went well. He will learn how to go about it but I would be supervising just in case. Mine have been getting a couple every 2 weeks as a treat and I still supervise. The girls are great but our boy still tries to eat his whole. Its totally up to you but ours only get them once every 2 weeks as a treat, 2 each, and that's it, nothing else for that day. For all other meals they get a mix of dry food, mince & veges. I personally wouldn't be feeding just the chicken each day, not a balanced diet for them.
  12. It was originally the other way around here. He wanted the dog, harped for years until I gave in and now it and all the rest are mine. He gets them for a short play time after work but otherwise he has to fight me for 'em. Also was one that didn't allow pets of any kind in the house, well that didn't last. They have their own lounge right next to the fireplace in winter and can come and go as they please.
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